7 research outputs found

    Analiza citohistoloŔkih faktora koji doprinose pojavi nepravilnih krvarenja, bola i febrilnosti kod pacijenatkinja sa miomima uterusa

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    Rezultati naÅ”e studije pokazali su da nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u histoloÅ”kom tipu mioma između ispitanica sa iregularnim krvarenjem i ispitanica bez simptoma i sa bolom i inflamacijom. Ovakav rezultat sugeriÅ”e da histoloÅ”ki tip mioma ne utiče na kliničku sliku pacijentkinje. U obe analizirane grupe u ovoj studiji najzastupljenije su bile ispitanice sa miomima celularnog tipa i miomima neurolinoma-like tipa. Statistički značajna razlika nije uočena ni u ekspresiji Ī±- glatkomiÅ”ićnog aktina između ispitanica sa iregularnim krvarenjima i kontrolne grupe ispitanica. I u grupi sa iregularni krvarenjima i u grupi sa bolom i inflamacijom i asimptomatskim miomima, najmanje ispitanica imalo je ekspresiju Ī±- glatkomiÅ”ićnog aktina manju od 35% (+), a najviÅ”e je bilo ispitanica sa ekspresijom do 100% (+++). Ovakav rezultat sugeriÅ”e da dominantu ćelijsku populaciju u tkivu mioma, bez obzira histoloÅ”ki tip, čine glatke miÅ”ićne ćelije različitog fenotipskog statusa, među kojima dominiraju glatke miÅ”ićne ćelije kontraktilnog fenotipa, uz prisutan jedan broj glatkih miocita sintetskog fenotipa organizovan u vidu ostrvaca između njih. Između analiziranih grupa nije uočena statistički značajna razlika ni u ekspresiji CD34. U obe grupe najviÅ”e je bilo ispitanica sa ekspresijom CD34 opisanom sa dva (do 35%) i jednim (do 75%) plusom a najmanje sa ekspresijom opisanom sa tri plusa. Kako je CD34 antigen koji se između ostalog eksprimira na povrÅ”ini tkivnih fibroblasta, ovakav rezultat sugeriÅ”e da bez obzira na histoloÅ”ki tip mioma tkivni fibroblasti čine manju ćelijsku populaciju u tkivu u odnosu na populaciju glatkih miÅ”ićnih ćelija

    Histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm wall

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    Background/Aim. The main complication of the atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurism (AAA) is her rupture that begins with lesion in intima and rupture. The purpose of this work was to determine immunocytochemical and morphofunctional characteristics of the cells in aortic wall in ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm. Method. During the course of this study, 20 samples of atherosclerotic AAA were analyzed, all of them obtained during authopsy. The samples were fixed in 4% formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections of 5 Ī¼m thickness were stained histochemically (of Heidenhain azan stain and Periodic acid Schiff - PAS stain) and immunocytochemically using a DAKO LSAB+/HRP technique to identify Ī±-smooth muscle actin (Ī±-SMA), vimentin, myosin heavy chains (MHC), desmin, S-100 protein, CD45 and CD68 (DAKO specification). Results. The results of our study showed that ruptured atherosclerotic AAA is characterized by a complete absence of endothelial cells, the disruption of basal membrane and internal elastic lamina, as well as a presence of the remains of hypocellular complicated atherosclerotic lesion in intima. On the plaque margins, as well as in the media, smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are present, which express a Ī±-SMA and vimentin (but without MHC or desmin expression), as well as leukocyte infiltration, and a large number of foam cells. Some of the foam cells show a CD68-immunoreactivity, while the others show vimentin- and S-100 protein-immunoreactivity. Media is thinned out with a disorganized elastic lamellas, while adventitia is characterized by inflammatory inflitrate (infection). Conclusion. Rupture of aneurysm occurs from the primary intimal disruption, which spreads into thinned out media and adventitia. Rupture is caused by unstable atherom, hypocellularity, loss of contractile characteristics of smooth muscle cells in intima and media, neovascularization of the media, as well as by the activity of the macrophages in the lesion

    Synthesis and toxicological studies of in vivo anticoagulant activity of novel 3-(1-aminoethylidene)chroman-2,4-diones and 4-hydroxy-3-(1-iminoethyl)-2H-chromen-2-ones combined with a structure-based 3-D pharmacophore model.

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    Eight synthesized 3-(1-aminoethylidene)chroman-2,4-diones and 4-hydroxy-3-(1-iminoethyl)-2H-chromen-2-ones were evaluated as in vivo anticoagulants by intraperitoneal application to adult male Wistar rats in order to examine their pharmacological potential, evaluate ther toxicity and propose the mechanism of action. Two of them, 2f and 2a, in concentration of 2mg/kg of body weight, presented remarkable activity (PT=130s; PT=90s) upon seven days of continuous application. The results of rat serum and liver biochemical screening, as well those of histopathological studies, proved the compounds to be non-toxic. Activity of the compounds was further examined on the molecular level. Here, molecular docking studies were performed to position the compounds in relation to the active site of VKORC1 and determine the bioactive conformations. Docking results suggested a non-covalent mode of action during which the proton transfer occurs from Cys135 SH towards 4-carbonyl group of anticoagulant. All crucial interactions for anticoagulant activity were confirmed in generated structure-based 3-D pharmacophore model, consisted of hydrogen bond acceptor and hydrophobic aromatic features, and quantified by a best correlation coefficient of 0.97

    Hepatoprotective effects of Gentiana asclepiadea L. extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats

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    This study is an attempt to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of Gentiana asclepiadea L against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats. Methanol extracts of aerial parts (GM) and roots (GAR) of G. asclepiadea at doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg b.w. were orally administered to Wistar rats once daily for 7 days before they were treated with CCl4. The hepatoprotective activity of the extracts in this study was compared with the reference drug silymarin. In CCl4 treated animals, GM and GAR significantly decreased levels of serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin, and increased the level of total protein. Treatment with the extracts resulted in a significant increase in the levels of catalase, superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione, accompanied with a marked reduction in the levels of malondialdehyde, as compared to CCl4 treated group. The histopathological studies confirmed protective effects of extracts against CCl4-induced liver injuries. No genotoxicity was observed in liver cells after GM treatment, while GAR showed only slight genotoxic effects by comet assay. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of sweroside, swertiamarin and gentiopicrin in high concentrations in both extracts. It could be concluded that the use of G. asclepiadea extracts in the treatment of chemical-induced hepatotoxicity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [III 43004

    Extract of the plant Cotinus coggygria Scop. attenuates pyrogallol-induced hepatic oxidative stress in Wistar rats

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    To examine the protective potential of the Cotinus coggygria Scop. methanol extract, Wistar rats were treated with the hepatotoxic compound pyrogallol, which possesses a potent ability to generate free radicals and induce oxidative stress. The ability of the extract to counteract the oxidative stress was examined in rats that were injected with the extract intraperitoneally (500 mgĀ·(kg body weight)(-1)) either 2 or 12 h before the pyrogallol treatment. The extract possesses a reducing activity in vitro and an ability to chelate the ferrous ion both in vivo and in vitro. Application of the extract prior to pyrogallol treatment led to a decrease in the levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase, increased activities of antioxidant enzymes and attenuation of DNA damage, as well as increased Akt activity and inhibition of NF-ĪŗB protein expression. Treatment with the extract 12 h prior to pyrogallol administration was more effective in suppressing pyrogallol-induced oxidative damage than the 2 h pretreatment. Extract administration promoted an increase in acute phase reactants haptoglobin and Ī±(2)-macroglobulin that was short of a full-fledged acute phase response. Administration of the extract considerably improved the markers of oxidative stress, thus revealing a potential hepatoprotective activity. Our results suggest that Akt activation, NF-ĪŗB inhibition, and induction of the acute phase play important roles in mediating hepatic protection by the extract. The greater effectiveness of the 12 h pretreatment with extract points to the important role that preconditioning assumes in improving resistance to subsequent exposure to oxidative stress