6 research outputs found

    Analysis of At-Altitude LTE Power Spectra for C2 Communications for UAS Traffic Management

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) project works to develop tools and technologies essential for safely enabling civilian low-altitude small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS, also known as drones) operations. This paper presents results of work completed in the paper [1] presented at the 2018 ICNS conference where proposed approaches were explored for evaluating and analyzing sUAS Command and Control (C2) links based on commercial cellular networks. This paper focuses on the UTM Projects Technology Capability Level 3 (TCL-3) test results which address the communications portion identified within the same paper. A software defined radio (SDR) was flown as a sUAS payload to capture received signal spectrum in Long Term Evolution (LTE) frequency bands of interest. The purpose was to measure the RF environment at UTM altitudes to characterize the interference potential. The SDR payload was flown at various stationary altitudes where the LTE over-the-air complex (I/Q) samples were captured by the SDR and later post-processed. The SDR received inputs through an omnidirectional antenna. The complex samples captured were an aggregate of transmissions received from all line-of-sight (LOS) towers within the geographic area for the specific radio frequency bandwidth the SDR is programmed to capture. Using this approach, the complex samples captured do not distinguish between the various eNodeB's (Long Term Evolution (LTE) transmitting towers). The complex samples were post processed via a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm to view the captured spectrum along with the power levels across the captured LTE bandwidth. This SDR payload process of capturing complex samples was done at two different regions within the US: 1) NASA's Ames Research Center (ARC) in Moffett Field, CA, and 2) Griffiss Airfield in Rome, NY. The data capture at the ARC site was done at two physical locations within the Ames campus where many stationary altitude captures where done as high as 800 ft. above ground level (AGL). The data captured at the Griffiss Airport (also known as the NY Corridor Site) were acquired at one location with three specific stationary altitude levels {Ground Level (GL), 300 ft., and 400 ft.}. The LTE spectrum power levels were captured for two LTE carriers, AT&T and Verizon, at both sites where their respective spectra and power levels were measured and compared at various altitudes. The overall results show that there is an increase in LTE spectrum power levels at higher altitudes for drones. A detailed analysis of this data and conclusions drawn from the results are presented in this paper

    Small Unmanned Aircraft System Off Nominal Operations Reporting System Unmanned Aircraft System: Traffic Management Technical Capability Level 4 Implementation, Data Collection and Analysis

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    NASA performed research and development of technologies and requirements for traffic management of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). In this effort, a small UAS off-nominal situation reporting system was developed to capture information from off-nominal situations to understand their nature and reduce occurrences. This Technical Memorandum (TM) describes the reporting system and analysis of 116 off-nominal situation reports from 352 small UAS operations, which were conducted at two flight test ranges in Summer 2019

    Initial Approach to Collect Small Unmanned Aircraft System Off-Nominal Operational Situations Data

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    NASA is developing the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management research platform to safely integrate small unmanned aircraft operations in large-scale at low-altitudes. As a part of this effort, small unmanned aircraft system off-nominal operational situations data collection process has been developed to take lessons learned and to reinforce operational compliance. In this paper, descriptions of variables used for digital data collection and an online report form for collection of observational data from the operators (contextual data) are provided. They are used to collect off-nominal data from the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management National Campaign in 2017. The digital data show that 2 out of 118 campaign operations (1.7%) encountered loss of navigation. Since the campaign aircraft used Global Positioning System for navigation, it is likely that unobstructed view of the sky at the campaign locations contributed to this small number. Also, 4 out of 47 operations (8.5%) encountered loss of communications. A relatively short distance between ground control system and aircraft, ranging from 2300 feet to 4200 feet, likely contributed to this small number. There was no data to identify the loss of communications condition, aircraft received signal strength, for the remaining 71 operations suggesting that some operators may not be monitoring unmanned aircraft communications system performance or monitoring it with different parameters. For the contextual data, due to the low number of total reports during the campaign, no significant trends emerged. This is an initial attempt to collect contextual data from small unmanned aircraft operators about off-nominal situations, and changes will be made to the future data collection to improve the amount and quality of the information

    Effectiveness of Redundant Communications Systems in Maintaining Operational Control of Small Unmanned Aircraft

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    As a part of NASAs Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) research, a test was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the redundant Command and Control (C2) communications system for maintaining operational control of small UAS in the airspace over a rural area. In the test, operators set up a primary and a secondary UAS C2 communications system, sent a maneuver command to an Unmanned Aircraft (UA) with and without a functioning primary system, then verified the execution of the sent command to confirm the operator control. Operators reported that the tested redundancy configurations were effective in maintaining operational control in the test airspace over rural locations. Since the next phase of UTM research focuses on operations in an urban area where an increased level of Radio Frequency (RF) activities occur compared to a rural area, four recommendations are provided to sustain the effectiveness of redundancy in urban operations. First, the operator should not include C2 systems that use the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio bands in redundancy configurations. Second, the operator should verify the RF characteristics of the intended operation area and examine the areas radio noise floor. Third, the operator should monitor the availability, quality, and reliability of communications services used by a redundant system. Fourth, the small UAS community should adopt a standard set of contingency steps to handle the loss of C2 communications so that such events are managed in a consistent manner across the airspace. The insights from the test will be used to accommodate the FAAs UAS integration effort

    Identifying and Developing Effective Applications of Space for Africa

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