22,721 research outputs found

    Structure formation from non-Gaussian initial conditions: multivariate biasing, statistics, and comparison with N-body simulations

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    We study structure formation in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type with parameters f_NL and g_NL. We show that the distribution of dark-matter halos is naturally described by a multivariate bias scheme where the halo overdensity depends not only on the underlying matter density fluctuation delta, but also on the Gaussian part of the primordial gravitational potential phi. This corresponds to a non-local bias scheme in terms of delta only. We derive the coefficients of the bias expansion as a function of the halo mass by applying the peak-background split to common parametrizations for the halo mass function in the non-Gaussian scenario. We then compute the halo power spectrum and halo-matter cross spectrum in the framework of Eulerian perturbation theory up to third order. Comparing our results against N-body simulations, we find that our model accurately describes the numerical data for wavenumbers k < 0.1-0.3 h/Mpc depending on redshift and halo mass. In our multivariate approach, perturbations in the halo counts trace phi on large scales and this explains why the halo and matter power spectra show different asymptotic trends for k -> 0. This strongly scale-dependent bias originates from terms at leading order in our expansion. This is different from what happens using the standard univariate local bias where the scale-dependent terms come from badly behaved higher-order corrections. On the other hand, our biasing scheme reduces to the usual local bias on smaller scales where |phi| is typically much smaller than the density perturbations. We finally discuss the halo bispectrum in the context of multivariate biasing and show that, due to its strong scale and shape dependence, it is a powerful tool for the detection of primordial non-Gaussianity from future galaxy surveys.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures. Minor modifications, version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    A study of digital holographic filters generation. Phase 2: Digital data communication system, volume 1

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    An empirical study of the performance of the Viterbi decoders in bursty channels was carried out and an improved algebraic decoder for nonsystematic codes was developed. The hybrid algorithm was simulated for the (2,1), k = 7 code on a computer using 20 channels having various error statistics, ranging from pure random error to pure bursty channels. The hybrid system outperformed both the algebraic and the Viterbi decoders in every case, except the 1% random error channel where the Viterbi decoder had one bit less decoding error

    An experimental study of coupling between combustor pressure, fuel/air mixing, and the flame

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    Fuel-air mixing behavior under the influence of imposed acoustic oscillations has been studied by investigating the response of the fuel mixture fraction field. The distribution of local fuel mixture fraction inside the mixing zone, which is expected to evolve into the local equivalence ratio in the flame zone, is closely coupled to unstable and oscillatory flame behavior. The Experiment was performed with an aerodynamically-stabilized non-premixed burner. In this study, acoustic oscillations were imposed at 22, 27, 32, 37, and 55Hz. Phase-resolved acetone PLIF was used to image the flow field of both isothermal and reacting flow cases and this data along with the derived quantities of temporal and spatial unmixedness were employed for analysis. The behavior of the unmixedness factor is compared with the previous measurements of oscillations in the flame zone. This comparison shows that local oscillations (of order millimeters or smaller) in fuel/air mixing are closely related to the oscillatory behavior of the flame. For each driving frequency, the mixture fraction oscillates at that frequency but with a slight phase difference between it and the pressure field/flame intensity, indicating that the fuel mixture fraction oscillation are likely the major reason for oscillatory behaviors of this category of flames and combustor geometry

    Effective Viscous Damping Enables Morphological Computation in Legged Locomotion

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    Muscle models and animal observations suggest that physical damping is beneficial for stabilization. Still, only a few implementations of mechanical damping exist in compliant robotic legged locomotion. It remains unclear how physical damping can be exploited for locomotion tasks, while its advantages as sensor-free, adaptive force- and negative work-producing actuators are promising. In a simplified numerical leg model, we studied the energy dissipation from viscous and Coulomb damping during vertical drops with ground-level perturbations. A parallel spring-damper is engaged between touch-down and mid-stance, and its damper auto-disengages during mid-stance and takeoff. Our simulations indicate that an adjustable and viscous damper is desired. In hardware we explored effective viscous damping and adjustability and quantified the dissipated energy. We tested two mechanical, leg-mounted damping mechanisms; a commercial hydraulic damper, and a custom-made pneumatic damper. The pneumatic damper exploits a rolling diaphragm with an adjustable orifice, minimizing Coulomb damping effects while permitting adjustable resistance. Experimental results show that the leg-mounted, hydraulic damper exhibits the most effective viscous damping. Adjusting the orifice setting did not result in substantial changes of dissipated energy per drop, unlike adjusting damping parameters in the numerical model. Consequently, we also emphasize the importance of characterizing physical dampers during real legged impacts to evaluate their effectiveness for compliant legged locomotion

    Bias and Hierarchical Clustering

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    It is now well established that galaxies are biased tracers of the distribution of matter, although it is still not known what form this bias takes. In local bias models the propensity for a galaxy to form at a point depends only on the overall density of matter at that point. Hierarchical scaling arguments allow one to build a fully-specified model of the underlying distribution of matter and to explore the effects of local bias in the regime of strong clustering. Using a generating-function method developed by Bernardeau & Schaeffer (1992), we show that hierarchical models lead one directly to the conclusion that a local bias does not alter the shape of the galaxy correlation function relative to the matter correlation function on large scales. This provides an elegant extension of a result first obtained by Coles (1993) for Gaussian underlying fields and confirms the conclusions of Scherrer & Weinberg (1998) obtained using a different approach. We also argue that particularly dense regions in a hierarchical density field display a form of bias that is different from that obtained by selecting such peaks in Gaussian fields: they are themselves hierarchically distributed with scaling parameters Sp=p(p2)S_p=p^{(p-2)}. This kind of bias is also factorizable, thus in principle furnishing a simple test of this class of models.Comment: Latex, accepted for publication in ApJL; moderate revision

    Hygrothermal performance of building envelopes in the tropics under operative conditions : condensation and mould growth risk appraisal

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    Poor indoor hygrothermal performance increases the risk of indoor moisture problems and deterioration due to mould growth, corrosion and damage to archival materials. Hence, proper control of indoor thermohygric intensity abates indoor moisture and its associated problems. This paper presents the results of envelopes hygrothermal performance assessments in a hot and humid climate building with varying operational profile between adjacent spaces. The case-studied building runs on 24hrs cooling mode in one part against natural and/or mechanical supply-exhaust fan means on the other. In-situ experiments were combined with hygrothermal analytical methods to assess the envelope thermal quality together with the operative conditions against condensation and mould growth risks. The results show that the building is overcooled leading to poor envelope hygrothermal performance with associated condensation and mould growth problems on non-airconditioned sides of the envelopes

    Effects of biasing on the galaxy power spectrum at large scales

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    n this paper we study the effect of biasing on the power spectrum at large scales. We show that even though non-linear biasing does introduce a white noise contribution on large scales, the P(k)knP(k)\propto k^n behavior of the matter power spectrum on large scales may still be visible and above the white noise for about one decade. We show, that the Kaiser biasing scheme which leads to linear bias of the correlation function on {\em large} scales, also generates a linear bias of the {\rm power spectrum} on rather small scales. This is a consequence of the divergence on small scales of the pure Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum. However, biasing becomes k-dependent when we damp the underlying power spectrum on small scales. We also discuss the effect of biasing on the baryon acoustic oscillations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. One figure and comments clarifying the linear biasing on small scales and references added. V3 version accepted in PR