14,622 research outputs found

    The Pairwise Peculiar Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: Effects of the Infall

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    We study the reliability of the reconstruction method which uses a modelling of the redshift distortions of the two-point correlation function to estimate the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersion of galaxies. In particular, the dependence of this quantity on different models for the infall velocity is examined for the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We make extensive use of numerical simulations and of mock catalogs derived from them to discuss the effect of a self-similar infall model, of zero infall, and of the real infall taken from the simulation. The implications for two recent discrepant determinations of the pairwise velocity dispersion for this survey are discussed.Comment: minor changes in the discussion; accepted for publication in ApJ; 8 pages with 2 figures include

    Scaling properties of the redshift power spectrum: theoretical models

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    We report the results of an analysis of the redshift power spectrum PS(k,μ)P^S(k,\mu) in three typical Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological models, where μ\mu is the cosine of the angle between the wave vector and the line-of-sight. Two distinct biased tracers derived from the primordial density peaks of Bardeen et al. and the cluster-underweight model of Jing, Mo, & B\"orner are considered in addition to the pure dark matter models. Based on a large set of high resolution simulations, we have measured the redshift power spectrum for the three tracers from the linear to the nonlinear regime. We investigate the validity of the relation - guessed from linear theory - in the nonlinear regime PS(k,μ)=PR(k)[1+βμ2]2D(k,μ,σ12(k)), P^S(k,\mu)=P^R(k)[1+\beta\mu^2]^2D(k,\mu,\sigma_{12}(k)), where PR(k)P^R(k) is the real space power spectrum, and β\beta equals Ω00.6/bl\Omega_0^{0.6}/b_l. The damping function DD which should generally depend on kk, μ\mu, and σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k), is found to be a function of only one variable kμσ12(k)k\mu\sigma_{12}(k). This scaling behavior extends into the nonlinear regime, while DD can be accurately expressed as a Lorentz function - well known from linear theory - for values D>0.1D > 0.1. The difference between σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k) and the pairwise velocity dispersion defined by the 3-D peculiar velocity of the simulations (taking r=1/kr=1/k) is about 15%. Therefore σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k) is a good indicator of the pairwise velocity dispersion. The exact functional form of DD depends on the cosmological model and on the bias scheme. We have given an accurate fitting formula for the functional form of DD for the models studied.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ;24 pages with 7 figures include

    Spin-charge-lattice coupling near the metal-insulator transition in Ca3Ru2O7

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    We report x-ray scattering studies of the c-axis lattice parameter in Ca3Ru2O7 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. These structural studies complement published transport and magnetization data, and therefore elucidate the spin-charge-lattice coupling near the metal-insulator transition. Strong anisotropy of the structural change for field applied along orthogonal in-plane directions is observed. Competition between a spin-polarized phase that does not couple to the lattice, and an antiferromagnetic metallic phase, which does, gives rise to rich behavior for B \parallel b.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mesoscopic colonization of a spectral band

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    We consider the unitary matrix model in the limit where the size of the matrices become infinite and in the critical situation when a new spectral band is about to emerge. In previous works the number of expected eigenvalues in a neighborhood of the band was fixed and finite, a situation that was termed "birth of a cut" or "first colonization". We now consider the transitional regime where this microscopic population in the new band grows without bounds but at a slower rate than the size of the matrix. The local population in the new band organizes in a "mesoscopic" regime, in between the macroscopic behavior of the full system and the previously studied microscopic one. The mesoscopic colony may form a finite number of new bands, with a maximum number dictated by the degree of criticality of the original potential. We describe the delicate scaling limit that realizes/controls the mesoscopic colony. The method we use is the steepest descent analysis of the Riemann-Hilbert problem that is satisfied by the associated orthogonal polynomials.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections and addition

    Novel pH control strategy for glutathione overproduction in batch cultivation of Candida utilis

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    The effects of pH values on cell growth and glutathione (GSH) production were studied in batch cultivation of Candida utilis. According to the fact that lower pH value favors cells growth but retards GSH production and higher pH value promotes GSH production while inhibits cells growth, a pH-shift strategy, optimized via simulating Gauss function, was developed. By applying two-stage pH-shift strategy of controlling pH at 5.0 for first 7.5 h and switching to 6.0 afterwards, final GSH yield and productivity reached 279 and 12.7 mg/l/h after 22 h cultivation, increased by 30 and 42%, respectively,compared to constant pH 5.5 operation. Moreover, by feeding glucose instead of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) solution to control pH, maximal GSH yield of 315 mg/l was achieved, suggesting application of pH-shift strategy for GSH overproduction as being feasible

    Data taking strategy for the phase study in ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^+K^-

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    The study of the relative phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes is of great importance for understanding the dynamics of charmonium decays. The information of the phase can be obtained model-independently by fitting the scan data of some special decay channels, one of which is ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^{+}K^{-}. To find out the optimal data taking strategy for a scan experiment in the measurement of the phase in ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^{+} K^{-}, the minimization process is analyzed from a theoretical point of view. The result indicates that for one parameter fit, only one data taking point in the vicinity of a resonance peak is sufficient to acquire the optimal precision. Numerical results are obtained by fitting simulated scan data. Besides the results related to the relative phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes, the method is extended to analyze the fits of other resonant parameters, such as the mass and the total decay width of ψ\psi^{\prime}.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    20 K superconductivity in heavily electron doped surface layer of FeSe bulk crystal

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    A superconducting transition temperature Tc as high as 100 K was recently discovered in 1 monolayer (1ML) FeSe grown on SrTiO3 (STO). The discovery immediately ignited efforts to identify the mechanism for the dramatically enhanced Tc from its bulk value of 7 K. Currently, there are two main views on the origin of the enhanced Tc; in the first view, the enhancement comes from an interfacial effect while in the other it is from excess electrons with strong correlation strength. The issue is controversial and there are evidences that support each view. Finding the origin of the Tc enhancement could be the key to achieving even higher Tc and to identifying the microscopic mechanism for the superconductivity in iron-based materials. Here, we report the observation of 20 K superconductivity in the electron doped surface layer of FeSe. The electronic state of the surface layer possesses all the key spectroscopic aspects of the 1ML FeSe on STO. Without any interface effect, the surface layer state is found to have a moderate Tc of 20 K with a smaller gap opening of 4 meV. Our results clearly show that excess electrons with strong correlation strength alone cannot induce the maximum Tc, which in turn strongly suggests need for an interfacial effect to reach the enhanced Tc found in 1ML FeSe/STO.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The finite size effect of galaxies on the cosmic virial theorem and the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions

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    We discuss the effect of the finite size of galaxies on estimating small-scale relative pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions from the cosmic virial theorem (CVT). Specifically we evaluate the effect by incorporating the finite core radius rcr_c in the two-point correlation function of mass, i.e. ξρ(r)(r+rc)γ\xi_\rho(r) \propto (r+r_c)^{-\gamma} and the effective gravitational force softening rsr_s on small scales. We analytically obtain the lowest-order correction term for γ<2\gamma <2 which is in quantitative agreement with the full numerical evaluation. With a nonzero rsr_s and/or rcr_c the cosmic virial theorem is no longer limited to the case of γ<2\gamma<2. We present accurate fitting formulae for the CVT predicted pairwise velocity dispersion for the case of γ>2\gamma>2. Compared with the idealistic point-mass approximation (rs=rc=0r_s=r_c=0), the finite size effect can significantly reduce the small-scale velocity dispersions of galaxies at scales much larger than rsr_s and rcr_c. Even without considering the finite size of galaxies, nonzero values for rcr_c are generally expected, for instance, for cold dark matter (CDM) models with a scale-invariant primordial spectrum. For these CDM models, a reasonable force softening r_s\le 100 \hikpc would have rather tiny effect. We present the CVT predictions for the small-scale pairwise velocity dispersion in the CDM models normalized by the COBE observation. The implication of our results for confrontation of observations of galaxy pair-wise velocity dispersions and theoretical predictions of the CVT is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages. LaTeX text and 8 postcript figures. submitted to Ap

    Stealthy Deception Attacks Against SCADA Systems

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    SCADA protocols for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are vulnerable to network attacks such as session hijacking. Hence, research focuses on network anomaly detection based on meta--data (message sizes, timing, command sequence), or on the state values of the physical process. In this work we present a class of semantic network-based attacks against SCADA systems that are undetectable by the above mentioned anomaly detection. After hijacking the communication channels between the Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), our attacks cause the HMI to present a fake view of the industrial process, deceiving the human operator into taking manual actions. Our most advanced attack also manipulates the messages generated by the operator's actions, reversing their semantic meaning while causing the HMI to present a view that is consistent with the attempted human actions. The attacks are totaly stealthy because the message sizes and timing, the command sequences, and the data values of the ICS's state all remain legitimate. We implemented and tested several attack scenarios in the test lab of our local electric company, against a real HMI and real PLCs, separated by a commercial-grade firewall. We developed a real-time security assessment tool, that can simultaneously manipulate the communication to multiple PLCs and cause the HMI to display a coherent system--wide fake view. Our tool is configured with message-manipulating rules written in an ICS Attack Markup Language (IAML) we designed, which may be of independent interest. Our semantic attacks all successfully fooled the operator and brought the system to states of blackout and possible equipment damage