16 research outputs found

    Media representation of environmental issues in Malaysia : Newspapers and environmental non-government organisation newsletters

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    This research aims to discover the types of environment issues represented in Malaysian newspapers and environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) newsletters, and to examine the factors in the selection of environmental issues by both social actors. Two methods were employed for the purpose of this study. First, a quantitative content analysis were conducted on 2,050 environmental articles on The Star and Utusan Malaysia’s newspapers together with World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) and Malaysia Nature Society’s (MNS) newsletters from the period of 2012 to 2014. Second, a total of 24 interviewees encompassing of 13 interviewees from The Star and Utusan Malaysia, and 11 interviewees from WWF and MNS were chosen for the in-depth interview sessions. The results of this study discovered that the ways of media and ENGOs representing environmental information in newspapers and newsletters are slightly different. The ENGOs have given more attention to environmental effort topics like sustainable living while the media are focused more environmental problems like floods. However, this study also found that the Malaysian media and the ENGOs shared certain similar criteria for selecting environmental issues for their newsletters especially the news values of proximity, timeliness and impact

    Cabaran dalam Pelaporan Berita Tsunami: Satu Kajian Terhadap Wartawan Malaysia dan Indonesia

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    Bencana tsunami ini sememangnya memberikan kesan terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial negara. Di antara negara-negara Asia Tenggara, Indonesia dikenal pasti sebagai salah sebuah negara yang sering menghadapi bencana tsunami. Malaysia yang kedudukannya berhampiran dengan Indonesia turut menerima kesan daripada bencana tsunami yang terjadi di negara berkenaan. Kejadian bencana tsunami yang sememangnya serius ini telah mendapat pelaporan yang meluas oleh media tempatan dan antarabangsa. Bencana tsunami yang lazimnya berlaku secara tiba-tiba dan sukar untuk dijangka ini telah menyebabkan pelaporannya berbeza dengan isu-isu lain seperti jenayah, hiburan dan sebagainya. Malah, kajian-kajian lalu turut mendapati bahawa media menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam melaporkan berita bencana seperti tsunami yang jelas memerlukan persediaan yang rapi bagi menghasilkan penulisan yang berkualiti dan beretika. Sungguhpun kejadian tsunami adalah serius, kajian-kajian lalu terhadap pelaporan media khususnya dalam aspek cabaran wartawan dalam melaporkan isu ini adalah amat terhad. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan dengan matlamat untuk memenuhi kelompongan kajian lepas dan seterusnya menyumbang kepada korpus penyelidikan bidang Komunikasi Bencana di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Penyelidikan ini memberikan tumpuan terhadap cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh para wartawan kedua-dua negara dalam melaporkan berita tsunami. Temu bual secara mendalam telah dilakukan bersama lapan orang wartawan dari The Star Online, Malaysia dan The Jakarta Post, Indonesia. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa bilangan wartawan pakar isu terhad, pengetahuan terhad wartawan tentang bencana tsunami, kurang persediaan oleh bilik berita, pemotretan visual ketika bencana dan penentuan landskap berita oleh editor adalah cabaran-cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh wartawan-wartawan di Malaysia dan Indonesia dalam melaporkan isu tsunami

    Analysing Islamic Elements in Environmental News Reporting in Malaysia

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    This study sought to explore an area that is rarely investigated which is the influence of Islam on environmental news reporting in Malaysia. In this case, two methods were employed which include the quantitative content analysis on the Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian newspapers as well as an in-depth interview with a total of 11 journalists from both newspapers. The results from the content analysis performed on the Islamic environmental articles published in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian newspapers revealed that the number of articles on Islamic environmental issues is low in both newspapers (N=112). The findings from the interviews conducted with the journalists managed to publish several factors that led to the low number of Islamic environmental articles including the lack of environmental knowledge among the Malay Muslim journalists as well as the fact that the environmental issues are commonly associated with politics instead of religion (Islam)

    Pelaporan berita pencemaran bauksit dalam akhbar dalam talian di Malaysia / Siti Nur Ain Mustafa and Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh.

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    Malaysia adalah sebuah negara membangun yang tidak terkecuali daripada menghadapi pelbagai masalah alam sekitar yang berlaku kesan daripada proses pembangunan dalam kerangka pemodenan negara yang kurang seimbang. Pada tahun 2015, Malaysia telah digemparkan dengan satu lagi masalah alam sekitar yang serius iaitu pencemaran bauksit yang menyebabkan masalah pencemaran air, udara dan bunyi sehingga menjejaskan kesejahteraan dan kesihatan penduduk di Kuantan, Pahang. Pencemaran itu telah menarik perhatian pelbagai pihak termasuklah media massa tempatan yang memberikan pelaporan menyeluruh, termasuklah dengan nada kritikan yang menunjukkan kesan pencemaran bauksit terhadap penduduk setempat. Walau bagaimanapun, analisis terhadap sorotan kajian lalu mendapati kurangnya kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh pengkaji lepas dalam menilai pelaporan isu bauksit ini dalam media. Bagi mengisi kelompongan itu, kajian ini dijalankan dengan menganalisis kandungan pelaporan berita bauksit dalam dua akhbar arus perdana dalam talian iaitu Utusan Malaysia dan The Star untuk mengenal pasti jumlah, genre, sumber, imej dan pembingkaian pelaporan berita bauksit. Hasil kajian mendapati kedua-dua akhbar dalam talian itu telah memberikan pelaporan yang tinggi terhadap isu bauksit dan kebanyakannya ditulis dalam genre berita kejadian dengan menggunakan bingkai tanggungjawab, memetik sumber daripada kalangan pemimpin dan memaparkan imej tempat kejadian iaitu kawasan perlombongan bauksit

    Kajian perbandingan pemaparan berita LGBT dalam akhbar cetak dan portal berita / Mohamad Yusof Helmy Ramli, Rani Ann Balaraman and Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh.

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    Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) adalah suatu subjek yang masih lagi taboo dan mempunyai konotasi yang janggal dalam masyarakat Malaysia, terutamanya dalam konteks negara yang mengiktiraf Islam sebagai agama rasminya. Namun begitu, isu LGBT pada masa kini semakin kerap dibincangkan dalam media cetak, elektronik mahu pun media baharu. Peningkatan dalam jumlah pemaparan isu LGBT dalam akhbar di Malaysia boleh menunjukkan berlakunya perubahan dalam tahap sensitiviti masyarakat Malaysia dan juga perubahan dari segi penapisan berita yang dilaporkan kepada pembaca negara ini. Kajian ini telah meneroka aspek pemaparan isu-isu LGBT dalam sampel akhbar bercetak iaitu Utusan Malaysia dan portal berita dalam talian, Malaysiakini. Kajian ini menjawab persoalan tentang pola pelaporan isu LGBT dalam akhbar di Malaysia, khususnya tentang jenis tema yang kerap kali diketengahkan dalam pelaporan isu berkenaan sepanjang pada tahun kajian iaitu 2011 dan 2012

    Youth character building anti-pornography in South East Asia

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    Media effects are one of the ten problems youths face today. Pornography is media content that causes a lot of negative effects on youth. Social media today exposes a lot of pornographic content that can be easily accessed by youth. At the same time, pornography among youth is a serious issue in Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia and Malaysia are countries in Southeast Asia with similar social and cultural backgrounds. The parents play an important role in preventing the impact of pornography among youth. Additionally, youth’s perceptions of pornography also play a role in shaping anti-pornography behaviours. This research aimed to analyse the influence of communication between parents and youth and youth’s perceptions of pornography on the formation of anti-pornography behaviour and attitudes. The population in this study were youth in 4 cities in Indonesia and Malaysia. This research used the cluster purposive sampling technique to determine samples from each cluster based on specific considerations (purposive), with an age range of 20-24 years. Based on the Slovin formula, the total sample obtained is 800 respondents. This study used path analysis as a data analysis technique. The results showed that communication between parents and youth did not have a direct and significant influence on the formation of anti-pornography behaviours. Meanwhile, youth’s perception of pornography has a direct and significant influence on developing anti-pornography behaviours. Most respondents thought that pornographic scenes on social media do not conform to religious values and that watching pornographic content on social media is addictive

    Green Citizens: Environmental Education by the Media and Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (ENGOs) in Malaysia

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    Media and environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) have been recognised as two most active and indispensable stakeholders in supporting environmental education in Malaysia. Environmental education by both media and ENGOs is undoubtedly crucial in producing more ―green‖ citizenship that is well equipped with environmental knowledge and has a great attitude and practices on preserving and conserving the environment. This paper sought to discuss on how the Malaysian media, particularly The Star and Utusan Malaysia and the Malaysian ENGOs particularly World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Malaysia and Malaysia Nature Society (MNS) plays their vital roles in environmental education and the challenges faced by them in educating public about the environment. For the purpose of this study, a total of 24 interviewees encompassing 13 interviewees from Utusan Malaysia and The Star and 11 interviewees from WWF Malaysia and MNS were interviewed. The findings from interviews confirmed that both the Malaysian media and ENGOs have shared quite a similar role in environmental education, particularly in delivering environmental awareness and knowledge to public. However, the media is more focusing on educating the public about environment through their feature and news articles published on newspapers while the ENGOs‘ environmental education are not only via their newsletters but also through environmental programs like eco-school and eco-institute conducted by WWF Malaysia and School Nature Club (KPA) and KPA for youth conducted by MNS. In fact, unlike the media, the Malaysian ENGOs have more privileges as they have specific education teams that specifically handle environmental education in a more thorough and structured way. Both media and ENGOs interviewees from this study concluded that the main challenges of environmental education in Malaysia are the environmental topic itself that is too technical, dry and boring, despite of other challenges like the Malaysian public‘s low knowledge on environment

    Gamification as a Learning Tool for Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Systematic Review

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    Although games provide a certain degree of entertainment, gamification is subtly affecting the behavior of users. Teaching the public to practice pro-environmental behavior (PEB) through gamification has gained an increasing amount of attention and concern in academic circles. As a relatively new research field, a systematic literature review (SLR) on gamification as a learning tool for PEB was conducted using articles with the publication date of 2007 to the present. By reviewing 56 articles from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases, the following findings were made: (1) gamification elements mainly represented by reward, feedback, competition, points, goal, leaderboards, challenge, meaning are the PEB learning tools that authors displayed most concern with; (2) improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emission were the most commonly learned PEBs via gamification; and (3) the self-determination theory, the goal framing theory, the theory of planned behavior and the Octalysis framework were the most commonly applied theories in the research field of gamification and PEB

    The moderating effect of environmental gamification on the relationship between social media marketing and consumer-brand engagement: A case study of Ant Forest Gen Z users

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    Social media marketing plays a relevant role in the brand promotion of enterprises owing to its advantages of rapid and diversified communication with consumers. The Chinese Internet enterprise Alipay launched Ant Forest as a mobile application with gamified social functions, bringing consumer-brand engagement. Ant Forest provides a variety of gamification functions (e.g. point, leaderboard, badge, task and teamwork) to encourage users to participate in environmental protection and public welfare activities. These gamification mechanisms, combined with the spread of social media, have realised the co-creation of user brand value. In the current study, 305 Gen Z users of Ant Forest were surveyed through an online questionnaire, and the data analysis was conducted using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method. This study indicates that the four elements of entertainment, trendiness, customisation and word-of-mouth in social media marketing have statistically significant direct effects on the consumer-brand engagement in Ant Forest. In addition, gamification shows a significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between customisation and consumer-brand engagement and a significant negative moderating effect on the relationship between trendiness and consumer-brand engagement in Ant Forest. This study adds gamification to the conceptual system of social media marketing and provides suggestions for the development of gamified social media marketing applications

    The Moderating Effect of Green Advertising on the Relationship between Gamification and Sustainable Consumption Behavior: A Case Study of the Ant Forest Social Media App

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    The end of the twentieth century saw increased research on sustainability issues, particularly consumer consumption patterns and their environmental impact. As consumers become more aware of the need to shift consumption habits toward green initiatives, a broader set of methods encouraging sustainable living should be sought. Due to the popularity of gamification in apps and other technology-related solutions, little research has been conducted to investigate gamification and advertising as a strategy to promote sustainable consumption. Using convenience sampling, this study surveyed 305 Ant Forest app users to investigate the relationship between gamification, perceived enjoyment, and sustainable consumption while observing green advertising as a moderating effect. The findings show that green advertising does not moderate gamification experience or perceived enjoyment but does moderate perceived enjoyment and sustainable consumption. Given that the study samples were university students, it is surprising to learn that gamification and green advertising have no relationship, thus denying the gamification experience to encourage sustainable behavior among China’s youth. As a result, marketers pursuing green initiatives should keep this impactful result in mind when implementing gamified features in user-experience apps. Gaming is seen uniquely for pleasure and enjoyment, not for creating behavioral change and awareness