27 research outputs found

    Overstaged Rectal Cancer by MRI due to Fibrosis Induced by Tattoo Marker

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    Endoscopic colorectal tattooing with carbon-based dyes is commonly employed in order to assist with later localization of the lesion. Although carbon is thought to be nontoxic, there usually is some inflammatory reaction with fibrosis and granuloma formation after tissue injection. The aim of this report is to alert to a possible underestimated, late consequence of colorectal carbon-based marker tattooing, namely pronounced fibrosis at the site of the injection that could lead to a blurring and misinterpretation of changes evaluated by radiological techniques. We describe a case of cT stage overestimation due to fibrosis of the rectal wall and perirectal fat, induced by carbon-based dye injection in a 66-year-old patient. In our case it was an overestimation of MR evaluation in the case of early invasive carcinoma. Although there have been some studies on tissue effect of carbon-based dyes, the possible scenario consequence of cancer stage overestimation due to fibrosis has not yet been described. Such a mistake could lead to inappropriate overtreatment. Clinicians must be aware of the possible consequences of dye injection and resultant overestimation of T stage of colorectal cancer. More histological studies concerning histological changes after carbon-based marker tattooing are needed to establish the extent of its significance


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    Diplomsko delo »Mesto Maribor – kaj o njem vedo učenci 4. in 5. razreda« zaokrožata dve samostojni enoti (teoretični in praktični del), ki se med seboj dopolnjujeta in povezujeta. V teoretičnem delu je podrobneje predstavljeno mesto Maribor (njegova lega, zgodovina, gospodarstvo, turizem, kultura, promet in šport) in opredeljeni splošni, vsebinski in operativni cilji iz učnega načrta za predmet družba, v empiričnem delu pa so predstavljeni rezultati empirične raziskave, izvedene v šolskem letu 2014/2015 na priložnostnem vzorcu stotih učencev 4. in 5. razredov mestnih in primestnih osnovnih šol. Ugotovljeno je, da učenci sorazmerno dobro poznajo mesto Maribor in njegove značilnosti.The diploma thesis titled “The city of Maribor – what do 4th and 5th grade students know about it” comprises two individual units (the theoretical and the empirical part), which complement each other and are connected to one another. In the theoretical part the city of Maribor is described in detail (its location, history, economy, tourism, culture, traffic and sport), and the general, content and process goals from the curriculum for the school subject Society are specified, while the empirical part features the results of an empirical study which was carried out in the school year 2014/2015 on the convenience sample of one hundred students of the fourth and fifth grade of municipal and suburban elementary schools. It was established that the students know the city of Maribor and its characteristics relatively well

    Socialno delo v tiskanih medijih

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    Gospodarski razvoj Kube

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    Advantages of infant massage

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    Uvod: Masaža dojenčka v zadnjem desetletju v Sloveniji postaja vedno bolj priljubljena aktivnost, ki jo starši izvajajo s svojimi dojenčki. Mednarodna zveza za masažo dojenčka IAIM navaja številne prednosti masaže, kot so izboljšanje interakcije med dojenčkom in starši, sproščanje čustvene in fizične napetosti, stimulacija organskih sistemov in številne druge. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, ali starši, ki masirajo svoje dojenčke, opazijo kakšne spremembe otrokovega vedenja, ugotavljajo prednosti ali slabosti masaže, glede na njene učinke, kot je bilo ugotovljeno iz pregleda znanstvene in strokovne literature. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna in kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda dela, s pomočjo strukturiranega avtorskega spletnega vprašalnika na temo prednosti masaže dojenčka. Vprašalnik je bil razdeljen med 95 staršev, ki so obiskovali tečaj masaže dojenčka, pri čemer jih je 31 izpolnilo anketo v celoti. Sodelovanje v raziskavi je bilo prostovoljno in anonimno. Podatki so bili urejeni v programu Microsoft Excel 2010 in statistično obdelani v SPSS Statistics 23.0. Rezultati: 65 % staršev meni, da masaža pozitivno učinkuje na spanje dojenčka, 84 % jih meni, da ugodno vpliva na prebavo, enak delež staršev je opazil, da je njihov otrok po masaži bolj sproščen, 19 % jih je opazilo, da manj joka. 97 % staršev poroča, da jim masaža pomaga pri navezovanju in spoznavanju njihovega dojenčka, 90 % jih je po obiskovanju tečaja masaže dojenčka bolj suverenih v skrbi za svojega otroka. 58 % staršev vidi pozitivni vpliv masaže zgolj na dojenčka, 35 % vprašanih pa je mnenja, da masaža ugodno učinkuje na celotno družino. Razprava in zaključek: Masaža je dojenčkom pomagala predvsem pri tem, da so lažje zaspali ali da so imeli kakovostnejši spanec in so bili bolj sproščeni. Otroci so lažje odvajali, manj jih je napenjalo in so redkeje imeli trebušne krče v prvih mesecih življenja. Masaža je pomagala tudi staršem pri varnem navezovanju na otroka. Stranskih učinkov ni bilo. Glede na to lahko masažo priporočamo kot rutinsko dejavnost v prvem poporodnem letu.Introduction: Over the past decade, infant massage has become an increasingly popular activity in Slovenia that parents perform with their infants. International Association of Infant Massage IAIM reports numerous positive effects of infant massage, such as better interaction between the infant and its parents, the release of physical and emotional tension, stimulation of organ systems and many others. Purpose: The aim of this diploma work is to research whether parents who massage their infants notice any changes in their child\u27s behavior, identify the advantages or disadvantages of massage, according to its effects, as determined from the review of scientific and professional literature. Methods: A descriptive and causal non-experimental method was used, with the help of a structured authorial online questionnaire on the advantages of infant massage. The questionnaire was distributed to 95 parents who attended the infant massage course with 31 completing the survey. Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous. Data was edited in Microsoft Excel 2010 and statistically analysed in SPSS Statistics 23.0. Results: 65% of parents think that the massage has a positive effect on the infant\u27s sleep, 84% think that it has a beneficial effect on digestion, the same proportion of parents noticed that their child was more relaxed after the massage, 19% noticed that the infant cried less. 97% of parents report that the massage helps them bond and get to know their infant, and 90% say they are more confident in taking care of their child after attending an infant massage course. 58% of parents see the positive impact of massage only on the infant, and 35% of respondents believe that massage has a beneficial effect on the whole family. Discussion and conclusion: The massage helped the infants to fall asleep more easily or to have a better quality sleep and to be more relaxed. It was easier for children to digest, they were less bloated and had less abdominal cramps during the first months of life. The massage also helped parents attach safely to their infants. There were no side effects. Considering this, massage can be recommended as a routine activity in the first postnatal year

    Educators in Residential Childcare Institutions\u27 Views on Their Own Educational Styles

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    Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bila pridobitev vpogleda v razmišljanje vzgojiteljev, ki so zaposleni v vzgojnih zavodih, o njihovem vzgojnem stilu ter razlogih za takšno izbiro. Raziskovalo se je, kaj vse v današnjem času vpliva na oblikovanje lastnega vzgojnega stila vzgojiteljev ter katere metode so jim pri tem v pomoč. Teoretičen del magistrskega dela predstavi teorijo vzgojnih stilov, razišče različne dejavnike, ki pomembno vplivajo na oblikovanje lastnega vzgojnega stila, ter metode, ki jih pomagajo v tem procesu. Dotakne se tudi zakonske urejenosti in načel dela vzgojitelja v vzgojnem zavodu. Posebej se osredotoči na metodo refleksije in njenega pomena pri oblikovanju vzgojnega stila vzgojitelja. Empirični del je zasnovan kvalitativno. Vzorec je sestavljen iz šestih vzgojiteljev, ki so že tri leta ali več zaposleni v enem izmed vzgojnih zavodov v Sloveniji. Z vzgojitelji so bili opravljeni delno strukturiran intervju. Podatki so vsebinsko analizirani in rezultati kažejo, da vzgojitelji v vzgojnih zavodih o svojem lastnem vzgojnem stilu pogosto razmišljajo in ga s pomočjo refleksije tudi redno opazujejo. O svojem vzgojnem stilu najpogosteje razmišljajo na podlagi teoretičnega znanja in si želijo, da bi pri svojem delu upoštevali smernice avtoritativnega vzgojnega stila. Najpogosteje o njem razmišljajo izven časa svojega vzgojnega dela z namenom izboljšanja, spreminjanja in nadgrajevanja lastnega dela, kar vzgojitelja vodi k čim večjemu strokovnemu razvoju. Na vzgojni stil vzgojitelja najpogosteje vpliva njegovo teoretično znanje pridobljeno s formalno in neformalno izobrazbo, njegove izkušnje v praksi, institucionalna pravila ter vzgojiteljeva osebnost in njegove izkušnje, ki jih je sam pridobil z odraščanjem v svoji primarni družini. Raziskava prispeva vpogled v realizacijo načel socialnopedagoške paradigme vzgajanja v praksi pri obravnavi otrok, ki so nameščeni v vzgojnih zavodih.The main purpose of this thesis was to gain insight into what the educators employed in educational institutions think about their own educational style and the reasons for such a choice. We have explored the question of the influences on the formation of educators\u27 own educational style today and which methods they find helpful. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the theory of educational styles, examines various factors that significantly shape the development of one\u27s own educational style as well as methods that can help educators in this process. It also touches on the regulations and principles of work of an educator in an educational institution. It is particularly focused on the method of reflection and its importance in the formation of the educational style of the educator. The empirical part is designed qualitatively. The sample includes six educators who have been employed in one of the educational institutions in Slovenia for three years or more. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the educators. The data is analysed in terms of content and the results show that educators in educational institutions often think about their educational style and regularly evaluate it with the help of reflection. They mostly analyse their educational style on the basis of theoretical knowledge, and they wish to follow the guidelines of an authoritative educational style in their work. In most cases they think about it outside the time of their educational work with the aim of improving, changing and upgrading their own work, which leads the educator to the greatest possible professional development. The educational style of the educator is usually influenced by his theoretical knowledge acquired through formal and informal education, his practical experience, institutional rules, and the educator\u27s personality and experiences, which he acquired while growing up in his primary family. The research contributes to the implementation of the principles of the socio-pedagogical paradigm of education in practice when dealing with children who are placed in educational institution