635 research outputs found

    Estudio del Contacto entre dos Cuerpos con Superficies Rugosas a Través del Método de los Elementos Finitos

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    El presente trabajo se propone analizar la aplicación de una herramienta de software basada en lógica difusa, para la identificación de la localización sustentable de cuatro parques industriales ubicados en la provincia de Córdoba. Siendo la localización un estudio de soluciones múltiples, puede existir más de una localización factible adecuada que puede hacer sustentable el proyecto. El software sobre el que se basa principalmente este estudio es el Expert Choice V11 que utiliza el Proceso Jerárquico Analítico (AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process). El AHP permite combinar la percepción humana, las preferencias y la experiencia para priorizar opciones en situaciones complejas como las estudiadas en el presente trabajo. Luego de aplicar el software para los estudios de localización se pudo apreciar la utilidad y las fortalezas del mismo como soporte de decisión para la localización de parques industriales

    Remoción de quistes de giardia duodenalis por filtración rápida

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar la remoción de quistes de Giardia duodenalis en agua, se construyó un filtro rápido por gravedad, a escala laboratorio, con arena (Tamaño efectivo: 0,95±0,03 mm) como material filtrante. El agua para la prueba de remoción (160 L) se preparó diluyendo una suspensión de quistes con H2Od hasta una turbiedad de 4 UNT. Para recuperar los quistes no removidos, el agua filtrada se pasó a través de membranas de nitrato de celulosa de 0,45 μm. El conteo de quistes se realizó en cámara de Neubauer. Mediante pruebas hidráulicas se estableció el espesor del lecho (0,75 m) y el tiempo de retención (5 min). La concentración de parásitos en el agua de entrada fue de 2,2 104 quistes/L, obteniéndose una remoción de 1,5 log (96,9 %). La turbiedad durante el periodo de filtración fue ≤ 1,22 UNT. Este trabajo confirma que aún en condiciones de filtración apropiadas, los quistes de Giardia pueden aparecer en el agua tratada cuando ocurre una elevada contaminación de la fuente.In order to evaluate the removal of cysts of Giardia duodenalis in water, a rapid gravity filter was constructed on laboratory scale with sand (effective size: 0.95 ± 0.03 mm) as a filter material. Water for the test (160 L) was prepared by diluting a suspension of cysts with H2Od until a turbidity of 4 UNT. To recover the unremoved cysts, the filtered water was passed through 0.45 μm cellulose nitrate membranes. The cysts count was performed in Neubauer chamber. The filter bed thickness (0.75 m) and the retention time (5 min) were established by hydraulic tests. The concentration of parasites in the incoming water was 2.2 104 cysts / L obtaining a removal of 1.5 log (96.9 %). The turbidity during the filtration period was ≤ 1.22 UNT. This investigation confirms that even under appropriate filtration conditions, cysts of Giardia can appear in the treated water when high source contamination occurs.Fil: Pizarro, A.. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Zerbatto, M.. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Pizarro, M.. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Modini, L.. Universidad Nacional del Litora

    Lyric in the second degree : archaic and early classical poetry in Himerius of Athens

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    This article reconsiders afresh the methodological issues posed by the reception of archaic and classical poetry in imperial rhetorical texts. It argues that references to ancient poems and poets in the works of imperial sophists are always already the product of appropriation and rewriting, and that the study of sophists’ engagement with poetry should go beyond Quellenforschung to explore how and why poetic models were transformed in light of their new rhetorical and imperial contexts. To illustrate this approach and its contribution to our understanding of both ancient reception phenomena and imperial rhetorical culture, the article focuses on Himerius of Athens, a fourth-century C.E. sophist and teacher of rhetoric whose fondness for lyric poetry has caused his Orations to be used as a quarry for lyric fragments and testimonia. Himerius’ treatment of carefully chosen lyric models is here discussed with attention to his self- presentation and rhetorical agenda, to show how the sophist appropriated the voices of diverse lyric icons to promote his school and negotiate his position in relation to the imperial administration. This analysis restores Himerius’ intellectual significance within late-imperial culture and society, but it also demonstrates how a more in-depth study of the reception of ancient poetry in imperial sophistic literature has the potential to illuminate the strategies of cultural politics used by imperial authors to (re)construct Greek tradition

    Bowel obstruction from benign adnexal mass i an elderly patient

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    Bowel obstruction resulting from ovarian masses is a serious complication of these diseases. This may be caused by bulky masses filling the pelvis and the abdomen, and should be carefully worked out by pre-operative imaging because of their non-specific clinical signs that may be confused with those due to other conditions such as: volvulus, cancer or adhesions. We report the case of a 70 years old woman with a bulky pelvic-abdominal mass of 27 × 20 cm that was found to be an “ovarian serous cystadenoma” and clinical signs of intestinal obstruction, which was treated by uterus sparing surgery

    Tratamiento sustentable de agua residual urbana mediante un humedal construido acoplado con una celda de combustible microbiana

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    Se evaluó la eficiencia de un humedal construido acoplado con una celda de combustible microbiana (HC-CCM), a escala micropiloto, para tratar agua residual urbana real (ARU) y generar electricidad por acción de bacterias electroactivas que oxidan la materia orgánica. Para ello se construyó un humedal vertical de flujo ascendente al que se integraron 2 electrodos de grafito conectados a una resistencia externa de 1000 ohm. HC-CCM se alimentó continuamente con ARU sedimentada durante 4 meses. El tiempo de residencia hidráulico fue de 1.2 d. Semanalmente, se evaluó la calidad del ARU influente y del efluente tratado. El voltaje producido se registró cada 10 min. Las eficiencias de remoción medias logradas fueron: 95.8% turbiedad, 77.5% DQO, 75.7% sólidos suspendidos totales, 96.1% E. coli, 5.7% fósforo reactivo total y 18.3% amonio. HC-CCM produjo electricidad de forma continua, con rendimientos de hasta 30.5 W·h/kg DQO removida

    Dust emissions from a tunnel-ventilated broiler poultry shed with fresh and partially reused litter

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    Dust emissions from large-scale, tunnel-ventilated poultry sheds could have negative health and environmental impacts. Despite this fact, the literature concerning dust emissions from tunnel-ventilated poultry sheds in Australia and overseas is relatively scarce. Dust measurements were conducted during two consecutive production cycles at a single broiler shed on a poultry farm near Ipswich, Queensland. Fresh litter was employed during the first cycle and partially reused litter was employed during the second cycle. This provided an opportunity to study the effect that partial litter reuse has on dust emissions. Dust levels were characterised by the number concentration of suspended particles having a diameter between 0.5 and 20 μm and by the mass concentration of dust particles of less than 10 μm diameter (PM10) and 2.5 μm diameter (PM2.5). In addition, we measured the number size distributions of dust particles. The average concentration and emission rate of dust was higher when partially reused litter was used in the shed than when fresh litter was used. In addition, we found that dust particles emitted from the shed with partially reused litter were finer than the particles emitted with fresh litter. Although the change in litter properties is certainly contributing to this observed variability, other factors such as ventilation rate and litter moisture content are also likely to be involved

    Information content and aerosol property retrieval potential for different types of in situ polar nephelometer data

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    Polar nephelometers are in situ instruments used to measure the angular distribution of light scattered by aerosol particles. These type of measurements contain substantial information about the properties of the aerosol being probed (e.g. concentrations, sizes, refractive indices, shape parameters), which can be retrieved through inversion algorithms. The aerosol property retrieval potential (i.e., information content) of a given set of measurements depends on the spectral, polarimetric and angular characteristics of the polar nephelometer that was used to acquire it. To explore this issue quantitatively, we applied Bayesian information content analysis and calculated the metric Degrees of Freedom for Signal (DOFS) for a range of simulated polar nephelometer instrument configurations, aerosol models and test cases, and assumed levels of prior knowledge about the variances of specific aerosol properties. Assuming a low level of prior knowledge consistent with an unconstrained ambient/field measurement setting, we demonstrate that even very basic polar nephelometers (single wavelength, no polarization capability) will provide informative measurements with very high retrieval potential for the size distribution and refractive index state parameters describing simple unimodal, spherical test aerosols. As expected, assuming a higher level of prior knowledge consistent with well constrained laboratory applications leads to a reduction in potential for information gain via performing the polarimetric measurement. This analysis allows us to better assess the impact of different polar nephelometer instrument design features in a consistent manner for retrieved aerosol parameters. The results indicate that the addition of multi-wavelength and/or polarimetric measurement capabilities always leads to an increase in information content, although in some cases the increase is negligible: e.g. when adding a fourth, near-IR measurement wavelength for the retrieval of unimodal size distribution parameters, or if the added polarization component has high measurement uncertainty. By considering a more complex bimodal, non-spherical aerosol model, we demonstrate that performing the more comprehensive spectral and/or polarimetric measurements leads to very large benefits in terms of the achieved information content. We also investigated the impact of angular truncation (i.e., the loss of measurement information at certain scattering angles) on information content. Truncation at extreme angles (i.e., in the near-forward or &ndash;backward directions) results in substantial decreases in information content for coarse aerosol test cases. However for fine aerosol test cases, the sensitivity of DOFS to extreme angle truncation is noticeably smaller and can be further reduced by performing more comprehensive measurements. Side-angle truncation has very little effect on information content for both the fine and coarse test cases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that increasing the number of angular measurements generally increases the information content. However, above a certain number of angular measurements (~20&ndash;40) the observed increases in DOFS plateau out. Finally, we demonstrate that the specific placement of angular measurements within a nephelometer can have a large impact on information content. As a proof-of-concept, we show that a reductive greedy algorithm based on the DOFS metric can be used to find optimal angular configurations for given target aerosols and applications.</p

    Information content and aerosol property retrieval potential for different types of in situ polar nephelometer data

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    Polar nephelometers are in situ instruments used to measure the angular distribution of light scattered by aerosol particles. These types of measurements contain substantial information about the properties of the aerosol being probed (e.g. concentrations, sizes, refractive indices, shape parameters), which can be retrieved through inversion algorithms. The aerosol property retrieval potential (i.e. information content) of a given set of measurements depends on the spectral, polarimetric, and angular characteristics of the polar nephelometer that was used to acquire the measurements. To explore this issue quantitatively, we applied Bayesian information content analysis and calculated the metric degrees of freedom for signal (DOFS) for a range of simulated polar nephelometer instrument configurations, aerosol models and test cases, and assumed levels of prior knowledge about the variances of specific aerosol properties. Assuming a low level of prior knowledge consistent with an unconstrained ambient/field measurement setting, we demonstrate that even very basic polar nephelometers (single wavelength, no polarization capability) will provide informative measurements with a very high retrieval potential for the size distribution and refractive index state parameters describing simple unimodal, spherical test aerosols. As expected, assuming a higher level of prior knowledge consistent with well-constrained laboratory applications leads to a reduction in potential for information gain via performing the polarimetric measurement. Nevertheless, we show that in this situation polar nephelometers can still provide informative measurements: e.g. it can be possible to retrieve the imaginary part of the refractive index with high accuracy if the laboratory setting makes it possible to keep the probed aerosol sample simple. The analysis based on a high level of prior knowledge also allows us to better assess the impact of different polar nephelometer instrument design features in a consistent manner for retrieved aerosol parameters. The results indicate that the addition of multi-wavelength and/or polarimetric measurement capabilities always leads to an increase in information content, although in some cases the increase is negligible, e.g. when adding a fourth, near-IR measurement wavelength for the retrieval of unimodal size distribution parameters or if the added polarization component has high measurement uncertainty. By considering a more complex bimodal, non-spherical-aerosol model, we demonstrate that performing more comprehensive spectral and/or polarimetric measurements leads to very large benefits in terms of the achieved information content. We also investigated the impact of angular truncation (i.e. the loss of measurement information at certain scattering angles) on information content. Truncation at extreme angles (i.e. in the near-forward or near-backward directions) results in substantial decreases in information content for coarse-aerosol test cases. However for fine-aerosol test cases, the sensitivity of DOFS to extreme-angle truncation is noticeably smaller and can be further reduced by performing more comprehensive measurements. Side angle truncation has very little effect on information content for both the fine and coarse test cases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that increasing the number of angular measurements generally increases the information content. However, above a certain number of angular measurements (∼20–40) the observed increases in DOFS plateau out. Finally, we demonstrate that the specific placement of angular measurements within a nephelometer can have a large impact on information content. As a proof of concept, we show that a reductive greedy algorithm based on the DOFS metric can be used to find optimal angular configurations for given target aerosols and applications.</p

    ERCP in Total Situs Viscerum Inversus

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    A 69-year-old cholecystectomized female with known total situs viscerum inversus presented recurrent colicky pain in the left upper abdominal quadrant and jaundice. Laboratory parameters showed increased neutrophils and coniugated bilirubin of 5.53 mg/dl. US and MRCP confirmed total situs viscerum inversus and a dilatation of the intra- and extrahepatic ducts with a peripapillary 13 mm stone. ERCP, sphincterotomy and successful common bile duct stone extraction were performed in the conventional way. ERCP was carried out successfully despite situs inversus maintaining the patient in the prone position with the endoscopist on the right side of the table. Some authors have reported similar cases in whom ERCP was performed in other positions, while this report shows that an experienced endoscopist can achieve the same results in the conventional way as it is possible when anatomical changes, Billroth II or Roux-en-Y, or different positions of the patient, supine or on the left side, are present

    Variability in the mass absorption cross section of black carbon (BC) aerosols is driven by BC internal mixing state at a central European background site (Melpitz, Germany) in winter

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    Properties of atmospheric black carbon (BC) par- ticles were characterized during a field experiment at a ru- ral background site (Melpitz, Germany) in February 2017. BC absorption at a wavelength of 870 nm was measured by a photoacoustic extinctiometer, and BC physical properties (BC mass concentration, core size distribution and coating thickness) were measured by a single-particle soot photome- ter (SP2). Additionally, a catalytic stripper was used to in- termittently remove BC coatings by alternating between am- bient and thermo-denuded conditions. From these data the mass absorption cross section of BC (MACBC) and its en- hancement factor (EMAC) were inferred for essentially water- free aerosol as present after drying to low relative humid- ity (RH). Two methods were applied independently to in- vestigate the coating effect on EMAC: a correlation method (MACBC,ambient vs. BC coating thickness) and a denud- ing method (MACBC, ambient vs. MACBC, denuded). Observed EMAC values varied from 1.0 to 1.6 (lower limit from de- nuding method) or ∼ 1.2 to 1.9 (higher limit from correla- tion method), with the mean coating volume fraction ranging from 54 % to 78 % in the dominating mass equivalent BC core diameter range of 200–220 nm. MACBC and EMAC were strongly correlated with coating thickness of BC. By con- trast, other potential drivers of EMAC variability, such as dif- ferent BC sources (air mass origin and absorption Ångström exponent), coating composition (ratio of inorganics to organics) and BC core size distribution, had only minor effects. These results for ambient BC measured at Melpitz during winter show that the lensing effect caused by coatings on BC is the main driver of the variations in MACBC and EMAC, while changes in other BC particle properties such as source, BC core size or coating composition play only minor roles at this rural background site with a large fraction of aged parti- cles. Indirect evidence suggests that potential dampening of the lensing effect due to unfavorable morphology was most likely small or even negligible