111 research outputs found

    Hope And Pediatric Cancer

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    Pediatric cancer is rare when compared to the incidence of cases in adults. In Brazil it is the second largest cause of death by disease in children and adolescents. Cancer is a life-altering disease that brings with it fear, disbelief, anger, uncertainty, devastation, at the time it is diagnosed. In childhood cancer, diagnosis extends to the whole family. The diagnosis brings psychological and social changes in family dynamics and needs emotional support, discussion of possible therapies and possible death. Hope comes, bringing with it a meaning in illness, contributing positively to a better adaptation and adherence to treatment and consequently the quality and the prospect of life. Hope has been shown as a positive factor when facing this new reality. However there are few studies dealing with this issue

    Negative impacts of the adaptation process linked to local cultural stress levels in immigrants and development of psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Current studies underline and enable the international scientific community to reflect on migrant needs to restart, mostly without fluency in the language from the country of destination, without a way of proving his/her knowledges and abilities, with an incomplete family core, without cultural references that until that moment defined him/her as belonging to a specific group, with defined and meaningful habits, full of symbolic representations. Iams Conduct an analysis on the implications of migration in refugees’ mental health, and the link between these implications and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Method Indexed journals in MEDLINE and LILACS databases hosted in Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), as well as papers hosted in Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Periodicals Portal. Searches were carried using the following DeCS descriptors: “Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic”, "Refugees” e “Mental Health”. Results The 10 studies included in the present review were carried in Australia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Turkey, Uganda, Israel, South Korea and Papua New Guinea, and were published in 2014 (2), 2015 (6), and 2017 (2). Regarding the subject, 50% of the articles concentrate information regarding PTSD and mental health problems, while the remaining half deals with psychosocial effects of mass conflict on refugees. Meta-analysis concludes that a considerable percentage of refugees suffer from psychiatric disorder, I-squared (variation in ES attributable to heterogeneity) = 96,46%; Estimate of between-study variance Tau^2= 0.02. Test of ES=0 : z= 17.75 p= 0.00. Conclusion Exposure to traumatic events such as public executions and other extreme acts of violence, murder of family members, family and friends’ death due to starvation, homelessness, are closely related to PTSD prevalence in refugees. Acculturation and family’s prolonged estrangement are predictors of depressive symptoms in refugees and both exposure to a new culture and adaptation to new laws and norms of welcoming countries act as stressors and aggravators of depressive symptoms. &nbsp

    Comparing Intramedullary Nailing, External Fixation, and External Fixation followed by Intramedullary Nailing as management for open fractures of the tibial shaft: a Systematic Review

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    Background: The treatment of open fractures of the tibial shaft is often a dilemma since it requires particular caution and individual assistance for each case. Methods and Findings: Systematic review of the literature was conducted on the following databases: PubMed and VHL from 2000 to 2013 aiming to compare Intramedullary Nailing (IM Nailing), External Fixation (EF), and EF followed by IM Nailing in the treatment of open fractures of the tibial shaft. After analysis by inclusion criteria 24 articles met the eligibility criteria. The healing time was under 32 weeks, and the nonunion and defective healing rates were under 13.35% and 16.6%, respectively. The infection rate ranged from 3% to 53% for patients treated with EF as definitive management; from 0% to 22% for those treated with IM Nailing as definitive management; and from 0% to 16.7% for those who underwent EF followed by IM Nailing. Conclusion: The cases treated with EF as definitive management presented shorter healing time as for the analyzed samples. The nonunion cases with greater percentages were those of EF followed by IM Nailing. The studies using IM Nailing as definitive management presented more healing cases defective. Even though few studies analyze hospital stay, it was found to be shorter in the sample treated with EF as definitive management.Â

    Consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Mental Health: Integrative Review

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    The lack of specific treatment and knowledge about the exact pathophysiology of the 2019 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and its vaccines makes the organic aspects of the pandemic a concern and puts the psychiatric consequences and psychological effects of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, in second place. Hence, the psychiatric impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have not been well established yet. We have performed an integrative literature review in three electronic databases: Medline, PsycINFO, and Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (PILOTS). The findings were then divided into five subcategories: impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health of psychiatric patients; use of technology as an ally in combating impacts on mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; mental health promotion measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for the population; mental health promotion measures in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for health professionals; and mental health in specific groups in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study has showed that the situation and measures proposed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic cause stress, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty in the population. Psychiatric patients, the elderly, refugees, and migrant workers are more vulnerable due to the stigmatization and lack of specialized support in health services and reduced access to medications. Therefore, they require care from governments and health authorities. In addition, measures to promote hospital health for health professionals seem to be essential to improve care and reduce the psychologic/psychiatric impacts on professionals. Thus, technology is a valuable ally in this process

    Entrevistas narrativas: um importante recurso em pesquisa qualitativa

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    Objetivo Este estudio es un aporte metodológico en que se explica y destaca el alcance y la fertilidad de la entrevista narrativa en la investigación cualitativa. Método Describir el método de la narrativa en la investigación cualitativa. Resultados El método de investigación cualitativa se caracteriza por abordar las cuestiones relacionadas con las singularidades del campo y de las personas encuestadas, siendo las entrevistas narrativas un método potente para uso de los investigadores que toman posesión de ella. Permiten que la profundización de la investigación, la combinación de historias de vida con los contextos socio-históricos e la comprensión de los sentidos que producen cambios en las creencias y valores que motivan y justifican las acciones de los posibles informantes. Conclusion El uso de la narrativa se presenta un recurso de investigación ventajosa en la investigación cualitativa, la narrativa es una forma tradicional de comunicación cuyo objetivo es servir contenido a partir de la que se pueden transmitir las experiencias subjetivas.Objetives This methodological study explain and emphasize the extent and fertility of the narrative interview in qualitative research. Methods To describe the narrative method within the qualitative research. Results The qualitative research method is characterized by addressing issues related to the singularities of the field and individuals investigated, being the narrative interviews a powerful method for use by researchers who aggregate it. They allow the deepening of research, the combination of life stories with socio-historical contexts, making the understanding of the senses that produce changes in the beliefs and values that motivate and justify the actions of possible informants. Conclusion The use of narrative is an advantageous investigative resource in qualitative research, in which the narrative is a traditional form of communication whose purpose is to serve content from which the subjective experiences can be transmitted.Objetivo Este trabalho consiste numa contribuição metodológica em que se explicitam e se enfatizam o alcance e a fecundidade da entrevista narrativa no âmbito da investigação de natureza qualitativa. Método Descrever o método da narrativa no âmbito da investigação qualitativa. Resultados O método qualitativo de pesquisa caracteriza-se por abordar questões relacionadas às singularidades do campo e dos indivíduos pesquisados, sendo as entrevistas narrativas um método potente para uso dos investigadores que dele se apropriam. Elas permitem o aprofundamento das investigações, a combinação de histórias de vida com contextos sócio–históricos, tornando possível a compreensão dos sentidos que produzem mudanças nas crenças e valores que motivam e justificam as ações dos informantes. Conclusão As narrativas mostram-se muito úteis em estudos de abordagem qualitativa, uma vez que a narratividade é uma forma artesanal de comunicação cujo objetivo é veicular conteúdos a partir dos quais as experiências subjetivas podem ser transmitidas

    Cardiovascular System and SARS-CoV-2: Etiology, Physiopathology and Clinical Presentation: A Systematic Review

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    During SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East Respiratory Distress Syndrome (MERS) outbreaks it was observed a particularly elevated incidence of cardiovascular disease among patients. With COVID-19, this correlation becomes evident again. However, the cardiovascular impacts by COVID-19 pandemic are not yet well established although publications about its potential deleterious effects are constant. Thus, aimed to carry a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis, the following question was used as a guide: what practical contributions does the scientific literature produced in the period of 2019-2020 has to offer about the impact of the COVID-19 on cardiovascular system? A systematic review of the literature using the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and PubMed with the following descriptors: #1 “cardiovascular disease” [MeSH] AND #2 “COVID-19” [keyword], as well as their equivalents in the Portuguese and Spanish language, during the period from December 2019 to March 2020 was performed. One hundred articles were found in Pubmed and twenty-seven were selected. In VHL there are 59 articles and four were selected totaling thirty-one papers. The findings were then divided into three subcategories: Etiology, Physiopathology and Risk factors of SARS-CoV-2 in Cardiovascular System; Clinical presentation, laboratory markers and imagenological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 in cardiovascular system; and Anti-Hypertensive Drugs, Cardiovascular System and SARS-CoV-2. When it comes to the cardiovascular system, these issues are aggravated and urge as a joint commitment from researchers, medical and governmental organizations to carry out more robust studies with bold methodologies aimed at mapping prognostic factors and assertive therapeutic approaches in the management of cardiovascular complications of COVID- 19

    Thrombophilia, Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) in pregnant women: a brief communication

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE), deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in pregnancy with an estimated incidence of 1 per thousand women years. Despite identification of maternal and pregnancy-specific risk factors for development of pregnancy-associated venous thromboembolism, limited data are available to inform on optimal approaches for prevention. The relatively low overall prevalence of pregnancyassociated venous thromboembolism has prompted debate about the validity of recommendations, which are mainly based on expert opinion, and have resulted in an increased use of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in pregnancy and postpartum

    Sepsis Epidemiology: Settings and Contexts

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    The development of strategies that goals the reduction of mobidity and mortality of patients with sepsis for health promotion depends of the visibility of the variables that interfere in the establishment of the disease, in the epidemiological local context. The study of sepsis in important because its clinical-microbiological epidemiology is dynamic, depends, for example, of epidemiological factors. Patients with severe sepsis presented a reduction in their quality of life due to the cognitive impairment   Key-words: Sepsis, Epidemiological factors, Disease

    The therapeutic approach of the May-Thurner Syndrome without Deep Venous Thrombosis: a systematic review

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    May-Thurner Syndrome is a clinical condition which causes a variety of vascular symptoms, resulting from pelvic and lower extremity venous flow obstruction caused by the compression of the iliac vein by overlying iliac artery. Treatment paradigms have changed as experience with endovascular modalities has evolved, making traditional surgical treatment strategies essentially obsolete and a endovascular treatment with angioplasty and stenting along selective thrombolysis has become the standard for symptomatic the syndrome. The objective of this present study is to show the therapeutic approach in treatment when there’s no presence of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) symptoms. To accomplish this purpose, a systematic review of articles about May-Thurner Syndrome and its management therapies, published from January 1, 2005 to September 20, 2015, on PubMED and SCOPUS databases, was carried out. Search terms were “may-thurner syndrome” (medical subject headings [MeSH term]), “iliocaval compression syndrome” (MeSH), “cockett syndrome” (MeSH), “peripheral vascular diseases” (MeSH), and “treatment” (keyword). Of the 89 retrieved studies, 14 met the elegibility criteria. Retrieved studies covered that without correction of this syndrome, patients are at continued risk for recurrent deep vein thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome. Considering the therapy, systemic anticoagulation is the first component, and endovascular treatment appears to be superior to conventional surgical treatment. It should be the first line of therapy. Furthermore, there has been multiple advences in the recent years for chronic arterial occlusions using techniques such as blunt micro dissection, radiofrequency energy and laser. In the absence of deep venous trombosis, conservative treatments are preferred. To conclude, based on the review of the literature, a combination of conservative and endovascular therapy usually provides the best treatment in most cases. Thus, further researches must be done to advance in the matter of therapeutic of the non-DVT form of May-Thurner Syndrome.   Keywords: May-Thurner Syndrome, Iliocaval Compression Syndrome, Cockett Syndrome, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Treatment