85 research outputs found

    The Dynamics of Architecture-Governance Configurations: An Assemblage Theory Approach

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    Research on digital infrastructures and platforms studies large-scale systems that are characterized by constant evolution, loosely defined boundaries, and growing complexity. This research demonstrates that evolution is driven by tensions (between stability and change), which are in turn determined by the systems’ architecture and governance structures. This paper argues that architecture and governance are intrinsically related and conceptualizes them as a unified entity that we call an architecture-governance (A-G) configuration. We focus on the dynamics of A-G configurations—i.e., how architecture and governance interact and, in combination, shape the evolution of digital infrastructures, while, at the same time, change as emergent outcomes of the evolution of infrastructures. Toward this end, this paper applies assemblage theory as a lens for conducting a longitudinal study on an electronic prescription infrastructure. We identify three overall A-G configurations corresponding to different phases of the evolution of the infrastructure. This paper makes three contributions. First, we theorize the A-G configuration as an intertwined intermediate-scale entity that represents the form of the infrastructure and simultaneously constitutes an assemblage in its own right. Second, we demonstrate how an A-G configuration and its infrastructure coevolved through a series of interacting stabilization and destabilization processes operating within and across levels. Finally, we argue that tensions driving the evolution of infrastructures are also dynamic and that, accordingly, the focus of study should be on the processes of stabilization and destabilization rather than on stability and change themselves

    A methodological and conceptual review of inter organizational information systems integration

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    The proliferation of applications to support cross-enterprise processes has left companies nursing a collection of systems. The integration of such systems, within and across the organizational boundaries, remains a top issue of researchers and practitioners’ agendas. Although integration has long been treated as a key variable in the IS field, the construct has received little conceptual scrutiny. In this essay we argue that the concept of IOIS integration (cross-enterprise integration of information systems) is still ambiguous and lacks an understanding on its nature. Thus we explore prior literature that has attempted to conceptualize IOIS integration. We examine dimensions that concern both the methodology used (epistemology, theoretical perspective, research approach, duration of the study, conceptual model and unit of analysis), and the construct (scope, layer of integration and conceptualization of the ICT artefact). Sixty-one articles are reviewed. We present the results and discuss different dimensions of the construct (definition, antecedents, consequences and measures). The purpose of this literature survey is to shed some light on the IOIS integration construct as well as to uncover areas for future research

    Architectural Constraints on the Bootstrapping of a Personal Health Record

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    During the last decade we have seen a proliferation of electronic personal health record systems (PHRs) aiming to change the way people manage and receive healthcare. However, many of these initiatives have failed to take-off. We inquire into such unsatisfactory outcomes by drawing upon the perspective proposed in the information infrastructure (II) literature. This literature views the value of PHRs as dependent on the number of actors using them. This poses a challenge for designers (referred to as ‘bootstrapping’): how to persuade users to adopt a PHR when the user base is still small. To address the bootstrap- ping challenge, II literature suggests starting with a simple solution that creates immediate user value and enables users to enroll gradually. This paper seeks to explore how PHR architecture can hinder PHR bootstrapping through a longitudinal case study on the implementation of an integrated PHR. Our case analysis identifies four architectural constraints: poor data quality; coordination across heterogeneity; privacy and control; and re-configurability. This paper concludes by discussing the implications of the findings for the literature on personal and electronic health records and on the design of information infrastructures

    Tackling the Problem of Transferability in IS Qualitative Research

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    Despite the diverse calls for transferability in IS research, most IS qualitative research studies still pay little attention to the potential applicability of their results in other social contexts (settings). We argue that one way to support the assessment of transferability is to characterize the deep features of the research setting. The two main premises of this paper are that although in IS qualitative research knowledge about results is context-bound, (1) the settings in which IS phenomena occur may have common features and characteristics, and therefore, the settings may be commensurable, and (2) the transferability of research results from one setting to another depends on the fittingness between the features and characteristics of the settings. In this article, we draw on the constituents of structure proposed by Giddens to suggest these common features and develop a framework of four pure ‘structural configurations’. We demonstrate proof of concept concerning the feasibility of this framework by classifying the research settings of a sample of papers. We consider this framework may be a first approximation to typifying the setting in which IS phenomena occur, and therefore, a way to support the transferability of IS qualitative research by delineating the applicability of its results


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    Food systems activities produce around 30% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are responsible for numerous environmental issues which could ultimately harm our ability to grow food reliably. One way to reduce the food system’s impacts is to transition to a more sustainable diet composed of low impact foods. The objective of this study is to identify consumers demonstrating an intention to consume sustainably produced foods, and to identify their characteristics to inform the design of targeted gamified interventions that would promote sustainable food purchasing. A survey incorporating variables from the theory of planned behaviour (e.g. attitude), socio-demographic information (e.g. age), gamification profiling variables (e.g. player typology), as well as preferred mobile applications, was developed in this study and distributed via a market survey company. Statistical analysis in the form of hierarchical clustering was used to segment and identify target markets, while contingency analysis assessed the most effective means of promoting sustainable diets. A total of four hundred and ninety surveys were distributed and three hundred and seventy-six of them were validated because they agreed to participate, were not detected as potential AI powered responses, and their responses from the theory of planned behaviour were completed. Linear regression was used to assess the significance of all variables on the intent to consume a sustainable diet. Cluster analysis identified 3 potential target segments, and contingency analysis was used to detect their unique features. Two consumer segments were identified as having high potential as a target market. Individuals in this market intended to consume a sustainable diet but lacked follow through. Strong evidence towards the effectiveness of gamification of interventions was not observed due to low and medium frequency in gaming behaviours for the two target segments. Interventions distributed through mobile applications would be most effective if they were delivered through social media and included game design elements associated with Philanthropist and Free Spirit user types. The survey was confined to Ontario, therefore it may not be generalizable to other regions. Nevertheless, this study is unique in its assessment of the profiles of consumers with high intention to purchase sustainably sourced foods through a combination of the theory of planned behaviour, socio-demographic factors, gamification player types and game behaviours, as well as preferred mobile application usage

    Inhibition of FAK prevents blister formation in the neonatal mouse model of pemphigus vulgaris

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    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune blistering skin disease characterized by suprabasal acantholysis and by autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 localized on desmosomes. In addition, caspases also seem to participate in this blistering disease. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in cytoskeleton remodelling and formation and disassembly of cell adhesion structures. We have previously demonstrated that HER (human epidermal growth factor receptor related) isoforms, Src (Rous sarcoma) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), three molecules implicated in signalling processes, take part in suprabasal acantholysis and apoptosis induced by PV-IgG in a mouse model. Our aim was to investigate whether upregulation of FAK is implicated in the development of PV lesions. Herein, using a mouse model, PV-IgG administration showed an increased level of FAK phosphorylated on 397 and 925 tyrosine residues in the basal layer of epidermis. When mice were pretreated with a FAK inhibitor (FI), the acantholysis of the basal layer of epidermis was absent. More interestingly, we observed that phosphorylated FAK (Y397/925) decreased when HER isoforms, Src, mTOR and pan-caspases inhibitors were employed before PV-IgG administration. In addition, pretreatment with the FI before PV-IgG injection prevented the changes in both Bax and Bcl-2 expression and caspase-9 and caspase-3 activities induced by PV-IgG. Finally, FI reduced the expression of phosphorylated Src and mTOR in the basal cells of epidermis. In conclusion, our data reveal a novel role of phosphorylated FAK (Y397/925) in PV development involving HER isoforms, Src and mTOR kinase

    Com afecta el disseny d'una pròtesi en la millora de la qualitat de vida

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    Les pròtesis de genoll s'han mostrat efectives en el tractament de l'artrosi avançada de genoll en quan a recuperació de la funció i a la millora de la qualitat de vida dels pacients que la reben. Actualment, l'augment de l'esperança de vida de la població per un costat, i la voluntat de la societat en tenir una millor salut, ha fet augmentar també el nombre de pròtesis de genoll implantades de forma quasi exponencial , causant un impacte econòmic social molt important. La hipòtesi principal d'aquest estudi és que el disseny de tres diferents models de pròtesis de genoll no modifiquen els resultats en la millora en la qualitat de vida percebuda pels pacients, valorada amb les escales WOMAC i SF-36. S'estudien 133 pacients intervinguts de protesis de genoll als que se'ls hi ha implantat un model posteroestabilitzat ( PS), o un model que reté el encreuat posterior (CR) o un model de platet mòbil (M) a través d'un estudi observacional d'avaluació de la pràctica clínica habitual al nostre hospital, prospectiu unicèntric i de base poblacional . Es conclou que no hi ha diferències entre els 3 tipus de models de pròtesi de genoll alhora de millorar la qualitat de vida . Les variables basals preoperatòries ( edat, sexe, lateralitat, IMC, comorbilitats i ASA) no han influenciat sobre els valors obtinguts en qualitat de vida i per tant, aquestes condicions prèvies no han modificat els valors de les escales de qualitat de vida WOMAC ni SF -36. El WOMAC preoperatori si que predisposa un a evolució diferent del WOMAC postoperatori, així , els pacients amb resultats preoperatoris pitjors, son els que assoleixen increments majors del WOMAC postoperatori. El SF 36 preoperatori, per contra, no genera cap influència sobre els valors postoperatoris. Valorant si la funció final estudiada amb el KSS es relacionava amb una millora en la qv hem obtingut el següent. Una bona funció final es relaciona uns bons resultats en l'escala WOMAC i SF-36, si bé en aquesta última no és significativa. Una bona funció final es relaciona amb un alt grau de satisfacció per parts dels pacients .Tots els increments en qv anaven lligats a un alt grau de satisfacció. No hem observat diferències entre rebre un tipus de pròtesi o un altra en quan al grau de satisfaccióKnee replacement has been proved effective for the treatment of advanced Knee osteoarthritis regarding function recovery and improvement of life quality in patients who undergo surgery. Increased life expectancy of the population on one side, and the willingness of society to have better quality of life and health, has also increased the number of knee replacements implanted, almost exponentially, causing an important economical social impact. The main hypothesis of this study is to demonstrate that the outcomes obtained from three different prosthesis type designs, show no differences when it comes to life-quality improvement perceived by patients, as reflected by the WOMAC and SF-36 scales. We studied 133 patients undergoing knee replacement with one of the following: A posteroestabilizated model (PS), a cruciate retained model (CR) or a mobile bearing model (M). We carried out a population-based, observational, prospective and unicentric study to evaluate clinical practice at our hospital. We concluded that there are no differences between the three types of models of arthroplasties when it comes to life quality improvement. Preoperative baseline variables (age, gender, leg dominance, BMI, comorbidities and ASA) showed no influence over life-quality values previously obtained and therefore no influence on the WOMAC and SF -36 scales. The preoperative WOMAC score has been seen to predispose a different evolution in postoperative WOMAC. Patients with a low preoperative WOMAC score achieved a greater improvement in the postoperative WOMAC. The preoperative SF 36, however, did not influence postoperative values. Assessing whether the final function studied with KSS was related to an improvement in the quality of life we obtained the following. Good final function is related to good results in the WOMAC and SF-36 scales, although the latter is not significant. A good final function is associated with a high degree of patient satisfaction. A rise in quality of life was linked to a high degree of patient satisfaction. We did not observe differences depending on the type of prosthesis model used
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