40 research outputs found

    Soft Diplomacy SBY dalam Konflik Indonesia-Malaysia: Studi Kebijakan SBY terhadap Pelanggaran Kedaulatan oleh Malaysia di Perairan Bintan Tahun 2010

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    This paper seeks to interpret and evaluate President Yudhoyonos diplomatic approach towards Malaysia regarding the captured of three Indonesian officials in 2010 by Malaysian Maritime Police. It is interesting since violation of state sovereignty had triggered mass protest in Indonesia, the executive ignored the public demand. Rather than using coercive approach, the Indonesian elite employed soft diplomacy to engage Malaysia towards win-win solutions. This paper argues that Yudhoyonos foreign policy towards Malaysia in this context is counterproductive to increase nations self-esteem. Yudhoyonos soft diplomacy only matters for short term interest but not for long term one. This paper argues that the strategy chosen by President Yudhoyono is rooted from his misconception of soft power. This paper also suggest that soft power alone is insufficient to serve national interest; it need to be combine with hard power. As such, the effective diplomacy is smart power; the combination of soft and hard power which is compatible to the Second Principle of Pancasila.Keywords: soft diplomacy, soft power, SBYs foreign policy, smart powe

    ASEAN (in)Security Community

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    The existence of arms modernization can be regarded as the high degree of security dilemma among states. In Southeast Asia, the fact that defense budget escalation followed by the military modernization may be the biggest obstacle to create an ASEAN Security Community. Unfortunately, there have been a little attention on the issue studying the correlation between arms modernization and the prospect of ASEAN Security Community. This paper seeks to fill the gap by analyzing how arms modernization in Southeast Asia is counterproductive to the ASEAN Security Community development. Using constructivism in International Relations, this paper argues that arms modernization among several ASEAN member states hinders collective identity building as a fundamental factor behind the security community. This argument implies that the formation of ASEAN Security Community will not create long-lasting peace in the region. This paper suggests that ASEAN should focus on collective identity formation to strengthen its own body institution rather than merely declare in a formal treaty

    The Moment of a Rising Power: Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Activism, 2004-2014

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    During the reign of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia’s foreign policy showed a high level of global participation. It had been recognized as a pivotal state by the international community. It played an important role in many international issues ranging from international security, economy, democracy and human rights, to climate change. In addition, the robust economic growth and the defence budget policy had contributed to the road toward a rising power status. This paper is a critical review of the literatures on the moment Indonesia’s rise in international politics during the Yudhoyono presidency. The focus of this paper is to identify the driving factors behind the rise of Indonesia towards a global power. This paper concludes that ideational factors primarily the idea of the elite play a crucial role beyond the economic and military structures

    Konfl ik Internasional Abad ke-21? Benturan Antarnegara Demokrasi dan Masa Depan Politik Dunia

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    ‘The clash of civilizations’ of Samuel Huntington and ‘the end of history’ of Francis Fukuyama are two grand theories that have been widely accepted as the most dominant narratives in post- Cold War international relations. Unfortunately, there have been litt le theoretical developments in today’s world to predict the future of international confl ict. The theory assumed that the future international confl ict will not occur between democracies and non-democracies as Democratic Peace Theory proposed, but between established democracies and emerging democracies. The established democracies reluctant to share their power with the emerging democracies on how to manage global order. This reluctancy will lead to political frictions and confl icts among them. In spite of its theoretical breakthrough, this theory suff ers of logical inconsistency since it does not distinguish between emerging democracies and emerging powers. Instead of confl ict among democracies, this article argues that international confl icts in the 21 st century will be dominated by asimetrical confl ict between nation-states and radical movements, confl icts due to information openess, and confl ict over natural resources

    Mengapa tidak berperang? Norma Politik Luar Negeri Cina dan Konflik Laut Cina Selatan

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    South China Sea conflict is one of the most destabilizing factors in Southeast Asia. Despite it has occured for long time period, there has not been major wars among occupants. This puzzle challenges realist particularly ofense-defense theory stating that when perception of victory is greater than defeat, it will lead to war. China’s military capability is far greater than any contry in the region. Yet, China does not intent to attack others. Assumption that China is an offensive and hegemonic nation is not in accordance with reality. Material-based explanation cannot account for China’s foreign policy. This article seeks to explain why South China Sea conflict does not lead to war between occupants. Using constructivism in international relations, this article argues that China’s domestic norms of national security plays great role which constitute its foreign policy character. Norms of cooperative security or hezuo anquan which is rooted from Confucian culture emphasize on harmony and cooperation that generate self-restraint diplomacy. As a result, China would not employ its military power to solve South China Sea conflict. This article concludes that norms held by country constitute its interest and in turn guide state’s policy

    Regionalism under challenge: ideas and Joko Widodo's foreign policy towards ASEAN, 2014-2019

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    Indonesia’s foreign policy under Joko Widodo ‘Jokowi’ has significantly shifted compared with his predecessor’s era, especially regarding policies on regionalism. While former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono emphasises multilateralism with a particular focus on ASEAN, Jokowi’s administration tends to overlook ASEAN as a multilateral organization. The research investigates the causal root of the tendency by using the concept of ideas in foreign policy. The results argue that the diminished role of Indonesia in ASEAN, especially during the first term of Jokowi’s presidency, is strongly influenced by causal beliefs held by Indonesian political elites and presidential advisors. Despite varying from one individual to another, these ideas have similar characteristics in proposing that Indonesia should expand its concentric circle beyond ASEAN, arguing that ASEAN is intrinsically weak and thus can no longer accommodate Indonesian aspirations. This idea acts as a road map that defines Indonesia’s national interests amid international politics dynamics in the 21st century

    One Film, Many Perspectives: Understanding The Issue Of Climate Change In The Documentary Film Before The Flood

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    There have been abundant literature concerning movies as a learning tool in International Relations (IR). The use of movies as a learning tool matters in order to achieve learning outcomes since movies could reduce the level of abstraction of a concept. This paper aims to explain the global climate change phenomenon depicted in a documentary film entitled Before the Flood using four main theoretical approaches in IR, namely, realism, neoliberal institutionalism, Marxism, and constructivism. This paper argues that Before the Flood is quite relevant and effective to achieve learning outcomes of IR theories course. Watching documentary films is expected to enrich learning methods in IR particularly IR theories courses by using audio-visual instruments

    Pelanggaran Inggris terhadap Konvensi Basel: Digital Dumping Ground di Nigeria

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    This research identifies the causes of the United Kingdom's violation of the Basel Convention in the case of disposal of electronic waste from United Kingdom to Nigeria in 2003-2010. This research is using grounded theory, the research method draws conclusions and theories from the empirical data. The results of this research showed that the UK's non compliance to the Basel Convention lack of the UK's commitment to environmental and health issues. UK often received a warning from the European Commission and other countries regarding their transgressions of environmental issues at the global and domestic level since UK is more focusing on traditional issues of International relations, such as military, security and political issues. In addition, Nigeria's population demand on used electrical and electronic equipment is quite high, because many citizens are involved in this sector, either as recyclers or consumers. This is why UK continues to dispose its electronic waste to Nigeria

    Politik Organisasi Internasional : Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Melalui Unhcr Dalam Pemberian Refugee Status Determination Di Rumah Detensi Imigrasi Pusat Tanjungpinang

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    Immigrant become an important issue because some state used it for atool to fight for their interest. Tanjungpinang UNHCR discriminativepolicy for the sake of the interest of the donor state resulted a loss inUNHCR independency in giving a humanitarian aid. This researchobjective is to know United States through UNHCR within RefugeeStatus Determination giving in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi PusatTanjungpinang. In knowing that interest, used a theory called realismtheory. The type of this research is mixed methods that analyzed theTanjungpinang UNHCR discriminative policy that favor theAfghanistan nationality immigrant in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi PusatTanjungpinang. The discriminative policy that occur is to favor anAfghanistan nationality immigrants in term of giving the refugeestatus determination. The obtained result by this research shows thatUNHCR discriminative policy are not to bring United States interestto reform their image, but more to fight for their other interest