154 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kedalaman Tancap, Spasi, Dan Jumlah Cerucuk Dalam Peningkatan Tahanan Geser Tanah Lunak Berdasarkan Permodelan Di Laboratorium

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    Belakangan ini pemakaian cerucuk cukup efektif sebagai metode alternatif perkuatan stabilitas lereng maupun perkuatan embankment jalan. Pada embankment jalan, cerucuk digunakan sebagai bahan yang kaku berfungsi untuk menaikkan stabilitas tanah. Sebagai perkuatan lereng, cerucuk sangat efektif berfungsi sebagai pasak/tulangan yang dapat memotong bidang kelongsoran lereng. Sehingga cerucuk dapat memberikan tambahan gaya geser pada lereng yang mampu melawan gaya geser longsoran yang terjadi. Tambahan gaya geser yang dihasilkan oleh cerucuk tersebut dapat meningkatkan angka keamanan (safety factor) stabilitas lereng.Akhir-akhir ini pengembangan teori tentang konstruksi perkuatancerucuk padastabilitas lereng tanah lunak guna menambah kekuatan gesernya(yang mendekati kondisi di lapangan) masih sedikit dan belum memadai.Hanya saja untuk pengembangannya tersebut sangat diperlukan informasi yang rinci dan jelas tentang interaksi antara tanah lunak dengancerucuk. Informasi tersebut dapat diperoleh salah satunya dari penelitian skala laboratorium yang dibuat mendekati kondisi lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjawab bagaimana pengaruh panjang tancapan (rasio tancap) dan pengaruh jarak (spasi) antar cerucuk terhadap penambahan tahanan geser dari stabilitas lereng tanah lunak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui salah satu cara pendekatan model skala laboratorium, namun perilakunya dibuat mendekati perilaku sebenarnya di lapangan. Bidang kelongsoran lereng yang terjadi di lapangan didekati dengan bidang geser yang sengaja dibuat di laboratorium dengan menggeser contoh tanah (Plab) yang terdapat dalam kotak geser hasil modifikasi yang berukuran relatif besar pada alat geser langsung. Cerucuk yang akan digunakan berupa cerucuk kayu mini dan ditanamkan pada contoh tanah tadi.Variasi rasio tancap (L/D) yang diterapkan sebesar 5, 10, 15, dan 20.Sedangkaan variasi spasi cerucuk yang digunakan sebesar 3D, 5D, dan 8D.Sedangkan untuk variasi jumlah cerucuk yang dipasang yaitu 1 batang, 2 batang, 4 batang, dan 6 batang.Diharapkan dari perilaku skala kecil tersebut dihasilkan tambahan teori mengenai perkuatan lereng dengan cerucuk yang mendekati kondisi sebenarnya di lapangan.Hasil penelitian pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar rasio tancap yang digunakan cerucuk maka semakin meningkatkan tahanan geser tanah lunak.Selain itu tahanan geser tanah lunak juga meningkat apabila spasi antar cerucuk yang digunakan sebesar 3D sampai 5D.Akan tetapi penurunan tahanan geser tanah lunak terjadi apabila spasi antar cerucuk yang digunakan adalah lebih besar dari 5D.Selain itu bahwa tahanan geser tanah menjadi meningkat seiring dengan adanya penambahan jumlah cerucuk. Kelompok cerucuk yang menerima gaya geser horisontal pada arah sejajar terhadap baris kelompoknya (PolaPemasangan 1) menghasilkan tahanan geser tanah yang relatif lebih besar daripada arah tegak lurus terhadap baris kelompoknya (Pola Pemasangan 2). Selain itu bahwa kemampuan kelompok cerucuk dalam menahan geseran horisontal juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor efisiensi. Dimana kemampuan kelompok cerucuk dalam menahan geseran horisontal tidak akan sama dengan kemampuan masing-masing cerucuk dikalikan dengan jumlah cerucuk dalam kelompok yang bersangkutan

    Peran Camat dalam Mengoordinasikan Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Umum di Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This Study almed to determine the role of Kampar district head in coordinate security and public order inthe district of Kampar, Kampar regency. This study is focused on the district head of the Kampar because considering the dostrict head given task is to coordinate the security and order. The issues of security and order in the district of Kampar had increase from 2012 to 2013. The role of district heads in coordinating security and public order in the distric of Kampar which is based on the basic tasks of district head whhich has been mandated by law. In the implementation, there are still constraints faced by the district head in coordinating security an public order with the relevan agencies. Based on this background, the study and public order in the district of Kampar, and what are the factors of less optimal of district headsrole in coordinating the implementation of security and public order in the district of Kampar, Kampar regency.This research is descriptive in wich research provides a description or picture of the phenomenon or social phenomenom studied by describing the independent variables systematically and accurately. Method of data collection is with In-depth interview and study documentation. The result of study indicate that the role of tge district heads in coordinating security and public order in the district of Kampar, Kampar regency based on task assignment regulated by law. In the implementation inter-agency between the agencies found that there are lack of coordination with each other. Whereas, the synergy of each agency is required in the administration of public security and order in the district of kampar, Kampar regency.Keywords : Role, District, Security and Public Orde

    Study Komparasi Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Keluarga Poligami Satu Atap Dengan Beda Atap

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    This study discusses the comparison of interpersonal communication in a polygamous family one roof with different roof with communication theory interpersonal.Jenis penelitihan assessment is descriptive qualitative where this penelitihan does not intend to investigate the hypothesis, but the events that are the reality of the status of people or objects with a set of conditions or thought.This study uses deskriptifkualitatif used by researchers to decipher any information / data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation in a polygamous family which is the object of this research. Triangulation of sources and methods that help researchers to test the validity of the data that has been obtained.Results from this study is that interpersonal communication is done by Mr. Dof to both his wife is more dominant and intense with kedua.Bapak Dof wives and families, including those who openly (except Mas Hanif) .Berbeda with Mr. Mohc more closed during interpersonal communication with anyone even conditional to talk about the relationship berkeluarganya. The conflict is not considered a problem that threatens because it can be solved by good communication as a step completion

    Pengaruh Overconsolidation Ratio (OCR) Dan Kadar Organik (Oc) Terhadap Koefisien Tekanan Tanah Kesamping “at Rest” (Ko), Tanah Gambut Berserat Halus

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    . Coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (Ko) is different for each soil type; anorganic soil has higher value of Ko than organic soil. The ko value is also affected by the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) of the soil. For anorganic soil, the Ko value can be determined using the available formula; for peat soil, however, a laboratory testing has to be carried out in order to get the Ko value of the peat. In this paper is presented the research result that show correlation between Ko, OCR, and Oc (organic content) of fine fibrous peat. The soil sample was prepared with different organic content (55%, 65%, 71%, 85%, and 99%); the fibers chosen were only the fine ones. The sample size was 15 cm height and 7 cm in diameter. The loads applied were 50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa; the OCR values chosen were 1, 2, 4, and 8. The study results show that the Ko value is getting higher with the increase of the OCR value and the organic content. The correlation between Ko and OCR shows as two broken straight lines with different slope. At OCR ≤ 2 the increase of Ko is slightly higher compared to the one at OCR > 2


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    Tujuan penelitian ini ialah membuktikan bahwa penggunaan metode PQRST dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa kelas XIJurusan TPHP SMK Negeri 1 Karossa. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua siklus. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah lembar pengamatan dan tes. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan metode PQRST untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pada teks prosedur.  Peneliti menggunakan metode PQRST dengan melakukan beberapa langkah yaitu siswa melakukan pra-membaca, membuat beberapa pertanyaan, membaca teks bacaan secara keseluruhan, meringkas teks, dan melakukan tes. Peneliti juga membagi mereka dalam beberapa pasangan agar mereka bisa berbagi dan saling menolong satu sama lain. Ini sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Pada siklus pertama siswa yang mendapatkan nilai sesuai standar ketuntasan minimal adalah sejumlah 10 siswa atau 62.5% dari total siswa yang diteliti. Jumlah ini belum mencapai kriteria sukses penelitian, dimana nilai yang ditetapkan adalah 70%. Penelitian dilanjutkan ketahapan selanjutnya dan pada siklus kedua. Jumlah siswa yang memperolehnilai kriteria sukses adalah sebesar 81.25%. Pada siklus dua, kriteria sukses penelitian telah didapatkan dan penelitian dihentikan setelah siklus dua


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana menemukan pencapaian kosakata dengan menggunakan teknik “ Mencari Pasangan “. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SLB Negeri 2 Palu khususnya bagi siswa Tuna Grahita tahun ajaran 2015-2016 sebagai subjek di penelitian ini. Subject pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 10 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas).  Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri dari empat pertemuan, dan dalam setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan,observasi dan refleksi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data kuanlitatif dan kualitatif (deskriptif).Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari hasil tes siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata, sedangkan kualitatif diperoleh dari observasi dan field note. Berdasarkan data tersebut,pada tes1,dari hasil penelitian diperoleh 5 siswa (50 %)pada tingkatan rendah, sedangkan pada test II hasil penelitian diperoleh 8 siswa ( 80 % )berhasil. Setelah seluruh data yang diperoleh. dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kosakata melalui tehnik “Mencari Pasangan“  dapat membuat proses pembelajaran menarik, membuat siswa paham akan arti kata, membuat siswa mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi terhadap orang lain. Terbukti dengan adanya pembelajaran kosakata melalui tehnik “ Mencari Pasangan “ memperbaiki penguasaan kosakata siswa. Diharapkan bahwa tehnik “ Mencari Pasangan “ sebagai salah satu tehnik dalam pembelajaran kosakata yang digunaka


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    This study aims to know, understand, and describe the process of formulation, the success rate of implementation, and the empirical factors that can be learned from the innovation of Public Safety Center (PSC) Program of Tulungagung district. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. Source of data obtained from primary data and secondary data. Technique of collecting data is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis uses interactive model analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman. The result of the research shows that the process of innovation formulation of PSC program policy in Tulungagung district started from the analysis of various problems, mainly from TEMS program since the end of November 2015. TEMS program was originally initiated by Doctor Bobi Prabowo, as the head of IGD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. Some time later, the program changed to PSC which is the initiation of Tulungagung district, Syahri Mulyo. This PSC program is formulated by the dr. Iskak Tulungagung through the formulation stage of the policy up to be ratified and stipulated in the form of Regent Regulation. The success rate of the PSC program is seen from the strategy factors pursued, including the type of program strategy, and the resource support strategy. Empirical factors that can be learned from the PSC program is very diverse, ranging from the process of formulation, response time, coordination, to budgeting. Keyword: Innovation; Formulation; Implementation; Integrated Emergency Service Policy; and Public Safety Center Progra

    Modelling Modal Shift Preference of Freight Transport on Surabaya-Jakarta Corridor : A Preliminary Survey

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    The market share of freight transport which is dominated by road transport and accompanied by unbalanced of infrastructure’s growth and freight demand has created various negative impacts on existing transportation system. The shift of freight transport from road to rail and sea is expected to reduce those impacts. Research on the behavior of freight mode choice and the extent to which the user is willing to trade off the attribute change needs to be done so that the amount of modal shift will be known. The main objective of the study was to produce a model of mode choice based on preference surveys among forwarders, as well as to provide inputs for policy improvement and or improvement of freight transportation services. One of the surveys to be conducted is the revealed preference (RP) survey. The important stage before the RP survey is to conduct a preliminary survey. This stage aims to determine the important trends related to the choice of modes by the forwarder and test the response rate of respondents. The survey is also useful for assessing the credibility of the data instrument, identifying potential errors in the data instrument, and determining non-conformities in survey management before the actual survey. Data collection was done by sending questionnaires. The structure of the questionnaire consists of questions about characteristics of : shipment, travel, and modes. The results of survey showed relatively low response rate because it was only 8 respondents who were willing to answer the questionnaire. This indicates that the questionnaire needs to be combined with other methods, such as: face to face interviews and or focus groups. The results of the preliminary survey show that the main factors for the choice of existing modes are: shipment costs, loss/damage, and time travel. The implementation of the next stage survey should consider that each company has more than one shipping commodity so it is necessary to group questions and analysis based on each commodity

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika Dengan Menggunakan Media Puzzle Pada Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA YASPIB Bontolempangan Gowa Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X SMA YASPIB Bontolempangan Gowa yang berjumlah 22 peserta didik terdiri dari 12 laki-laki dan 10 perempuan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus yang masing-masing terdiri dari empat kegiatan: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini diambil dari data hasil belajar fisika setiap akhir tes siklus I dan II, data tentang aktivitas belajar setiap pertemuan pada siklus I dan II dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi peserta didik dan data respon peserta didik dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket. Data hasil belajar fisika menunjukkan bahwa jumlah siswa yang mengalami ketuntasan belajar pada siklus I adalah 12 orang (63,64%) dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 18 orang (72,73%). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan Teka-Teki Silang (media Crossword Puzzle) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik Kelas X SMA YASPIB Bontolempangan Gowa.Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar Fisika, media Crossword PuzzleThis research is a class action (classroom action research) that aims to improve the learning outcomes of physics students of class X SMA YASPIB Bontolempangan Gowa, amounting to 22 students consisting of 12 men and 10 women. This study was conducted in two cycles each consisting of four activities: planning, action, observation and reflection. Collecting data in this study were drawn from physics learning outcomes data each end of the test cycle I and II, data on learning activities every meeting in the first cycle and the second is done by using observation sheet of learners and learner response data is done by using a questionnaire. Physics learning outcomes data show that the number of students who have mastery learning cycle I was 12 (63.64%) and the second cycle increased to 18 people (72.73%). It shows that learning to use the Crossword (Crossword Puzzle media) can improve learning outcomes physics students of Class X High School YASPIB Bontolempangan Gowa

    Pengaruh Variasi Debit Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Elektrolit (Kmno4) Terhadap Penurunan Chemical Oxygen Demand Dan Produksi Listrik Di Dalam Reaktor Microbial Fuel Cells Studi Kasus: Air Limbah Rph Kota Salatiga

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    Animal wastewater has high organic matter. The highest of this pollute are liquid blood, residual grease, fecal, rumen and intestinal contents that can contaminate environment if not processed first. In this research, using system of microbial fuel cells dual chamber method to treatment animal wastewater to degrade chemical oxygen demand and to produce generation electricity. This system using variation of flow rate, carbon electrode, electrolyte solution of KmnO4 as acceptor electron, and (NaCl) as salt bridges for cation exchanger. Variation of flow rate in this research are 0,3 L/hour, 0,15 L/hour, and 0,1 L/hour whereas for variation electrolyte solution of KmnO4 are 0,15 M, 0,1 M and 0,01 M. The results showed that the microbial fuel cell lasts for 44 days at the rate of 0.1 L / hour resulted had the optimum decrease in Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) discharge of 88.9% and 0.3 L / Hour optimum result in the production of electricity. Optimum power production and stable using Concentration of 0.15 M KMnO4 that has production at 18.78 mW/m2 to discharge 0.3 L / hour, 13.25 mW/m2 with a discharge of 0.15 L / hour, and 15.68 mW / m2 with a discharge of 0.1 L / hour
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