5,507 research outputs found

    The Influence of Organizational Commitment and Motivation on Lecturer Performance of Pamulang University

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    This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment and motivation on lecturer performance of Pamulang University. The research method used is quantitative. The number of samples used is 200 respondents with the Slovin formula, and the sample technique used is proporsionate random sampling. Analytical methods used are multiple linear regression, consist of descriptive analysis, validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, partial test, simultaneous test and test of determination. Result of research proves organizational commitment have significant effect to lecturer performance equal to 0,485. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on lecturer\u27s performance of 0.304. Simultaneously commitment and motivation have a significant effect on performance with contribution of 44.5

    Analisis Karakteristik Anak Tidak Bersekolah Di Indonesia

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    This research identified and analyzed school participation of children in Indonesia from 7 to 15 years old. Using data collected by Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) in 2012, probit model estimates that there are more probabilities in boys rather that girls to leave their education. As well as living environtment supported, citizen have more well educated children than villagers. Elementary schools had been highly needed to full school supply so that out-of-school-children level will drop as low as possible. But an increase in junior high school supplied will not turned out as it applied on elementary schools

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Memahami Dan Memelihara Sistem Starter Tipe Konvensional Berbasis Buku Digital Electronic Publication (Epub)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan buku digital sistem starter. Metode yang digunakan adalah research and development dengan desain penelitian pretestposttest one group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK Sepuluh Nopember Semarang dengan sampel adalah siswa yang mengikuti mata pelajaran perbaikan kelistrikan otomotif kelas XII TKR A dan B berjumlah 33 siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa buku digital berbasis electronic publication (epub) valid untuk digunakan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari validasi ahli yang menunjukkan rata-rata persentase sebesar 89,70% dan 86,80% yang berada pada kriteria sangat baik. Media yang diuji cobakan pada siswa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata sebelum menggunakan buku digital sebesar 68,84 menjadi 79,03 dan peningkatan ketuntasan sesudah menerapkan pembelajaran dengan buku digital, yaitu sebesar 63,72%. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran buku digital berbasis electronic publication (epub)

    A study of educational planning in Brunei Darussalam

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    This study is concerned with the weaknesses and problems of educational planning in Brunei Darussalam up to1985. It also reviews the literature on educational planning. The discussions in this study also lead to a recommendation to formulate the determinants and criteria for more effective planning in Brunei Darussalam and the proposed structure of the Brunei Darussalam education system. The study is divided into seven chapters in addition to the introduction. The chapters are concerned with the political and socio economic setting, historical development, education system, literature on educational planning, educational planning in Brunei Darussalam, determinants and criteria for more effective planning, and lastly the recommendations and conclusion. It is not been possible to make a study of other problems of educational planning in Brunei Darussalam because of lack of resources and information

    The Quaternary sequence of the Nahr el Kebir, NW Syria: An important repository for evidence of Palaeolithic occupation and landscape evolution in the eastern Mediterranean

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    The third largest river in Syria, the Nahr el Kebir has a well-preserved record of river-terrace deposits that have produced substantial Palaeolithic artefact assemblages both from within the terrace deposits and from the land surfaces above and around them. At the Mediterranean coastline, the fluvial gravels interdigitate with raised shoreline terrace deposits, providing an insight into the temporal and climatic relations of both of these important geomorphological and morphostratigraphical archives, as well as their relationship with each other. New research is reported here on the Pleistocene geology and geomorphology of the Nahr el Kebir and the associated Palaeolithic archaeology, the latter having been reinterpreted based on reassessment of museum collections arising from earlier detailed work. Field visits revealed an additional, hitherto unrecognized low-level river terrace, whereas one of the previously recognized Palaeolithic levels can be shown to coincide with slope deposits that armour hilltops rather than representing a genuine fluvial formation. The new understanding of these geomorphological and sedimentary archives supports ideas that this corner of the Mediterranean has experienced unusually rapid uplift during the recent Quaternary, as a result of which the local rivers, including the Kebir, have deepened their valleys rapidly. Consequently, only the recent part of the Quaternary is recorded in the Kebir system and the ages envisaged previously for the terrace deposits and the Palaeolithic artefact assemblages were considerable overestimates in many cases, a finding that has significance for their correlation with those from the wider region. Reassessment of the Palaeolithic archaeology suggests a settlement history initially dominated by groups using handaxes, alongside simple core working (0.5–0.3 Ma), followed by a major change with the appearance of Levallois core working alongside handaxes, marking the transition to the early Middle Palaeolithic

    Environmental Remediation Full-scale Implementation: Back to Simple Microbial Massive Culture Approaches

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    Using bioaugmentation and biostimulation approach for contaminated soil bioremediation were investigated andimplemented on field scale. We combine those approaches by culturing massively the petrophilic indigenousmicroorganisms from chronically contaminated soil enriched by mixed manure. Through these methods, bioremediationperformance revealed promising results in removing the petroleum hydrocarbons comparatively using metabolite byproduct such as biosurfactant, specific enzymes and other extra-cellular product which are considered as a difficult taskand will impact on cost increase
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