28 research outputs found

    Experience in teaching and learning group work among counsellor educators and counselling trainees

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    This research aims to explore the experiences of counsellor educators and counselling trainees of teaching and learning group work. Group work is one of the core courses that aims to prepare trainee counsellors to be group work leaders. However, there is no specific research that explores the preparation of counselling trainees for group work practice from both traineesā€™ and educatorsā€™ perspectives. In this qualitative study, the counsellor educatorsā€™ and counselling traineesā€™ experiences of teaching and learning group work courses are explored. As a collective case study, in-depth exploratory data was collected from six group work lecturers and six groups of undergraduate counselling trainees from three Malaysian public universities and analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis highlighted three important components, which are: 1) experiential learning activities, 2) therapeutic factors in group work training, 3) personal qualities in relation to teaching and learning group work and 4) the interaction of experiential learning activities, personal qualities and therapeutic factors during the teaching and learning group work. These elements are interrelated in the process of understanding both educatorsā€™ and traineesā€™ experiences to promote the best practices in teaching and learning group work courses, especially for informing counsellor educators about the process of teaching and learning group work in counsellor education

    Personaliti dan Gaya Pengurusan Konflik Dalam Kalangan Pelbagai Kumpulan Etnik di Sarawak

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghuraikan ciri personaliti dan gaya pengurusan konflik di kalangan pelbagai etnik di Sarawak. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 287 orang guru yang terdiri daripada empat kumpulan etnik (Meiayu, Iban, Bidayuh dan Cina) yang telah dipilih secara persampelan rawak beriapis. lnstrumen Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI ) digunakan untuk mengukur personaliti manakala Rahim Organizational Conflict In ventory-11 (ROCI-11) digunakan untuk mengukur gaya pengurusan konflik. Dapatan kajian mendapati profil personaliti Extrovert-Sensing-Thinking-Judging (ESTJ) paling menonjol bagi etnik Melayu, Iban, Bidayuh dan Cina manakala gaya pengurusan konflik lntegrasi paling diminati oleh keempat-empat etnik tersebut. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan personaliti dengan gaya pengurusan konflik di kalangan etnik Melayu, Iban, Bidayuh dan Cina. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif seperti peratus, min dan sisihan piawai. Ujian ANOVA satu hala digunakan untuk melihat perbezaan dari segi personaliti dan gaya pengurusan konflik di kalangan pelbagai etnik. Analisis korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara personaliti dengan gaya pengurusan konflik pada tahap signifikan .05. Kajian ini mendapati wujud hubungan yang signifikan di antara personaliti Extrovert dengan gaya Integrasi, personaliti Introvert dengan gaya Integrasi, personaliti Perceiving dengan gaya Integrasi, personaliti Feeling dengan gaya Obligasi, personaliti Judging dengan gaya Obligasi, personaliti Perceiving dengan gaya Obligasi, personaliti Judging dengan gaya Dominasi, personaliti Perceiving dengan gaya Dominasi, personaliti Feeling dengan gaya Pengelakan dan personaliti Perceiving dengan gaya Pengelakan. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, beberapa cadangan telah disarankan untuk kajian masa akan datang

    Experience in teaching and learning group work among counsellor educators and counselling trainees

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    This research aims to explore the experiences of counsellor educators and counselling trainees of teaching and learning group work. Group work is one of the core courses that aims to prepare trainee counsellors to be group work leaders. However, there is no specific research that explores the preparation of counselling trainees for group work practice from both traineesā€™ and educatorsā€™ perspectives. In this qualitative study, the counsellor educatorsā€™ and counselling traineesā€™ experiences of teaching and learning group work courses are explored. As a collective case study, in-depth exploratory data was collected from six group work lecturers and six groups of undergraduate counselling trainees from three Malaysian public universities and analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis highlighted three important components, which are: 1) experiential learning activities, 2) therapeutic factors in group work training, 3) personal qualities in relation to teaching and learning group work and 4) the interaction of experiential learning activities, personal qualities and therapeutic factors during the teaching and learning group work. These elements are interrelated in the process of understanding both educatorsā€™ and traineesā€™ experiences to promote the best practices in teaching and learning group work courses, especially for informing counsellor educators about the process of teaching and learning group work in counsellor education

    Development of Cognitive Therapy Group Intervention (CTGI) on Resilience among Adolescents

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the validity and reliability of Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) which focusing on the resilience of adolescents with behavioural problems. CTI is developed based on Cognitive Theory and the Sidek Module Development Model. The CTI has eight interventions. The CTI manuscript was distributed to five content experts to determine interventionā€™s validity. The finding shows that the validity index 0.87 was obtained. Meanwhile, thirty two adolescents were selected to measure the reliability of each intervention by evaluating the objectives in each intervention session. As a result, the reliability index 0.85 was obtained. From these two indexes, the Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) possesses high validity and good reliability, and is ready to use. The intervention implies the counselling intervention in working resilience of adolescents with behavioural behaviour. This CTI is recommended to be used by school counsellor to handle adolescents with behavioural problems

    Effects of Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) on the Resilience with Problematic Behavior Among the Adolescents

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    Behavioral problems among adolescents are still widespread today, especially among the school students. Although the issue is widespread, an experimental study that focuses on the intensity of the problematic adolescents is still lacking in this country. To address these symptoms, the purpose of this experimental study is to look at the effects of the Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) Module on resilience of adolescentsā€™ with problematic behaviour. This study was conducted on 60 form four students. Students were divided into two groups which are treatment group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The treatment group was given intervention using the CTI module while the control group did not receive any intervention throughout the period of the experimental study. To control the differences of dependent variables, pre-test was given before treatment started. After eight weeks of treatment, the two groups were given a post-test followed by retention tests a month later. The questionnaire used to obtain the study data was based on Resilience Scale. Data analysis was created using the SPSS-Windows version 25.0 program. The data was analyzed using Analysis of Split Anova (SPANOVA). The results of the study found that CTI interventions succeeded in enhancing the survival of adolescent with problematic behaviors. It is proposed that CTI can be carried out as an alternative method of treating non-behavioural adolescents. Implication to the body of knowledge is expected to help the counsellors, educators and schools to improve studentsā€™ resilience and thereby reducing the behavioural problems among school student

    Construction, Validity, Reliability and Effectiveness of the Psycho-Educated Module Management of Forgiveness

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    This study is aimed at developing and testing the Application of Forgiveness Management Module on University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) trainee counselors. The main focus of the study is focused on the module development process and the effect of the module on the emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of an individual. The study was conducted using a qualitative and quantitative combination method. The sample of the study consisted of 8 UNIMAS counseling students. The Instrument Level of Anger Scale (LAS) and Tendency Forgive Scale (TTFS) are used to identify the appropriate study sample to follow this module. The built-in Forgiveness Management module has a high authenticity value of 82.2%. In addition, the reliability test of this module has a high coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.884. This proves that participants have learned new knowledge better understanding the concept of forgiveness than before following the modules that have been conducted

    Exploration on perception o suicidal ideation among students of Higher Institutions

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    Suicide is one of the top causes of death worldwide among youth aged 15-29 years. Students of higher institutions are also involved in the specific group that was reported to have a high level of suicidal ideation. Thus, in order to overcome this issue, all factors that influence suicidal ideation should be identified. This study is intended to identify the factor that influences suicidal ideation among higher learning education students based on their perceptions This study was conducted using a qualitative method using semi-structured interview questions to explore participantsā€™ perceptions towards suicidal ideation among students of higher learning institutions. Two focus group discussions were chosen as the method for data collection. The data in this study were analyzed using thematic analysis method. Specifically, data analysis uses thematic analysis based on six simple steps introduced by Braun and Clarke (2006). The findings show that the participants have an understanding of suicidal ideation. Factors identified to influence the existence of suicidal ideation among students of higher learning institutions can be categorized into two categories, external factors, and internal factors. These factors are peer pressure, pressure from society, social media influences, family factors, financial factors, intrapersonal and individual interpersonal factors, and low self-esteem factor. This study also found that many participants agreed that person internal factors are the most dominant factors affecting suicidal ideation. This study also found that counsellors and other professional bodies such as psychologists were not the choices of participants to express a problem that led to their suicidal ideation

    Analisa Keperluan Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Bagi Guru-guru Sekolah Menengah di Bahagian Betong, Sarawak

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    Kajian bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti persepsi dan penerimaan tentang keperluan perlaksanaan EAP berdasarkan sembilan permasalahan iaitu masalah kesihatan, kewangan, keluarga, kerohanian, tekanan, masalah kerja, kerjaya, hubungan interpersonal dan persekitaran fizikal tempat kerja. Cadangan model perlaksanaan Employee Assistance Program (EAP) bagi guru-guru sekolah menengah di bahagian Betong, Sarawak turut dihasilkan. Borang soal selidik dan temuramah digunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat dari 154 guru-guru sekolah menengah dari 5 buah sekolah menengah di sekitar bahagian Betong, Sarawak. Data dianalisis menggunakan kekerapan, peratusan, min, Crosstab dan Korelasi Pearson. Dapatan menunjukkan responden memerlukan pemerhatian EAP bagi empat permasalahan utama iaitu masalah tekanan, kerja, kerjaya dan persekitaran fizikal. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara empat permasalahan iaitu masalah kewangan, kerohanian, tekanan dan hubungan interpersonal dengan kesemua permasalahan lain. Justeru itu dicadangkan satu model EAP terdiri daripada tujuh elemen utama iaitu objektif, perkhidmatan, sumber kaunselor, polisi dan prosedur, lokasi perundingan, pentadbiran dan penglibatan kesatuan sekerja

    Construction, Validity, Reliability and Effectiveness of the Psycho-Educated Module Management of Forgiveness

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    This study is aimed at developing and testing the Application of Forgiveness Management Module on University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) trainee counselors. The main focus of the study is focused on the module development process and the effect of the module on the emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of an individual. The study was conducted using a qualitative and quantitative combination method. The sample of the study consisted of 8 UNIMAS counseling students. The Instrument Level of Anger Scale (LAS) and Tendency Forgive Scale (TTFS) are used to identify the appropriate study sample to follow this module. The built-in Forgiveness Management module has a high authenticity value of 82.2%. In addition, the reliability test of this module has a high coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.884. This proves that participants have learned new knowledge better understanding the concept of forgiveness than before following the modules that have been conducted

    Pendidikan Dan Latihan Kaunselor Kesan dari Pandemik Covid-19 : Pengalaman Program Kaunseling, UNIMAS

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    Pandemik COVID-19 telah menyebabkan perubahan kepada senario pengajaran di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Program Kaunseling merupakan salah satu program yang terkesan dengan fenomena dan krisis pandemik COVID-19. Ini kerana, sebagai program yang perlu mematuhi peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Kaunselor, struktur pengajian sepanjang pandemik perlu mengikuti ketetapan yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Lembaga. Walau bagaimanapun pihak Program Kaunseling di UNIMAS perlu juga mematuhi peraturan dari masa ke semasa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (MKN), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT), Jawatankuasa COVID-19 UNIMAS, dan juga Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Negeri (JPBNS) Sarawak. Penulisan ini akan memfokuskan kepada pengalaman program kaunseling dalam menyusun pendidikan dan latihan kaunselor dalam melalui fasa pandemik ini