13 research outputs found

    12 and 18 micron images of dust surrounding HD 32297

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    We present the first subarcsecond-resolution images at multiple mid-IR wavelengths of the thermally-emitting dust around the A0 star HD 32297. Our observations with T-ReCS at Gemini South reveal a nearly edge-on resolved disk at both 11.7 microns and 18.3 microns that extends ~150 AU in radius. The mid-IR is the third wavelength region in which this disk has been resolved, following coronagraphic observations by others of the source at optical and near-IR wavelengths. The global mid-IR colors and detailed consideration of the radial color-temperature distribution imply that the central part of the disk out to ~80 AU is relatively deficient in dust.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    High-spatial-resolution imaging of thermal emission from debris disks

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    We have obtained sub-arcsec mid-IR images of a sample of debris disks within 100 pc. For our sample of nineteen A-type debris disk candidates chosen for their IR excess, we have resolved, for the first time, five sources plus the previously resolved disk around HD 141569. Two other sources in our sample have been ruled out as debris disks since the time of sample selection. Three of the six resolved sources have inferred radii of 1-4 AU (HD 38678, HD 71155, and HD 181869), and one source has an inferred radius ~10-30 AU (HD 141569). Among the resolved sources with detections of excess IR emission, HD 71155 appears to be comparable in size (r~2 AU) to the solar system's asteroid belt, thus joining Zeta Lep (HD 38678, reported previously) to comprise the only two resolved sources of that class. Two additional sources (HD 95418 and HD 139006) show spatial extent that implies disk radii of ~1-3 AU, although the excess IR fluxes are not formally detected with better than 2-sigma significance. For the unresolved sources, the upper limits on the maximum radii of mid-IR disk emission are in the range ~1-20 AU, four of which are comparable in radius to the asteroid belt. We have compared the global color temperatures of the dust to that expected for the dust in radiative equilibrium at the distances corresponding to the observed sizes or limits on the sizes. In most cases, the temperatures estimated via these two methods are comparable, and therefore, we see a generally consistent picture of the inferred morphology and the global mid-IR emission. Finally, while our sample size is not statistically significant, we notice that the older sources (>200 Myr) host much warmer dust (T > 400 K) than younger sources (in the 10s of Myr).Comment: 46 pages, 12 figure

    Five Debris Disks Newly Revealed in Scattered Light from the HST NICMOS Archive

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    We have spatially resolved five debris disks (HD 30447, HD 35841, HD 141943, HD 191089, and HD 202917) for the first time in near-infrared scattered light by reanalyzing archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/NICMOS coronagraphic images obtained between 1999 and 2006. One of these disks (HD 202917) was previously resolved at visible wavelengths using HST/Advanced Camera for Surveys. To obtain these new disk images, we performed advanced point-spread function subtraction based on the Karhunen-Loeve Image Projection (KLIP) algorithm on recently reprocessed NICMOS data with improved detector artifact removal (Legacy Archive PSF Library And Circumstellar Environments Legacy program). Three of the disks (HD 30447, HD 35841, and HD 141943) appear edge-on, while the other two (HD 191089 and HD 202917) appear inclined. The inclined disks have been sculpted into rings; in particular, the disk around HD 202917 exhibits strong asymmetries. All five host stars are young (8-40 Myr), nearby (40-100 pc) F and G stars, and one (HD 141943) is a close analog to the young sun during the epoch of terrestrial planet formation. Our discoveries increase the number of debris disks resolved in scattered light from 19 to 23 (a 21% increase). Given their youth, proximity, and brightness (V = 7.2 to 8.5), these targets are excellent candidates for follow-up investigations of planet formation at visible wavelengths using the HST/STIS coronagraph, at near-infrared wavelengths with the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) and Very Large Telescope (VLT)/SPHERE, and at thermal infrared wavelengths with the James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam and MIRI coronagraphs.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    VISIR Upgrade Overview and Status

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    We present an overview of the VISIR upgrade project. VISIR is the mid-infrared imager and spectrograph at ESO鈥檚 VLT. The project team is comprised of ESO staff and members of the original VISIR consortium: CEA Saclay and ASTRON. The project plan is based on input from the ESO user community with the goal of enhancing the scientific performance and efficiency of VISIR by a combination of measures: installation of improved hardware, optimization of instrument operations and software support. The cornerstone of the upgrade is the 1k by 1k Si:As Aquarius detector array (Raytheon) which has demonstrated very good performance (sensitivity, stability) in the laboratory IR detector test facility (modified TIMMI 2 instrument). A prism spectroscopic mode will cover the N-band in a single observation. New scientific capabilities for high resolution and high-contrast imaging will be offered by sub-aperture mask (SAM) and phase-mask coronagraphic (4QPM/AGPM) modes. In order to make optimal use of favourable atmospheric conditions a water vapour monitor has been deployed on Paranal, allowing for real-time decisions and the introduction of a userdefined constraint on water vapour. Improved pipelines based on the ESO Reflex concept will provide better support to astronomers. The upgraded VISIR will be a powerful instrument providing background limited performance for diffraction-limited observations at an 8-m telescope. It will offer synergy with facilities such as ALMA, JWST, VLTI and SOFIA, while a wealth of targets is available from survey work (e.g. VISTA, WISE). In addition it will bring confirmation of the technical readiness and scientific value of several aspects of potential mid-IR instrumentation at Extremely Large Telescopes. The intervention on VISIR and installation of hardware has been completed in July and commissioning will take place during July and August. VISIR is scheduled to be available to the users starting Oct 2012

    Confronting Racism to Advance Our Science

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    As individuals serving on the AGU Advances editorial board, we condemn racism, affirm that Black Lives Matter, and recognize that inequality is built into the systems that have allowed us to prosper. We aim to persistently foster discussion about racism, inequity, and the need to make our community more diverse and inclusive. This will help AGU Advances do a better job in publishing important science that inclusively reflects the ideas and contributions of all in our community

    Relocating a heavy-metal factory

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