159 research outputs found

    Humanitarian Protection of People in a Technological Age: Drones and Social Media - to use or not to use

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    Technology and the digital space are transforming the nature of power in humanitarian settings on an extensive scale and at a fast pace.  Humanitarians are recognising that even sharper threats loom if emergent issues are not dealt with prudently.  Adapting to new technology without compromising the humanitarian principles is necessary.  A protection-centred approach to the use of drones in humanitarian operations is crying out for clarity. Protection issues linked to social media also need clarity, especially as new actors come into humanitarian space.  Over the course of three years in the north of Syria alone nine hundred local NGOs joined the aid response.  This paper considers some issues that arise at the intersection of humanitarian work and ongoing technological developments.  It touches on whether fundamental humanitarian and protection principles and practices are keeping pace with developments to ensure those in need of humanitarian assistance can be advantaged by new technology and still protected

    Evaluation of Some Aspects of Educational Inputs and Outputs of Community Medicine Departments in Iran Medical Sciences Schools and Universities

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    Background: Human health is strongly related to economic, political, cultural, administrative and environmental conditions. Therefore, Medical sciences are not limited to biomedical sciences but also include social and psychological sciences. This viewpoint has led to an outlook named Community-Oriented Medicine. After integration of Health System with Medical Education in Iran, conditions for Community- oriented Medical Education were provided and the departments of "Community Medicine" in universities with Faculty of Health and departments of "Health and Community Medicine" in universities without "Faculty of Health" were established. In spite of various attempts, there is still no evidence showing the outputs and outcomes of Community-oriented activities in Community Medicine Departments of our universities. Objective: This study was performed to determine the statue of Community Medicine Departments of all Medical Sciences schools and Universities of Iran in regard to their facilities and resources. Methods: In this descriptive cross- sectional study some inputs and outputs of educational and research processes of departments of Community Medicine in all Medical Sciences Universities affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education were analyzed. Results: Educational facilities and learning aids of first class universities were to some extent adequate but inadequate in the two other classes. Community Medicine Departments in all three classes of universities were active in conducting students’ theses but they were not very active in publishing books and articles and conducting research projects. Conclusion: Transition from traditional Medical Education to the community-oriented Medical Education requires short-term and long-term programs for improving Community Medicine Departments and making them closer to standard goals. Keywords: Educational evaluation, Community Medicine, Educational resource, Community- oriented Medical Education

    5 little-known ways to lower heart attack risk

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    The Neural Correlates of Mental Flexibility in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Mental flexibility is an important executive function, facilitating flexibility in thought and action. Neurodevelopmental disorders represent a heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by impaired brain development and function. Despite shared impairments in mental flexibility, it is not known whether the various neurodevelopmental disorders share the same aberrant neural correlates. To investigate, children [total n=110, ages 8-15 years; 22 typically developing, 38 autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 28 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 22 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)] completed a mental flexibility task in a magnetoencephalograph (MEG). Results revealed that typically developing children generally relied on the expected fronto-parietal network. However, all clinical groups showed an atypical reliance on the parietal regions, while patterns of delayed and atypical frontal activity differentiated the three clinical groups. This is the first neuroimaging study to elucidate the similarities and differences in the spatio-temporal profiles of neural regions involved in mental flexibility in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.M.Sc

    Fibrinolytic activity in gastric venous blood

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    En jÀmförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för Behandling av strokepatienter.

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    Örebro Universitet Institutionen för hĂ€lsovetenskap och medicin           Arbetsterapi Arbetes art: Uppsatsarbete omfattande 15 högskolepoĂ€ng, inom Ă€mnet arbetsterapi. Svensk Titel: En jĂ€mförelse mellan Bobathmetoden och andra interventionsmetoder för behandling av strokepatienter Engelsk titel: A comparison between the Bobath method and other interventions for stroke patients Författare: Maryam Tondkar Mogadam Handledare: Marie Holmefur Datum: 2012-05-03   Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Bobath behandlingsmetod utvecklades i England pĂ„ 1940-talet för patienter med hjĂ€rnskador. I denna behandlingsmetod ska patienter lĂ€ra sig att kontrollera sina onormala rörelser och muskelspasticitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att jĂ€mföra Bobathmetoden med andra interventionsmetoder för att kunna se vilken behandlingsmetod som har bĂ€ttre effekt för strokepatienter. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes i databasen AMED, PubMed och Cinahl för att ta fram aktuell forskning inom detta omrĂ„de. Artiklarna som kom fram Ă€r kvantitativa och Randomiserade Kontrollerade studier. Resultat: Resultatet av studierna visar att Bobathmetoden har positiv effekt för att klara aktiviteter i dagliga livet. Bobathmetoden visar förbĂ€ttring frĂ„n akuta fasen till efter behandling i ADL aktiviteter. Studierna visar att Motor Relearning Programme, Arm Basis training och Balance Performance Monitor trĂ€ning har bĂ€ttre effekt Ă€n Bobathmetoden i ADL aktiviteter. Arm Basis training, Motor Relearning Programme och Bobathmetoden förbĂ€ttrade handfunktionen över tiden. Transcutan Electric Nerve Stimulation visade att det har förbĂ€ttrat handrörelsen och handfunktionen förbĂ€ttrades men i Bobathmetoden visade det bara förbĂ€ttring av handfunktionen. Patienter som har trĂ€nat med Bobathmetoden kunde lĂ€ttare strĂ€cka ut sina muskler och hade förbĂ€ttrat sin rörelseförmĂ„ga. Bobathmetoden har bĂ€ttre effekt i rörelseförmĂ„gan Ă€n Orthopaedic Approach och Moment Science metoden. Antal ord: 4738 Sökord: Bobath, Behandlingsresultat, Stroke, Aktiviteter i det dagliga livet (ADL)och Arbetsterap
