685 research outputs found

    The ‘White’ Mask and the ‘Gypsy’ Mask in Film

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    The study ventures into a topic that has been so far largely neglected in film studies: the ‘gypsy’ phantasm on the big screen. It reconstructs the history of ‘gypsy’ representations in film since the birth of the medium providing a systematic film-theoretical analysis of their aesthetic and social functions. Based on a corpus of over 150 works from European and US cinema, it is shown that ‘gypsy’-themed feature films share the pattern of an ‘ethno-racial’ masquerade, irrespective of the place and time of their origin. The author thus expands the research, concentrated until now in the field of literature, with another art form, film, opening up new dimensions of (popular) cultural antigypsyism.Die Studie widmet sich einem in der Filmwissenschaft bislang vernachlĂ€ssigten Thema: dem ‚Zigeuner‘-Phantasma auf der Kinoleinwand. Sie verbindet die Rekonstruktion der Geschichte der ‚Zigeuner‘-Darstellungen im Film seit den AnfĂ€ngen des Mediums mit einer systematischen filmtheoretischen Verortung ihrer Ă€sthetischen und gesellschaftlichen Funktion. Auf der Grundlage von ĂŒber 150 Werken aus dem europĂ€ischen und US-amerikanischen Kino wird aufgezeigt, dass den ,Zigeuner‘-Spielfilmproduktionen unabhĂ€ngig von Ort und Zeit ihrer Entstehung das GrundgerĂŒst einer ,ethno-rassischen‘ Maskerade gemeinsam ist. Damit erweitert die Autorin die bisherigen, auf das Gebiet der Literatur konzentrierten Forschungen um ein weiteres Medium, den Film, und erschließt neue Dimensionen des (populĂ€r-)kulturellen Antiziganismus

    Slavic Literary Microlanguages Amid Internationalisation Trends (Based on Examples from the Codified Language of the Banat Bulgarians)

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    The aim of the paper is to present some problems related to the present situation of the Banat Bulgarian Language spoken in Romania. After 1943 the literary tradition of the Banat Bulgarians was interrupted. Printed media stopped functioning, the language was not taught in schools and its function was limited to liturgy and everyday oral communication. The revival of this micro language started in 1989 with the introduction of changes in the social, political and cultural life of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This paper analyses the dynamics of the language and studies the extent to which processes of globalisation and internationalisation reflect its lexics. The main source used for observation and conclusions are the periodical “Náơa glás” and “Literaturna miselj”, published after 1989

    Patterns of Symbolic Violence

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    Drawing on a number of paradigmatic works of art, the book explores the motif of ‘gypsy’ child-theft and its visualisations. The analytical focus is on the colour coding of bodies in texts and images and their racialised/anti-gypsy uses. Offering a comprehensive survey of the motif’s adaptations to different visual media, the author elaborates on its multiple layers of meaning and functions. The analysis starts with a critical review of Cervantes’ tale “La gitanilla”, moving through seventeenth-century Dutch history painting to take a cursory look at nineteenth-century printed images, and end up with an annotated filmography of 49 cinematic works.Anhand einer Reihe paradigmatischer Kunstwerke untersucht das Buch das Motiv des „Zigeuner“-Kinderraubs und dessen Visualisierungen. Im Vordergrund steht die Analyse der Farbkodierung von Körpern und deren rassistische bzw. antiziganistische Verwendung. Die Autorin nimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme der Anpassungen des Motivs in verschiedenen visuellen Medien vor und arbeitet seine vielschichtigen Bedeutungen und Funktionen heraus. Die Analyse beginnt mit einer kritischen Betrachtung von Cervantes ErzĂ€hlung „La gitanilla“. Weitere inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind die hollĂ€ndischen Historienmalereien des 17. Jahrhunderts und die neu aufkommende Drucktechnik im 19. Jahrhundert. Den Abschluss bildet eine annotierte Filmografie, die 49 Werke umfasst

    The Orient in Mozart’s Legacy: From Allusion to the Ethical and Aesthetical Model

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    Throughout the history of music, the dialogue of cultures in the West-East discourse has produced various Orientalism models. Introducing a fashion for oriental decorations in Europe, using new instruments, borrowing modes of musical expression, as well as alluding to signs and symbols of oriental religions and philosophies gave rise to reshaping European musical aesthetics as early as the 18th century. At that time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his work were undoubtedly pivotal for the art. One can retrospectively observe that Turkish Janissary musical traditions significantly freshened and enriched the composer’s instrumental thinking. This can be seen most in the orchestration of Mozart’s oriental operas – namely, his singspiels Zaide and The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die EntfĂŒhrung aus dem Serail). Being a synthetic genre by its nature, opera is primarily related to literary activity; therefore, its oriental colour and imagery need to be immersed in the philosophical world of oriental narratives and storylines that were very popular in baroque and classicism art. Moreover, on the example of The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte), Mozart’s last opera, we can observe how the semiosis of Sufi texts explicitly present in this singspiel libretto gives the work new – Romantic – features. These new characteristics are not limited to the surface aesthetic level of decorations. As an opera reformer, Mozart reshapes the aesthetics of musical language, concurrently refining the ethical component of the genre. Thus, when analysing some instrumental, especially opera pieces by Mozart – namely, Zaide, The Abduction from the Seraglio and The Magic Flute singspiels, one can affirm that the synergy between all orientalism features in the composer’s works and established traditions of the European musical art resulted in the Viennese master creating a new ethical and aesthetic style model, which became seminal for the upcoming epochs

    Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse

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    This book provides an overview of the modifications and interaction of the Second-Language Learning discursive formation and the Identity discursive formation over four centuries of Russian history. It proposes an explanatory model in which small-scale linguistic detail is combined harmoniously with larger-scale language units in order to illuminate matters of cultural importance in their linguistic guise. Hallmark of its interdisciplinary scope is the isomorphic interpretation of image and text. Compositionally, interdisciplinarity pours into a nonlinear narrative; this narrative follows a spiral, redefining on a higher level and in a different setting distinctions, which were first discovered on a lower level with the theoretical devices of other disciplines. The lower coil of the helix accommodates the complementary argumentations of anthropology and lexical semantics; the higher one brings the conclusions to the plane of discourse analysis and semiotic

    Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse

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    This book provides an overview of the modifications and interaction of the Second-Language Learning discursive formation and the Identity discursive formation over four centuries of Russian history. It proposes an explanatory model in which small-scale linguistic detail is combined harmoniously with larger-scale language units in order to illuminate matters of cultural importance in their linguistic guise. Hallmark of its interdisciplinary scope is the isomorphic interpretation of image and text. Compositionally, interdisciplinarity pours into a nonlinear narrative; this narrative follows a spiral, redefining on a higher level and in a different setting distinctions, which were first discovered on a lower level with the theoretical devices of other disciplines. The lower coil of the helix accommodates the complementary argumentations of anthropology and lexical semantics; the higher one brings the conclusions to the plane of discourse analysis and semiotic

    Good Practices of the European Union Countries Regarding the Integration of Refugees and Migrants

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    The countries of the European Union, which are final destinations or transit for refugees and migrants, face many social, humanitarian and financial challenges. They are expected to invest efforts and resources to enable migrant communities and the host society to activate their abilities, qualities and skills to build social cohesion and well-being between them. Local administrations provide many services that directly affect the integration of migrants and there-fore have a greater capacity to support the process of social cohesion, as opposed to governance at national level, which in many cases hinders local government initiatives to address social and economic problems arising from immigration. Integration is an extremely individual process and individual needs must be taken into account by the various institutions involved in this activity. Refugee integration is one of the indicators of democratic society, an indicator of the development and promotion of human rights and freedoms. It is a continuous and dynamic process that requires efforts and readiness on the part of refugees to adapt to their host society without having to give up their cultural identity, and therefore - readiness and understanding on the part of the host community and public institutions to perceive refugees as equal persons of themselves. Integration is a long-term two-way process of mutual adjustment of incoming immigrants and citizens of the host country

    A Qualitative case study of an NCAA division III female tennis player\u27s self-regulation prior to, during, and after a singles tennis match

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    To gain an in depth understanding of the self-regulatory techniques and strategies used by a tennis player prior to, during, and after a singles match, an NCAA Division III female tennis player (n=1) was purposefully selected for the present case study. [This is an excerpt from the abstract. For the complete abstract, please see the document.
