44 research outputs found

    A new species of Tephritis Latreille (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Iran

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    Tephritis nozarii sp. n. from East Azerbaijan Province (NorthWest of Iran) is described and illustrated. It is similar to T. hendeliana Hering, T. hyosciami Linnaeus and T. multiguttata Becker in its pale brownish grey wing pattern, differing by the number of hyaline spots in marginal part of r1 cell and some other details of pattern. Cell r1 in T. nozarii sp. n. contains 3 subequally large spots (resembling some Campiglossa species), a character rarely encountered in Tephritis

    New Data on the Signal Flies of the Genus Platystoma (Diptera, Platystomatidae) in the Fauna of Iran Platystoma

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    As a result of studies of the signal flies in Iran, 5 species of the genus Platystoma Meigen (P. chrysotoxum Hendel, P. dimidiatum Hendel, P. elegans Hendel, P. pubescens Loew and P. rufipes Meigen) are recorded for the first time for Iranian fauna.В результате изучения мух-сигнальщиц в Иране, 5 видов рода Platystoma Meigen P. chrysotoxum Hendel, P. dimidiatum Hendel, P. elegans Hendel, P. pubescens Loew и P. rufipes Meigen) впервые отмечены в фауне Ирана.I am grateful to Dr. Valery A. Korneyev (I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine) for confirmation of identification of specimens, review of early versions of this manuscript and valuable comments. I thank Andrew E. Whittington (Aberystwyth, Wales, UK) for reviewing manuscriript and valuable comments

    A New Species of the Genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Iran

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    Tephritis tridentata S. Korneyev and Mohamadzade Namin, sp. n. reared from the flower heads of Jurinea baissunensis Iljin in South-Eastern Kazakhstan, Western Turkmenistan and Southern Iran is described. It is similar to T. bardanae Schrank, T. dilacerata Loew, T. formosa Loew, T. kovalevi V. Korneyev et Kameneva, T. valida Loew and T. zernyi Hering in the widely brown wing pattern with two dark spots at apices of veins R4+5 and M (instead of apical fork) and three spots (two large hyaline and one small yellowish ) in cell r1, differing from all known species by having three brown bar-like crossbands in the posterior half of the wing (diffusely spotted in compared species).Описан Tephritis tridentata S. Korneyev and Mohamadzade Namin, sp. n. из Юго-Восточного Казахстана, Западного Туркменистана и Южного Ирана, выведенный из соцветий Jurinea baissunensis Iljin. Новый вид сходен с T. bardanae Schrank, T. dilacerata Loew, T. formosa Loew, T. kovalevi V.?Korneyev et Kameneva, T. valida Loew и T. zernyi Hering по таким признакам, как развитый крыловой рисунок с двумя темными пятнами на вершинах жилок R4+5 и M?(вместо апикальной вилки) и трёх пятен (двух крупных и одного мелкого желтого ) в ячейке r1, отличаясь от всех видов наличием трех перевязей в задней части крыла, разделенных двумя прозрачными промежутками с ровными краями (вместо диффузного пятнистого рисунка у сравниваемых видов)

    The first report of two new genera of the subfamily Tephritinae (Dip.: Tephritidae) from Iran

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    طی مطالعه‌ی مگس‌های خانواده‌ی Tephritidae در استان‌های آذربایجان غربی، آذربایجان شرقی، اردبیل و کردستان، دو گونه به نام‌های‌ Euaresta bullans (Wiedemann, 1830) و Sphenella marginata (Fallén, 1814) شناسایی گردید که هر دو جنس و گونه برای اولین‌بار از ایران گزارش می‌شوند

    New Data on the Subfamily Otitinae (Diptera, Ulidiidae) in the Fauna of Iran

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    As a result of studies on picture-wing flies of the subfamily Otitinae in 2008–2011, Ceroxys robusta (Loew), C. munda (Loew), Herina rivosecchii Merz, Melieria subapennina (Rondani) and Myennis octopunctata (Coquebert) are recorded for the first time from Iran, and H. rivosecchii is recorded for the first time from Asia.В результате изучения мух-лентокрылок подсемейства Otitinae в Иране в 2008—2011 гг., Ceroxys robusta (Loew), C. munda (Loew), Herina rivosecchii Merz, Melieria subapennina (Rondani) и Myennis octopunctata (Coquebert) отмечены впервые для фауны Ирана, а H. rivosecchii также впервые зарегистрирован в Азии

    The Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Tehran Province, with New Records for Iranian Fauna

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    As the result of studies of the tephritid flies in Tehran Province (Iran) in 2008–2009, 38 species of 22 genera are found to occur in this region; altogether 47 species are listed; of them, 9 species and 2 genera (Chetostoma and Xyphosia) are recorded for the first time for Iranian fauna. In addition, Steptorrhamphus tuberosus is reported as a new host plant for Ensina sonchi.В результате исследований мух-пестрокрылок в провинции Тегеран (Иран) в 2008–2009 гг. обнаружены 38 видов из 22 родов; приведен список 47 видов, известных из района исследований, из которых 9 видов и 2 рода (Chetostoma и Xyphosia) впервые отмечены в фауне Ирана. Кроме того, Steptorrhamphus tuberosus указан как новое кормовое растение Ensina sonchi.We are grateful to Dr. Valery A. Korneyev (I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine) for confirmation of identification of specimens, review of early versions of this manuscript and valuable comments. We also thank Dr. Bernhard Merz (Muse´um d’histoire naturelle, Gene`ve, Switzerland) for sending reprints and kind assistance during our studies of Tephritidae. We also thank Ms Masoumi, University of Teheran, for identification of host plants

    Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of commercial populations of Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera, Apidae) with wild populations in Eastern Asia

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    The bumblebee, Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera, Apidae), plays a vital role in pollination in Northeast Asia, including Korea, China, Japan, and Far East Russia. Understanding the genetic makeup of the population can aid in its conservation. This study explores the DNA barcode region of cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI) of B. ignitus in commercial populations from Korea and Japan. The results reveal low intraspecific genetic diversity among commercially reared populations, with a maximum sequence divergence of 0.3%. Analysis of a 458-bp region of the COI gene, including 384 previously reported sequences, identified 20 haplotypes with the highest sequence divergence of 2.01% in East Asia. Commercial populations show a genetic similarity primarily with the Japanese population. Cross-mating with native populations could result in competition and genetic contamination, leading to reduced fitness and sensitivity to future environmental conditions. Morphological similarities make monitoring of such effects challenging. This study provides a basis for further research on population studies, conservation, and commercialization of local populations of B. ignitus for better pollination services while minimizing risks of reducing genetic diversity and increasing competition between native and introduced populations

    Revision of the Terellia virens Group (Diptera, Tephritidae) with Description of Three New Species

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    The Terellia virens group includes eight species of uniformly greenish flies with white setulose abdomens and hyaline wings, variable in the characters of the male and female terminalia. Three new species are described and illustrated: Terellia freidbergi sp. n. from Middle and Near East, from flower heads of Centaurea behen L., T. ivannikovi V. Korneyev et Evstigneev, sp. n. from European Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, breeding in flower heads of Ce. chartolepis Greuter, and T. whitei V.?Korneyev et Mohamadzade, sp. n. reared from flower heads of Cousinia spp. in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Illustrated diagnoses or redescriptions of other species and a key to the species of Terellia with hyaline wings and white setulose abdominal tergites are given.Группа Terellia virens включает в себя 8 видов однообразно зеленоватых мух с прозрачными крыльями и беловолосистым брюшком, отличающихся строеним гениталий самцов и самок. Описаны Terellia freidbergi sp. n. со Среднего и Ближнего Востока, выведенная из соцветий Centaurea behen?L., T. ivannikovi V.?Korneyev et Evstigneev, sp. n. из Европейской России, Казахстана и Узбекистана, развивающейся в соцветиях Ce. chartolepis Greuter, и T. whitei V. Korneyev et Mohamadzade, sp. n. связанная с соцветиями Cousinia spp. в Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Туркменистане и Иране. Представлены также иллюстрированные переописания других видов и определительная таблица видов рода Terellia c прозрачными крыльями и беловолосистыми тергитами брюшка

    Exploring genetic variation and phylogenetic patterns of Tropilaelaps mercedesae (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) populations in Asia

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    IntroductionThe mites belonging to the genus Tropilaelaps are ectoparasites of honey bees, primarily infesting the larval and pupal stages. Originating from subtropical regions, these mites can cause brood malformation, bee mortality, and subsequent decline or absconding of colonies.Material and methodsDuring field surveys conducted in Nepal, South Korea, and Uzbekistan to investigate honey bee pests, several populations of T. mercedesae were collected. This is the first record of T. mercedesae from Uzbekistan. The morphological characteristics of the collected populations were analyzed, and their phylogenetic relationship with other Asian populations was examined.Results and discussionThe molecular analysis of cytochrome oxidase I gene revealed high similarity between Uzbekistan and Pakistan populations, signaling the potential invasion of subtropical honey bee parasites into the Central Asian beekeeping sectors. Phylogenetic analysis indicated the presence of four distinct lineages within the mainland-Indonesian populations of T. mercedesae. Notably, an evolutionary divergence was observed between the haplotypes from Sri Lanka and the Philippines compared to the remaining mainland Asian and Indonesian haplotypes, suggesting the possible existence of subspecies or separate species in these isolated locations. To gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, it is essential to continue monitoring the spread of this significant honey bee pest and conduct comprehensive morphological and molecular analyses of samples collected from these specific localities