1,780 research outputs found

    N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-bis(dicarboximide) on alkali halide(001) surfaces

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    The growth of N,N'-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-bis(dicarboximide) (DiMe-PTCDI) on KBr(001) and NaCl(001) surfaces has been studied. Experimental results have been achieved using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy at room temperature under ultra-high vacuum conditions. On both substrates, DiMe-PTCDI forms molecular wires with a width of 10 nm, typically, and a length of up to 600 nm at low coverages. All wires grow along the [110] direction (or [11ˉ\bar{1}0] direction, respectively) of the alkali halide (001) substrates. There is no wetting layer of molecules: Atomic resolution of the substrates can be achieved between the wires. The wires are mobile on KBr surface but substantially more stable on NaCl. A p(2 x 2) superstructure in brickwall arrangement on the ionic crystal surfaces is proposed based on electrostatic considerations. Calculations and Monte-Carlo simulations using empirical potentials reveal possible growth mechanisms for molecules within the first layer for both substrates, also showing a significantly higher binding energy for NaCl(001). For KBr, the p(2 x 2) superstructure is confirmed by the simulations, for NaCl, a less dense, incommensurate superstructure is predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    MEMS Accelerometer with Screen Printed Piezoelectric Thick Film

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    Before the First Shot is Fired: Hypothetical Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution to Avoid a Re-Enactment of the Hatfields and the McCoys - Kirkham v. Wright

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    Kirkham v. Wright was chosen as the subject case because it represents the type of dispute that is extremely well suited to resolution through the ADR process. While some argument exists about the law in Kirkham,2 the bulk of the dispute revolves around the application of the law to the facts.\u27 Furthermore, this case was eventually settled after remand,4 which leads to the conclusion that a settlement may have been possible earlier. Additionally, while the attorneys involved would not disclose the legal costs, it is a safe estimate that they ran into the tens of thousands of dollars.\u2

    CCuantuMM: Cycle-Consistent Quantum-Hybrid Matching of Multiple Shapes

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    Jointly matching multiple, non-rigidly deformed 3D shapes is a challenging, NP\mathcal{NP}-hard problem. A perfect matching is necessarily cycle-consistent: Following the pairwise point correspondences along several shapes must end up at the starting vertex of the original shape. Unfortunately, existing quantum shape-matching methods do not support multiple shapes and even less cycle consistency. This paper addresses the open challenges and introduces the first quantum-hybrid approach for 3D shape multi-matching; in addition, it is also cycle-consistent. Its iterative formulation is admissible to modern adiabatic quantum hardware and scales linearly with the total number of input shapes. Both these characteristics are achieved by reducing the NN-shape case to a sequence of three-shape matchings, the derivation of which is our main technical contribution. Thanks to quantum annealing, high-quality solutions with low energy are retrieved for the intermediate NP\mathcal{NP}-hard objectives. On benchmark datasets, the proposed approach significantly outperforms extensions to multi-shape matching of a previous quantum-hybrid two-shape matching method and is on-par with classical multi-matching methods.Comment: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023; 22 pages, 24 figures and 5 tables; Project page: https://4dqv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/CCuantuMM

    Crustal thinning in the northern Tyrrhenian Rift: Insights from multichannel and wide-angle seismic data across the basin

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    Extension of the continental lithosphere leads to the formation of rift basins or rifted continental margins if breakup occurs. Seismic investigations have repeatedly shown that conjugate margins have asymmetric tectonic structures and different amount of extension and crustal thinning. Here we compare two coincident wide-angle and multichannel seismic profiles across the northern Tyrrhenian rift system sampling crust that underwent different stages of extension from north to south and from the flanks to the basin center. Tomographic inversion reveals that the crust has thinned homogeneously from ~24 km to ~17 km between the Corsica Margin and the Latium Margin implying a β factor of ~1.3–1.5. On the transect 80 km to the south, the crust thinned from ~24 km beneath Sardinia to a maximum of ~11 km in the eastern region near the Campania Margin (β factor of ~2.2). The increased crustal thinning is accompanied by a zone of reduced velocities in the upper crust that expands progressively toward the southeast. We interpret that the velocity reduction is related to rock fracturing caused by a higher degree of brittle faulting, as observed on multichannel seismic images. Locally, basalt flows are imaged intruding sediment in this zone, and heat flow values locally exceed 100 mW/m2. Velocities within the entire crust range 4.0–6.7 km/s, which are typical for continental rocks and indicate that significant rift-related magmatic underplating may not be present. The characteristics of the pre-tectonic, syn-tectonic and post-tectonic sedimentary units allow us to infer the spatial and temporal evolution of active rifting. In the western part of the southern transect, thick postrift sediments were deposited in half grabens that are bounded by large fault blocks. Fault spacing and block size diminish to the east as crustal thinning increases. Recent tectonic activity is expressed by faults cutting the seafloor in the east, near the mainland of Italy. The two transects show the evolution from the less extended rift in the north with a fairly symmetric conjugate structure to the asymmetric margins farther south. This structural evolution is consistent with W-E rift propagation and southward increasing extension rates

    Sex-specific phenotypes of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in mice

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    Background Thyroid dysfunction is more common in the female population, however, the impact of sex on disease characteristics has rarely been addressed. Using a murine model, we asked whether sex has an influence on phenotypes, thyroid hormone status, and thyroid hormone tissue response in hyper- and hypothyroidism. Methods Hypo- and hyperthyroidism were induced in 5 -month-old female and male wildtype C57BL/6N mice, by LoI/MMI/ClO4 − or T4 i.p. treatment over 7 weeks, and control animals underwent sham treatment (N = 8 animals/sex/treatment). Animals were investigated for impact of sex on body weight, food and water intake, body temperature, heart rate, behaviour (locomotor activity, motor coordination, and strength), liver function, serum thyroid hormone status, and cellular TH effects on gene expression in brown adipose tissue, heart, and liver. Results Male and female mice showed significant differences in behavioural, functional, metabolic, biochemical, and molecular traits of hyper- and hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism resulted in increased locomotor activity in female mice but decreased muscle strength and motor coordination preferably in male animals. Hypothyroidism led to increased water intake in male but not female mice and significantly higher serum cholesterol in male mice. Natural sex differences in body temperature, body weight gain, food and water intake were preserved under hyperthyroid conditions. In contrast, natural sex differences in heart rate disappeared with TH excess and deprivation. The variations of hyper- or hypothyroid traits of male and female mice were not explained by classical T3/T4 serum state. TH serum concentrations were significantly increased in female mice under hyperthyroidism, but no sex differences were found under eu- or hypothyroid conditions. Interestingly, analysis of expression of TH target genes and TH transporters revealed little sex dependency in heart, while sex differences in target genes were present in liver and brown adipose tissue in line with altered functional and metabolic traits of hyper- and hypothyroidism. Conclusions These data demonstrate that the phenotypes of hypo- and hyperthyroidism differ between male and female mice and indicate that sex is an important modifier of phenotypic manifestations