4 research outputs found

    Les brachiopodes siluriens et dévoniens de Severnaya Zemlya (Arctique russe)

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    Les séquences de sédiments carbonatés du Silurien et du Dévonien de l\u27archipel de Severnaya Zemlya et des territoires adjacents sont riches en fossiles, où dominent les brachiopodes. Les assemblages de brachiopodes comprennent 25 taxons. Les strophoménides, atrypides et spiriférides sont les groupes les plus diversifiés, bien que les plus communs soient les rhynchonellides. Sept nouvelles espèces sont décrites : Brachyprion ruminatus n. sp., Lenatoechia octjabrensis n. sp., Anabaria ? latens n. sp., Undispirifer ? obsoletiplicatus n. sp., Grebenella laciniatus n. sp., Hyattidina remota n. sp. et Greenfieldia orbiculata n. sp. La plupart des commmunautés de brachiopodes sont caractéristiques d\u27environnements peu profonds et correspondent aux associations benthiques BA-2, BA-3 ou BA-4. Elles indiquent la transition entre les environnements d\u27eau ouverte peu profonde et le faciès sub-tidal. La faune de brachiopodes est souvent monotaxon et dominée par des espèces endémiques. Au niveau géné-rique, elle est cosmopolite à 74 % et régionale à 26 %. Cela atteste l\u27existence de ressemblances paléobiogéographiques entre Severnaya Zemlya et le nord de la Baltica (Novaya Zemlya, Oural et région balte) à l\u27Ouest et Severnaya Zemlya et la Sibérie orientale (Taïmyr, Plateforme sibérienne) à l\u27Est, à la période silurienne. Ce sont des faunes contemporaines du Nord-Est de la Russie, de l\u27Australie et de l\u27Arctique canadien que l\u27assemblage de brachiopodes dévoniens de Severnaya Zemlya est le plus proche.Silurian and Lower Devonian sequences of the carbonate sediments of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, and adjacent territories, are rich in fossils, among which brachiopods are dominating. The association of brachiopods includes 25 taxa. Strophomenids, atrypids and spiriferids are the most diverse groups, although the most common are the rhynchonellids. Seven new species are described: Brachyprion ruminatus n. sp., Lenatoechia octjabrensis n. sp., Anabaria? latens n. sp., Undispirifer? obsoletiplicatus n. sp., Grebenella laciniatus n. sp., Hyattidina remota n. sp., and Greenfieldia orbiculata n. sp. Most of the brachiopod communities are characteristic of shallow water environments and represent BA-2, BA-3 or BA-4 benthic associations. They indicate the transition from open shallow-water shelf environments to fore-shoal facies. The brachiopod fauna is often monotaxic and is dominated by endemic species. At the generic level this fauna is 74% cosmopolitan, and 26% regional. This fact testifies the existence of palaeobiogeographic similarities between Severnaya Zemlya and the northern Baltica (Novaya Zemlya, Urals, and Baltic region) in the West, and between Severnaya Zemlya and East Siberia (Tajmyr, Siberian Platform) in the East in Silurian time. The assemblage of Devonian brachiopods from Severnaya Zemlya is most similar to the contemporaneous faunas from North-East Russia, Australia and Canadian Arctic Archipelago.</p

    Stegocornu and associated brachiopods from the Silurian (Llandovery) of Central Iran

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    A Llandovery (mid-upper Aeronian) brachiopod fauna is described for the first time from the Niur Formation of Central Iran. It is dominated by two succeeding rhynchonellide species Stegocornu procerum Dürkoop, 1970 and Stegocornu denisae sp. nov. In addition, there are three common and four rarer brachiopod species, including Dalejina? rashidii sp. nov., Isorthis (Ovalella) inflata sp. nov. and Striispirifer? ocissimus sp. nov. The Stegocornu Association gives a distinct biogeographic signature to the mid to late Llandovery rhynchonellide-dominated shallow-water brachiopod faunas of Central Iran, Kope-Dagh and Afghanistan. Its proliferation in temperate latitude peri-Gondwana was one of the earliest signs of biogeographical differentiation of the brachiopod faunas in the early Silurian. The affinities of Stegocornu and Xerxespirifer are discussed

    Cambrian (Furongian) rhynchonelliform brachiopods from the Eastern Alborz Mountains, Iran

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    The Cambrian (Furongian) shallow water carbonates in the Mila Formation in the Tuyeh-Darvar area (eastern Alborz, northern Iran) contain numerous shell beds, entirely composed of disarticulated valves of the billingsellide brachiopods Billingsella? fortis sp. nov. and Hyrcanostrophia tuyehensis gen. et sp. nov. Higher up in the Mila Formation, the shallow water carbonates are replaced by nodular limestones, deposited in an open marine environment, containing Palaeostrophia tecta Nikitin &amp; Popov, 1983 and the early polytoechioid Darvaretoechia prisca gen. et sp. nov. These two different brachiopod assemblages are assigned to the oligotaxic Billingsella and Palaeostrophia associations, respectively. These associations are considered to represent precursors to the brachiopod-dominated benthic assemblages of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna. The new brachiopod faunas from the Alborz Terrane are closely similar to contemporaneous Furongian faunas from the Australasian sector of Gondwana, in particular, to those from South China and the Kazakhstanian terranes.Includes figures. Includes references. Includes acknowledgements.</p

    Learning from existential experience for the quality of life

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    Pētījuma aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka, neskatoties uz plašo izglītības virzienu apjomu gan eksaktajās, gan humanitārajās, gan starpnozaru sfērās, ko piedāvā izglītības iestādes Latvijā, lielākoties paliek neatbildēti svarīgi jautājumi par cilvēka eksistenci. Pētījuma mērķis ir apzināt ar eksistenciālo pieredzi saistītos dzīves kvalitātes veidošanās pedagoģiskos nosacījumus un izpētīt tās subjektīvo novērtējumu mācīšanās procesā. Pētījuma rezultātā pamatota eksistenciālisma pieejas būtība un nepieciešamība pedagoģijā, mācīšanās specifika no eksistenciālās pieredzes, formulētas dzīves kvalitātes subjektīvā novērtējuma kategorijas eksistenciālās pieejas skatījumā, pamatota saikne starp dzīves kvalitātes subjektīvo novērtējumu un pašizziņu, kā arī aprakstītas sakarības starp mācīšanās motivāciju un priekšstatiem par savu eksistenci. Atslēgvārdi: mācīšanās, eksistenciālā pieredze, dzīves kvalitāte, subjektīvais novērtējums, eksistenciālā pedagoģijaThe topicality of the research is determined by the fact that despite the extensive scope of education offered by the Latvian education institutions, for most part the important questions about human existence remain largely unanswered. The aim of the research is to identify the pedagogical conditions related to the existential experience in the formation of the life quality and to study its subjective evaluation in the learning process. The research results substantiate the essence and necessity of the existentialist approach in pedagogy and the learning specifics from the existential experience. The categories of the subjective evaluation of life quality in the view of existential approach are formulated, a link between subjective evaluation of life quality and self-knowledge is justified, as well as the relationship between learning motivation and subjective evaluation of one’s own existence is described. Keywords: learning, existential experience, life quality, subjective evaluation, existential pedagog