188 research outputs found

    Recombinant expression and functional characterisation of regiospecific flavonoid glucosyltransferases from Hieracium pilosella L.

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    Five glucosyltransferases were cloned by RT-PCR amplification using total RNA from Hieracium pilosella L. (Asteraceae) inflorescences as template. Expression was accomplished in Escherichia coli, and three of the HIS-tagged enzymes, UGT90A7, UGT95A1, and UGT72B11 were partially purified and functionally characterised as UDP-glucose:flavonoid O-glucosyltransferases. Both UGT90A7 and UGT95A1 preferred luteolin as substrate, but possessed different regiospecificity profiles. UGT95A1 established a new subgroup within the UGT family showing high regiospecificity towards the C-3' hydroxyl group of luteolin, while UGT90A7 primarily yielded the 4'-O-glucoside, but concomitantly catalysed also the formation of the 7-O-glucoside, which could account for this flavones glucoside in H. pilosella flower heads. Semi quantitative expression profiles revealed that UGT95A1 was expressed at all stages of inflorescence development as well as in leaf and stem tissue, whereas UGT90A7 transcript abundance was nearly limited to flower tissue and started to develop with the pigmentation of closed buds. Other than these enzymes, UGT72B11 showed rather broad substrate acceptance, with highest activity towards flavones and flavonols which have not been reported from H. pilosella. As umbelliferone was also readily accepted, this enzyme could be involved in the glucosylation of coumarins and other metabolite


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    Se objetivó en este estudio subrayar las potencialidades y vulnerabilidades del proceso del cambio curricular. Los sujetos de la encuesta fueron 43 educandos del segundo período de graduación en enfermería de la UNIFESO, que están insertos en el cambio curricular. Los resultados fueron presentados en unidades temáticas enfatizando las potencialidades y vulnerabilidades del proceso de cambio curricular. Entre las potencialidades, la primera es que el aprendizaje es facilitado por la interacción grupal, la segunda que el aprendizaje ocurre por la participación efectiva de los educandos, tercera, el aprendizaje y el dinamismo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y la cuarta, la integración enseñanza-trabajo-ciudadanía como un diferencial en la formación. Siendo las vulnerabilidades cuestiones relacionadas a la estructura y organización curricular y relativas al proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por consiguiente, se puede afirmar que el desafío puesto es transformar las tensiones generadas por el cambio curricular en momentos propiciadores y generar de las vulnerabilidades las grandes potencialidades del proceso de cambio.Objetivou-se neste estudo a destacar as potencialidades e vulnerabilidades do processo de mudança curricular. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 43 educandos do segundo período de graduação em enfermagem da UNIFESO, que estão inseridos na mudança curricular. Os resultados foram apresentados em unidades temáticas enfatizando as potencialidades e vulnerabilidades do processo de mudança curricular. Dentre as potencialidades à aprendizagem é facilitada pela interação grupal, a segunda a aprendizagem ocorre pela participação efetiva dos educandos, a terceira aprendizagem e o dinamismo do processo ensino-aprendizagem e a quarta a integração ensino-trabalho-cidadania como um diferencial na formação. Sendo as vulnerabilidades questões relacionadas à estrutura e organização curricular e relativos ao processo ensino-aprendizagem. Por conseguinte pode-se afirmar que o desafio posto é transformar as tensões geradas pela mudança curricular em momentos propiciadores e gerar das vulnerabilidades as grandes potencialidades do processo de mudanç

    Unravelling enzymatic discoloration in potato through a combined approach of candidate genes, QTL, and expression analysis

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    Enzymatic discoloration (ED) of potato tubers was investigated in an attempt to unravel the underlying genetic factors. Both enzyme and substrate concentration have been reported to influence the degree of discoloration and as such this trait can be regarded as polygenic. The diploid mapping population C × E, consisting of 249 individuals, was assayed for the degree of ED and levels of chlorogenic acid and tyrosine. Using this data, Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis was performed. Three QTLs for ED have been found on parental chromosomes C3, C8, E1, and E8. For chlorogenic acid a QTL has been identified on C2 and for tyrosine levels, a QTL has been detected on C8. None of the QTLs overlap, indicating the absence of genetic correlations between these components underlying ED, in contrast to earlier reports in literature. An obvious candidate gene for the QTL for ED on Chromosome 8 is polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which was previously mapped on chromosome 8. With gene-specific primers for PPO gene POT32 a CAPS marker was developed. Three different alleles (POT32-1, -2, and -3) could be discriminated. The segregating POT32 alleles were used to map the POT32 CAPS marker and QTL analysis was redone, showing that POT32 coincides with the QTL peak. A clear correlation between allele combinations and degree of discoloration was observed. In addition, analysis of POT32 gene expression in a subset of genotypes indicated a correlation between the level of gene expression and allele composition. On average, genotypes having two copies of allele 1 had both the highest degree of discoloration as well as the highest level of POT32 gene expression

    A new mutant genetic resource for tomato crop improvement by TILLING technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last decade, the availability of gene sequences of many plant species, including tomato, has encouraged the development of strategies that do not rely on genetic transformation techniques (GMOs) for imparting desired traits in crops. One of these new emerging technology is TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes), a reverse genetics tool, which is proving to be very valuable in creating new traits in different crop species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To apply TILLING to tomato, a new mutant collection was generated in the genetic background of the processing tomato cultivar Red Setter by treating seeds with two different ethylemethane sulfonate doses (0.7% and 1%). An associated phenotype database, LycoTILL, was developed and a TILLING platform was also established. The interactive and evolving database is available online to the community for phenotypic alteration inquiries. To validate the Red Setter TILLING platform, induced point mutations were searched in 7 tomato genes with the mismatch-specific ENDO1 nuclease. In total 9.5 kb of tomato genome were screened and 66 nucleotide substitutions were identified. The overall mutation density was estimated and it resulted to be 1/322 kb and 1/574 kb for the 1% EMS and 0.7% EMS treatment respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The mutation density estimated in our collection and its comparison with other TILLING populations demonstrate that the Red Setter genetic resource is suitable for use in high-throughput mutation discovery. The Red Setter TILLING platform is open to the research community and is publicly available via web for requesting mutation screening services.</p

    Fruit-Surface Flavonoid Accumulation in Tomato Is Controlled by a SlMYB12-Regulated Transcriptional Network

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    The cuticle covering plants' aerial surfaces is a unique structure that plays a key role in organ development and protection against diverse stress conditions. A detailed analysis of the tomato colorless-peel y mutant was carried out in the framework of studying the outer surface of reproductive organs. The y mutant peel lacks the yellow flavonoid pigment naringenin chalcone, which has been suggested to influence the characteristics and function of the cuticular layer. Large-scale metabolic and transcript profiling revealed broad effects on both primary and secondary metabolism, related mostly to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, particularly flavonoids. These were not restricted to the fruit or to a specific stage of its development and indicated that the y mutant phenotype is due to a mutation in a regulatory gene. Indeed, expression analyses specified three R2R3-MYB–type transcription factors that were significantly down-regulated in the y mutant fruit peel. One of these, SlMYB12, was mapped to the genomic region on tomato chromosome 1 previously shown to harbor the y mutation. Identification of an additional mutant allele that co-segregates with the colorless-peel trait, specific down-regulation of SlMYB12 and rescue of the y phenotype by overexpression of SlMYB12 on the mutant background, confirmed that a lesion in this regulator underlies the y phenotype. Hence, this work provides novel insight to the study of fleshy fruit cuticular structure and paves the way for the elucidation of the regulatory network that controls flavonoid accumulation in tomato fruit cuticle

    Constraint-based probabilistic learning of metabolic pathways from tomato volatiles

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    Clustering and correlation analysis techniques have become popular tools for the analysis of data produced by metabolomics experiments. The results obtained from these approaches provide an overview of the interactions between objects of interest. Often in these experiments, one is more interested in information about the nature of these relationships, e.g., cause-effect relationships, than in the actual strength of the interactions. Finding such relationships is of crucial importance as most biological processes can only be understood in this way. Bayesian networks allow representation of these cause-effect relationships among variables of interest in terms of whether and how they influence each other given that a third, possibly empty, group of variables is known. This technique also allows the incorporation of prior knowledge as established from the literature or from biologists. The representation as a directed graph of these relationship is highly intuitive and helps to understand these processes. This paper describes how constraint-based Bayesian networks can be applied to metabolomics data and can be used to uncover the important pathways which play a significant role in the ripening of fresh tomatoes. We also show here how this methods of reconstructing pathways is intuitive and performs better than classical techniques. Methods for learning Bayesian network models are powerful tools for the analysis of data of the magnitude as generated by metabolomics experiments. It allows one to model cause-effect relationships and helps in understanding the underlying processes

    Untargeted LC-HRMS-based metabolomics to identify novel biomarkers of metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer is one of the main causes of cancer death worldwide, and novel biomarkers are urgently needed for its early diagnosis and treatment. The utilization of metabolomics to identify and quantify metabolites in body fluids may allow the detection of changes in their concentrations that could serve as diagnostic markers for colorectal cancer and may also represent new therapeutic targets. Metabolomics generates a pathophysiological ‘fingerprint’ that is unique to each individual. The purpose of our study was to identify a differential metabolomic signature for metastatic colorectal cancer. Serum samples from 60 healthy controls and 65 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were studied by liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry in an untargeted metabolomic approach. Multivariate analysis revealed a separation between patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and healthy controls, who significantly differed in serum concentrations of one endocannabinoid, two glycerophospholipids, and two sphingolipids. These findings demonstrate that metabolomics using liquid-chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry offers a potent diagnostic tool for metastatic colorectal cancer.This study was supported by a grant (n° 15CC056/DTS17/00081- ISCIII-FEDER) from the Fundación para la Investigación Biosanitaria de Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO) and Roche Pharma S.L. Authors from the Fundación MEDINA acknowledge the receipt of financial support from this public-private partnership of Merck Sharp & Dohme de España S.A. with the University of Granada and Andalusian Regional Government (PIN-0474-2016)

    Assessment of Metabolome Annotation Quality: A Method for Evaluating the False Discovery Rate of Elemental Composition Searches

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    BACKGROUND: In metabolomics researches using mass spectrometry (MS), systematic searching of high-resolution mass data against compound databases is often the first step of metabolite annotation to determine elemental compositions possessing similar theoretical mass numbers. However, incorrect hits derived from errors in mass analyses will be included in the results of elemental composition searches. To assess the quality of peak annotation information, a novel methodology for false discovery rates (FDR) evaluation is presented in this study. Based on the FDR analyses, several aspects of an elemental composition search, including setting a threshold, estimating FDR, and the types of elemental composition databases most reliable for searching are discussed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The FDR can be determined from one measured value (i.e., the hit rate for search queries) and four parameters determined by Monte Carlo simulation. The results indicate that relatively high FDR values (30-50%) were obtained when searching time-of-flight (TOF)/MS data using the KNApSAcK and KEGG databases. In addition, searches against large all-in-one databases (e.g., PubChem) always produced unacceptable results (FDR >70%). The estimated FDRs suggest that the quality of search results can be improved not only by performing more accurate mass analysis but also by modifying the properties of the compound database. A theoretical analysis indicates that FDR could be improved by using compound database with smaller but higher completeness entries. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: High accuracy mass analysis, such as Fourier transform (FT)-MS, is needed for reliable annotation (FDR <10%). In addition, a small, customized compound database is preferable for high-quality annotation of metabolome data

    An Induced Mutation in Tomato eIF4E Leads to Immunity to Two Potyviruses

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    BACKGROUND: The characterization of natural recessive resistance genes and Arabidopsis virus-resistant mutants have implicated translation initiation factors of the eIF4E and eIF4G families as susceptibility factors required for virus infection and resistance function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To investigate further the role of translation initiation factors in virus resistance we set up a TILLING platform in tomato, cloned genes encoding for translation initiation factors eIF4E and eIF4G and screened for induced mutations that lead to virus resistance. A splicing mutant of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor, S.l_eIF4E1 G1485A, was identified and characterized with respect to cap binding activity and resistance spectrum. Molecular analysis of the transcript of the mutant form showed that both the second and the third exons were miss-spliced, leading to a truncated mRNA. The resulting truncated eIF4E1 protein is also impaired in cap-binding activity. The mutant line had no growth defect, likely because of functional redundancy with others eIF4E isoforms. When infected with different potyviruses, the mutant line was immune to two strains of Potato virus Y and Pepper mottle virus and susceptible to Tobacco each virus. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Mutation analysis of translation initiation factors shows that translation initiation factors of the eIF4E family are determinants of plant susceptibility to RNA viruses and viruses have adopted strategies to use different isoforms. This work also demonstrates the effectiveness of TILLING as a reverse genetics tool to improve crop species. We have also developed a complete tool that can be used for both forward and reverse genetics in tomato, for both basic science and crop improvement. By opening it to the community, we hope to fulfill the expectations of both crop breeders and scientists who are using tomato as their model of study