10 research outputs found

    La céramique dace peinte de la citadelle de Piatra Craivii (Roumanie)

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    V zadnjem času so arheologi v Romuniji odkrili več novih dačanskih naselij. Poleg mnogih gradišč so na področju pogorja Orästie ugotovili več podeželskih naselij iz časa med 1. stol. pred in 1. stol. po n. e., preden je Dacija postala rimska provinca. Na teh najdiščih je lončarstvo zelo zanimiv proizvod in to ne le grobe, marveč tudi zelo fino izdelane keramike. Del te fine keramike, je poslikan in se deli v 2 skupini. Prva ima geometrijski ornament, druga je okrašena z rastlinskimi in živalskimi motivi. Zdi se, da so jo delali za dačanski dvor (op. 5). Na Piatra Craivii so raziskali velikansko naselje na 11 terasah z obzidjem in dvemi svetišči. V naselju je bilo mnogo zelo raznolike keramike. Tudi tu so našli fino keramiko, ki priča, do kakšnega blagostanja so se povzpeli Appuli, dačansko pleme, ki je prebivalo v deželi. V sestavku je opisana keramika, poslikana z geometrijskimi vzorci. Žal še nikjer niso našli celih posod. Zanimivo je, da so našli slikano keramiko v Piatra Craivii le na terasi, kjer je bilo veliko svetišče. Tehnika in način slikanja sta enaki kot pri mnogih drugih slikanih keramičnih izdelkih istega časa po Evropi. Slikano keramiko so našli še v vrsti drugih najdišč, a ona na Piatra Craivii se odlikuje po raznolikosti motivov. Prvotno so domnevali, daje slikana keramika uvožena iz mediteranskega sveta, nova raziskovanja (op. 11) pa so dokazala, da je odraz stikov s keltskim in grško-rimskim svetom

    Determining the optimum topology of composites by the flexural stiffness criterion

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    An important stage in designing of pieces made of composite materials consists of establishing the composite topology in such a way that it has certain properties needed in exploitation. The paper presents the mathematical apparatus and the calculation programme for establishing the optimum thickness of the composite groups so that it should have certain imposed (given) flexural stiffness. The method is applicable to all types of laminate composites, no matter of the cladding or matrix nature. The direct problem consists in determining the thickness of the groups and composite, minimising the bar mass, for an imposed (given) flexural stiffness, knowing the densities and elasticity modules of the groups. The indirect problem consists in determining the maximum stiffness, the thickness of the groups and composite for a given (imposed) mass, knowing the densities and elasticity modules of the groups. The presented programmes offer to the producer of this kind of materials the possibility to quickly establish the optimum topology

    Cercetări arheologice în castrul roman de la Apulum / Les fouilles archéologiques dans le castrum romain d’Apulum

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    Moga Vasile. Cercetări arheologice în castrul roman de la Apulum / Les fouilles archéologiques dans le castrum romain d’Apulum. In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, N°15 1983. A XV-A sesiune anuală de rapoarte, Muzeul jedeţean Braşov – 1981. pp. 278-280

    Descoperirile arheologice de la Alba Iulia, zona Cetate Sud / Les fouilles d’Alba Iulia, la zone de Cetate sud.

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    Moga Vasile, Bărbuţă Valeriu. Descoperirile arheologice de la Alba Iulia, zona Cetate Sud / Les fouilles d’Alba Iulia, la zone de Cetate sud.. In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, N°17 1993. A XVII-A sesiune anuală de rapoarte, Ploiești 1983 (Partea a II-a) pp. 287-289

    Cercetări arheologice la Ghirbom, Com. Berghin, Jud. Alba / Recherches archéologiques à Ghirbom (comm. de Berghin, dép. d’Alba)

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    Moga Vasile, Aldea Ioan Al. Cercetări arheologice la Ghirbom, Com. Berghin, Jud. Alba / Recherches archéologiques à Ghirbom (comm. de Berghin, dép. d’Alba). In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, N°14 1980. A XIV-A sesiune anuală de rapoarte. pp. 283-285

    Săpăturile arheologice de la Ghirbom (Campania 1978). Raport preliminar

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    Aldea Ioan Al., Moga Vasile, Ciugudean Horia. Săpăturile arheologice de la Ghirbom (Campania 1978). Raport preliminar. In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, N°13 1979. A XIII - A sesiune anuală de rapoarte. pp. 257-261

    Salt spring in present rural world. An ethnoarchaeological approach in Moldavia (Romania)

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    The Subcarpathian area of Moldavia represents the ideal framework to perform extensive ethnoarchaeological research as there are here over 200 salt water springs near which are found archaeological deposits related to the exploitation of the salt water. Nowadays, these deposits are still exploited at an unexpected degree of intensity by the members of rural as well as of urban communities. The main research focuses on the identification of all salt springs in sub-Carpathian Moldavia and on the completion of complex ethnoarchaeological research (exploitation, use, distribution networks, commerce, hunting,halotherapy, social contexts, ethnoscience, symbolistics, etc.)

    Comparative Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Acute Cholangitis Patients with Stent Placement and Sphincterotomy Interventions

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    In response to rising concerns over multidrug resistance patterns in acute cholangitis patients, this retrospective study was conducted at the Emergency County Hospital Timisoara, Romania, encompassing patients treated between August 2020 and August 2023. The study aimed to investigate the influence of prior interventions, specifically sphincterotomy (with or without stent placement), on the current clinical and microbiological profiles of acute cholangitis patients. By differentiating between patients with a history of sphincterotomy and the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)-naïve, we assessed the resistance of bacterial strains to antibiotics by the Tokyo Guidelines 2018, using bile cultures from 488 patients. The study identified various multidrug-resistant organisms, with a total multidrug resistance incidence of 19.9%. Significant variations were observed in the distribution of specific microorganisms and resistance patterns across different intervention groups. Patients with previous interventions, particularly those with both sphincterotomy and stent, exhibited elevated white blood cells (WBC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in comparison to their ERCP-naïve counterparts. This group also presented a striking prevalence of two bacteria in their bile cultures at 50.0%, compared to 16.1% in ERCP-naïve individuals. Regarding multidrug resistance, the prior sphincterotomy with stent placement had a prevalence of 50.0%. The presence of ESBL bacteria was also significantly higher in the same group at 28.7%, contrasting with the 8.9% in ERCP-naïve patients. Additionally, the same group had a higher burden of Klebsiella spp. infections, at 37.2%, and Enterococcus spp. at 43.6%. On the antibiotic resistance front, disparities persisted. Piperacillin/Tazobactam resistance was notably more rampant in patients with a previous sphincterotomy and stent, registering at 25.5% against 11.1% in the ERCP-naïve group. This study underscores a substantial discrepancy in multidrug resistance patterns and antibiotic resistance among acute cholangitis patients with previous manipulation of the bile ducts, without expressing significant differences by the type of stent used

    Characterization of Pure and Doped ZnO Nanostructured Powders elaborated in Solar Reactor

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    The synthesis of nano-oxides is an important field of nanotechnology, as these materials possess unique properties and applications. Several methods have been developed for synthesizing nano-oxides, each offering advantages and disadvantages depending on the desired material characteristics. Solar energy focused on solar reactors can be utilized for nano-oxide elaboration, offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. The current article presents the research carried out for the elaboration of pure and doped nanostructured zinc oxides using solar energy. The morphostructural characteristics were determined by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method. The attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed the synthesis of pure and doped nanostructured ZnO. The optical properties were highlighted by UV-VIS Spectroscopy. The research points out that crystallite sizes vary between 37 and 51 nm due to the influence of doping metal. The morphology associated with these particles is predominantly whiskers with elongated parts between 0.18 and 1.4 um. Doping with Fe, Si, Yb, and Ce causes a wider band gap compared to pure ZnO nanoparticles. As solar energy becomes more accessible and efficient, solar-driven synthesis of pure and doped ZnO is poised to be a crucial factor in shaping the future of material science and technology