5,431 research outputs found

    Factors affecting students participation in extra-curricular

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    Extracurricular activity is a complementary of the requirement and interest in the student academic development. Extracurricular learning styles can be implemented in the form of informal where it can provide effective learning experiences to the students. In extracurricular development, every activity has its own goals and interests that can influence the students to participate in the particular activities. Nowadays, students are more likely to engage or spending their time with unbeneficial activities or isolate themselves in the virtual world. Several studies have been conducted and found that there are factors influence or prevent the students from participating in the extracurricular activities they intended to. These factors have been categorical into three main constraints; structural constraints, intrapersonal constraints, and interpersonal constraints. These main constraints referred to many factors that can influence student participation in extracurricular activities

    The prediction of wake wash in the towing tank

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    The wash or ship-generated waves from high speed craft has become a common subject in research and development of marine transportation. Since some time now the wake wash of high speed craft has become a problem in particular on inland or confined waterways. This wake wash has an impact on safety and environment such as bank/shoreline erosion, risk to people on shore and small boats in harbors and changes in the local ecology. This paper describes the results of model test of a high speed patrol, together with theoretical prediction of wake wash

    i-JEN: Visual Interactive Malaysia Crime News Retrieval System

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    Integrating vocational training in culinary arts and Islamic studies at juvenile rehabilitation centres: Malaysian experience

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    The Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres (JRC) in Malaysia aims to provide shelter, counselling and skills training to juveniles specifically for those who wish to transform themselves from the regrettable misdeeds they have committed. At JRCs, an integrated Culinary Vocational Training and Islamic education forms part of their training curriculum. The skills acquired should enable trainees to secure jobs upon completion of training. However, there are some training institutions that lack systematic training structures resulting in trainees becoming less skilful in both vocational and Islamic education. The objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness of an integrated Culinary and Islamic Education curriculum implemented at JRCs in Malaysia. This is a descriptive survey and data was obtained using questionnaire and interview. Respondents comprised 92 trainees, four managers, four culinary trainers and four Islamic education teachers, all from four different JRCs. The findings show that the trainees are happy with their trainings that brought about positive effects for them. Some suggestions have been made to provide improvements in the implementation of the course among them the inclusion of prayers in the Islamic education syllabus

    Strategi Penguatan USAha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) sebagai Refleksi Pembelajaran Krisis Ekonomi Indonesia

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan kelompok pelaku ekonomi terbesar dalam perekonomian Indonesia dan terbukti menjadi katup pengaman perekonomian nasional dalam masa krisis, serta menjadi dinamisator pertumbuhan ekonomi pasca krisis ekonomi. Realitas yang tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Menengah) adalah sektor ekonomi nasional yang paling strategis dan menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, sehingga menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian nasional. Rendahnya profesionalisme sumber daya manusia yang mengelola, keterbatasan permodalan dan akses terhadap perbankan dan pasar, kemampuan penguasaaan teknologi yang rendah menjadi permasalahan yang harus dicarikan solusi untuk strategi penguatan UMK

    Aspek Sopan Santun Ujaran Dalam Film Eat Pray Love Karya Ryan Murphy (Analisis Pragmatik)

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    This study is an attempt to identify and analyze the politeness aspects which are found in the film Eat Pray Love. In this research, the writer focuses on the polite utterance as one aspect of behavior which is found in the film Eat Pray Love. . This research was done through the descriptive method. In collecting the data, the writer paid close attention to the available relevant data through conversation among the characters in the film. Then the writer categorized them into their suitable maxims using the concept of Leech. The finding shows that the uses of politeness maxims in the film are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. It is expected that this study can help the students and readers in learning politeness aspects of using language

    Pelaksanaan Sistem Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri yang Berasal dari Jawa Timur dalam Otonomi Daerah (Studi Penanganan Kasus di Negeri Tujuan Bekerja oleh Dinas Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi, dan Kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur)

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    SIMOHAMAD NICO DIEMOZ P. DE MAY, Hukum Perburuhan, Fakultas HukumUniversitas Brawijaya, Maret 2013, “Pelaksanaan Sistem Perlindungan TenagaKerja Indonesia di Jawa Timur Dalam Otonomi Daerah ( Studi PenangananKasus di Negara Tujuan Bekerja oleh Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kerja, Transmigrasi,dan Kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur)”, Ummu Hilmy, SH., MS; Ngesti DwiPrasetyo, SH., M.Hum Skripsi ini Penulis membahas bagaimana pelaksanaan perlindungan terhadap Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam Otonomi Daerah yang secara khusus ingin mengupas bagaimana bentuk penanganan kasus-kasus yang di alami oleh TKI di Negara Tujuan Bekerja. Minimnya Lapangan Kerja dalam Negeri dan semakin banyaknya pencari kerja mengakibatkan angka pengangguran semakin tinggi. Menjadi TKI merupakan salah satu solusi yang di berikan oleh pemerintah untuk memecah kebuntuan permasalahan tingginya tingkat pengangguran. namun solusi ini bukannya tanpa resiko, justru solusi ini perlu pengawalan yang ketat dari pemerintah. Pemerintah harus melakukan perlindungan bagi warga negaranya yang di berangkatkan bekerja ke luar negeri. Perlindungan bagi TKI yang bekerja di Luar Negeri harus menjadi fokus utama pemerintah. Sebagaimana ketahui banyak sekali kasus-kasus yang menimpa para TKI selama bekerja di Luar Negeri misal diperkosa, disiksa, dibunuh, tidak di bayar gajinya, disekap dll. Sejauh mana perlindungan yang di berikan pemerintah terhadap para TKI yang mengalami kasus tersebut inilah yang akan peneliti kaji dalam penelitian ini. Peneliti berfokus pada bagaimana pemerintah provinsi maupun Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota khususnya di Jawa Timur beperan aktif terhadap melindungi warga daerahnya yang menjadi TKI, karena dalam era otonomi daerah seperti sekarang peran pemerintah daerah semakin di tingkatkan. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pelaksanaan perliindungan TKI, Metode Pendekatan yang di gunakan adalah interaksionisme simbolik, peneliti akan mengkaji apa saja yang sudah dilakukan dan melatar belakangi untuk melakukan perlindungan bagi TKI yang mengalami kasus di Negara Tujuan Bekerja menurut sudut aktor dalam hal ini adalah pemerintah daerah. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, peneliti memperoleh hasil bahwa sudah adanya suatu prosedur bahkan dalam bentuk yang sudah baku berupa standart Operating Prosedure (SOP) yang di buat BNP2TKI namun tidak berjalan efektif di tataran Pemerintah Daerah baik itu Provinsi maupaun Kabupaten/Kota. Serta masih kurang perang aktif dan komitmen dari pemerintah daerah kabupaten untuk melaksanakan prosedur perlindungan tersebut. Sehingga berimplikasi tidak jelasnya pola koordinasi antar pemerintah daerah, tidak jelasnya pola penyelesaian kasus. Selain itu tidak kooperatifnya PPTKIS dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian maka penting kiranya untuk Pemerintah Provinsi Maupun Pemerintah Kabupaten/kota untuk memperbaiki pola koordinasi dan segera memberlakukan prosedur yang sudah ada dalam bentuk baku. Dan PPTKIS untuk berkontribusi aktif dalam menyelesaikan kasus-kasus

    The Impact of Integrating Computer Simulations On The Achievement of Grade 11 Emirati Students In Uniform Circular Motion

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    Education has been affected by the advancement of technology, especially computer software. This thesis focuses on the impact of computer simulations on students’ acquisition of Physics concepts related to the topic of Uniform Circular Motion. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine to what extent can computer simulations help students of grade 11 from Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), learn factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge related to Uniform Circular Motion. It also aims to investigate how simulations affect students of different abilities in terms of their achievement in Physics. A quazi- experimental method was used, where participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was taught using computer simulations, and the control group was instructed with the help of real- life videos and animations. The main instrument was an achievement test administered before and after the intervention. The study showed a statistically significant advantage for the experimental group over the control group, especially in the procedural knowledge dimension. In addition, results showed that students of medium and low academic levels benefit from the simulations more than students of high level. Results drawn from this study provide valuable information on effective integration of technology in physics teaching, because it examines the impact of simulations on different knowledge dimensions, as well as their effect on students of different abilities. As a result, it encompasses a large spectrum of variables in terms of the effectiveness of simulations, giving room for further researches on technology integration in science education in the UAE and the Arab world context

    Low loss waveguide-based Butler matrix with iris coupling control method for millimeterwave applications

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    This paper proposes a low loss 4×4 Butler matrix based on rectangular waveguide cavity resonators technology for millimeterwave beamforming network using iris coupling method. This method has the advantage of controlling the electrical fields and the coupling factor inside a complex medium such as waveguide cavity resonators. The coupling factor of 6 dB for 4×4 Butler matrix is achieved by tuning the iris coupling k-value between the waveguide cavity resonators. Thus, avoiding a higher phase difference losses and component losses at upper millimeterwave bands. To validate the proposed method, CST software simulations are performed under several iris coupling k-values to achieve a 6 dB coupling factor. Then, the proposed 4×4 Butler matrix is 3D metal printed using selective laser melting (SLM) technique. The measured reflection and isolation coefficients are observed below −10 dB, with coupling coefficients ranging between −6 and −7 dB. The phase differences of −42.02°, 42.02°, −130.95°, and 133.3° are achieved at the outputs. It confirmed that using this proposed method has the superiority over the conventional microstrip and waveguide coupling methods by a 1 dB coupling factor loss and a 3° phase difference error