965 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of the Massive Gross-Neveu Model

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    We study the thermodynamics of massive Gross-Neveu models with explicitly broken discrete or continuous chiral symmetries for finite temperature and fermion densities. The large NN limit is discussed bearing attention to the no-go theorems for symmetry breaking in two dimensions which apply to the massless cases. The main purpose of the study is to serve as analytical orientation for the more complex problem of chiral transition in 4−4-dimensional QCD with quarks. For any non-vanishing fermion mass we find, at finite densities, lines of first order phase transitions. For small mass values traces of would-be second order transitions and a tricritical point are recognizable. We study the thermodynamics of these models, and in the model with broken continuous chiral symmetry we examine the properties of the pion like state.Comment: 34 pages (+18 figures, available upon request to [email protected]), LATEX file, uses art12a.sty, macro included, UGVA-DPT 1994/06-85

    Tetrad gravity, electroweak geometry and conformal symmetry

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    A partly original description of gauge fields and electroweak geometry is proposed. A discussion of the breaking of conformal symmetry and the nature of the dilaton in the proposed setting indicates that such questions cannot be definitely answered in the context of electroweak geometry.Comment: 21 pages - accepted by International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics - v2: some minor changes, mostly corrections of misprint

    Single vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    It has been demonstrated experimentally that non-axially symmetric vortices precess around the centre of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Two types of single vortex states have been observed, usually referred to as the S-vortex and the U-vortex. We study theoretically the single vortex excitations in spherical and elongated condensates as a function of the interaction strength. We solve numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and calculate the angular momentum as a function of precession frequency. The existence of two types of vortices means that we have two different precession frequencies for each angular momentum value. As the interaction strength increases the vortex lines bend and the precession frequencies shift to lower values. We establish that for given angular momentum the S-vortex has higher energy than the U-vortex in a rotating elongated condensate. We show that the S-vortex is related to the solitonic vortex which is a nonlinear excitation in the nonrotating system. For small interaction strengths the S-vortex is related to the dark soliton. In the dilute limit a lowest Landau level calculation provides an analytic description of these vortex modes in terms of the harmonic oscillator states

    Mean-field analysis of the stability of a K-Rb Fermi-Bose mixture

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    We compare the experimental stability diagram of a Fermi-Bose mixture of K-40 and Rb-87 atoms with attractive interaction to the predictions of a mean-field theoretical model. We discuss how this comparison can be used to give a better estimate of the interspecies scattering length, which is currently known from collisional measurements with larger uncertainty.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Production of a Fermi gas of atoms in an optical lattice

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    We prepare a degenerate Fermi gas of potassium atoms by sympathetic cooling with rubidium atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice. In a tight lattice we observe a change of the density of states of the system, which is a signature of quasi two dimensional confinement. We also find that the dipolar oscillations of the Fermi gas along the tight lattice are almost completely suppressed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised versio

    Magnetic control of the interaction in ultracold K-Rb mixtures

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    We predict the presence of several magnetic Feshbach resonances in selected Zeeman sublevels of the isotopic pairs K(40)-Rb(87) and K(41)-Rb(87) at magnetic fields up to 1000 G. Positions and widths are determined combining a new measurement of the K(40)-Rb(87) inelastic cross section with recent experimental results on both isotopes. The possibility of driving a K-Rb mixtures from the weak to the strong interacting regime tuning the applied field should allow to achieve the optimal conditions for boson-induced Cooper pairing in a multi component K(40)-Rb(87) atomic gas and for the production of ultracold polar molecules.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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