55 research outputs found


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    Although the construction industry has always been project-oriented, limited attention has been paid to the Project Management Software (PMS), particularly in the transitional countries. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the needs of the transitional economies by providing new insight into deficiencies of implementing the Western PMS in the construction industry of Southeast Europe (SEE). Thus, while the construction industries of the developed economies use PMS for a wider range of project management processes, the SEE construction industry still practices management mainly through financial procedures and material planning. Therefore, the PMS originating from developed countries, in the present form, is of little use in transitional economies.Iako je građevinska industrija uvijek bila projektno orijentirana, tijekom proteklih godina, izrazito mala pažnja je dana računalnim aplikacijama za upravljanje projektima (RUP). Ovaj članak doprinosi dubljem razumijevanju potreba tranzicijskih ekonomija, predstavljajući nedostatke uvođenja RUP-a, nastalih u Zapadnim sustavima, u građevinske industrije Jugoistočne Europe (JE). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji značajna razlika u načinu i procesima kojima se upravlja projektima u građevinskim industrijama Zapada u odnosu na praksu u JE. Tako dok Zapadna praksa pokazuje potrebu za korištenjem mnoštva procesa za upravljanje projektima (npr. upravljanje rizicima, niveliranje resursa u planu itd.), građevinska praksa JE se još uvijek temelji na financijskim procedurama i planiranju potrebnog materijala. Zbog ovih razloga može se ustvrditi kako su RUP, koji potječu iz Zapadnih praksa, u svom trenutnom obliku, od male koristi za tranzicijske ekonomije


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    Old cores of European cities make more than 35% of the entire building stock in Europe, which and often form the social, financial, and touristic centers of cities. These old buildings require constant investments in terms of renewal and preservation to retain their usefulness. Existing risk management tools do not provide sufficient support when managing these types of projects. Hence, previously developed risk breakdown structures (RBSs) for projects on existing buildings were extended to enable simpler project management and clear visibility of critical risks. Previous studies focused on RBSs for construction projects in general. Research with respect on real life projects showed that some risk sources posed a greater threat and had more risk triggers than other risk sources. This study identified critical risk sources with respect to existing RBS and conducted a further analysis of these risk sources. The results of the study examined the fully developed RBS for existing building construction projects with further structuring of specific risk sources. Furthermore, the study identified stakeholders and assigned their risk resolution responsibilities

    Project manager

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    U radu se opisuju svjetska iskustva o potrebnom profilu znanja, vještine, iskustva, dobi i prirodnih osobina voditelja projekta. Navedene su osnovne definicije projekta i upravljanja projektom. Opisane su odgovornosti, poslovi i postupak izbora profesionalnog voditelja projekta. Naveden je primjer određivanja naknada za vođenje projekata prema iskustvu iz SAD. U završnom dijelu istaknuta je potreba uključenja u međunarodni program izdavanja certifikata za poslove voditelja.The worldwide experience on the required knowledge, skill, experience, age and natural capacities of project managers, is described in the paper. Basic definitions of the project and project management are given. Responsibilities, tasks and procedures for selecting a competent project manager are described. An example is cited about the way in which bonuses are granted for project management in the USA. In the final part of the paper, the author emphasizes the need for taking part in the international program for the delivery of certificates for project management

    Construction time-cost model in Croatia

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    The paper deals with the applicability of the time-cost model for calculating the sustainable construction time for building projects in Croatia. In this model the time is expressed as a function of money in the project, while the specific constants K and B need to be determined. These constants depend on economic characteristics of the country or a larger area, therefore had to be separately calculated for a region with similar economic characteristics. The modelling of the constants was performed for two groups of building projects - the roads and residential and office multi-storey buildings. The obtained results have been analyzed and compared to the corresponding results from abroad


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    When the decision has been made to seismically strengthen a building, in order to mitigate possible damaging effects of an earthquake, choice of seismic strengthening is entirely left to the expert. The choice is often made without any specific analyses of the need and implementation possibilities, but depends completely on the expert’s knowledge and experience. The article presents the development of the innovative approach to strengthening technique selection for existing buildings that incorporates all important elements that influence the strengthening selection process. The presented model is simple, quick, precise, allowing analytically supported decision making. Although the developed model is designed particularly for masonry buildings, decision support model for strengthening technique selection is adaptable to any building type.Kada je donesena odluka o potrebi za ojačanjem zgrade u cilju preventivne zaštite od potresa, kao pravilom, odabir ojačanja prepušten je stručnjaku. Odabir ojačanja se najčešće provodi bez konkretnih analiza mogućnosti i potreba za određenim pothvatom, već isključivo prema nahođenju i prošlom iskustvu stručnjaka. U članku se predstavlja proces razvoja inovativnog pristupa izboru tehnologija ojačanja postojećih zgrada, a kojim se uzimaju u obzir svi bitni elementi koji mogu utjecati na izbor ojačanja. Predstavljeni model je jednostavan, brz i precizan, te dozvoljava donošenje odluka na osnovu analitički dokazanih činjenica. Unatoč tomu što je model izrađen isključivo samo za zidane zgrade, model za izradu potpore odlučivanja pri odabiru tehnologije ojačanja je prilagodljiv bilo kojem tipu građevina


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    Projectification has become an important phenomenon in the field of project studies. Projectification represents an important portion of the gross national product gathering significant resources in all types of industries. There is significant number of micro-level studies investigating this phenomenon but only few have investigated the macro-level design. This paper adopted approach originally implemented in Germany, Norway and Iceland. Aim of this paper is to broaden the scale of the previous research including Croatia as one of the Eastern European post transition countries. This paper offers unique results from the first projectification research of the Croatian economy based on the analysis of 250 companies. Primary data was collected through interviews with company employees. Results reveal the level of Croatian national economy projectification being below 30% enabling sector and cross country comparison. According to results Croatia is still within the range of the European Union countries. These results add to the existing body of knowledge regarding an ongoing research of the projectification phenomenon.Projektifikacija je postala važan fenomen u području istraživanja projekata. Projektifikacija predstavlja važan udio nacionalnog domaćeg proizvoda obuhvaćajući značajne resurse u svim industrijskim sektorima. Postoji značajan broj istraživanja mikro razine, ali svega nekoliko onih koje istražuju fenomen projektifikacije na makro razini. Ovaj rad koristi pristup originalno primijenjen u istraživanju projektifikacije na primjeru Njemačke, Norveške te Islanda. Cilj istraživanja je proširiti opseg prethodne studije uključivanjem Republike Hrvatske kao istočno europske post-tranzicijske zemlje. Rad nudi jedinstvene rezultate prve studije projektifikacije nacionalnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske koji se temelje na uzorku 250 poduzeća. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni putem intervjua zaposlenika. Rezultati ukazuju na postojeću razinu projektifikacije nacionalnog gospodarstva ispod razine od 30% omogućujući usporedbu sektora i zemalja. Prema rezultatima Republika Hrvatska se nalazi unutar raspona zemalja Europske unije. Rezultati istraživanja doprinose postojećem skupu znanja istraživačkog područja fenomena projektifikacije


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    Prikazuju se rezultati istraživanja troškova kvalitete u građevinskim projektima visokogradnje. Opisana je struktura troškova kvalitete i karakteristike komponenata. Utvrđene su vrijednosti troškova kvalitete u ugovorenoj vrijednosti projekata. Provedena je analiza odnosa promatranih komponenata troškova kvalitete i analiza odnosa troškova kvalitete sa drugim ugovornim veličinama – cijenom i rokom. Formuliran je model za upravljanje troškovima kvalitete u građevinskim projektima.Results obtained during quality cost analysis for building construction projects are presented. The quality cost structure and characteristics of individual components are described. The proportion of quality costs in the total contract price of projects is defined. Correlations among individual quality cost components are analysed, and quality costs are compared with other contract parameters - price and completion time. The quality cost management model for construction projects is formulated.Les résultats obtenus au cours de l'analyse des frais de qualité sur les projets de construction sont présentés. La structure des frais de qualité et les propriétés des composants individuels sont décrites. La partie des frais de qualité dans le prix contractuel total de projets est définie. Les corrélations entre les composants individuels des frais de qualité sont analysées, et les frais de qualité sont comparés avec les autres paramètres contractuels - prix et délai. Le modèle de gestion des frais de qualité pour les projets de construction est proposé.Dargestellt sind die Ergebnisse der Forschung der Qualitätskosten bei Bauproblemen des Hochbaus. Beschrieben ist die Struktur der Qualitätskosten und die Kennzeichen der Komponenten. Festgelegt sind die Werte der Qualitätskosten im vereinbarten Wert des Projekts. Durchgeführt ist die Analyse der Verhältnisse der betrachteten Komponenten der Qualitätskosten und die Analyse der Verhältnisse der Qualitätskosten zu den übrigen Vertragsgrössen - Preis und Frist. Formuliert ist ein Modell für die Leitung der Qualitätskosten in Bauprojekten

    Economic evaluation of energy-saving measures on panel buildings in the Czech Republic

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    Kako bi se smanjila potrošnja energije u građevinama, nužno je izvršiti mjere očuvanja energije. Ovaj rad predstavlja metodologiju za očuvanje energije kod modularne gradnje u Republici Češkoj. Članak prvo daje pregled dosadašnjih mjera za revitalizaciju starijih zgrada prema direktivama Europske unije, predstavlja odgovarajuće mjere očuvanja energije i objašnjava kako primijeniti metodologiju za ekonomsku evaluaciju mjera i njihovo praćenje tijekom faze primjene. Kako bi se metodologija potvrdila u praksi, u radu se prikazuje njezina implementacija na studiji slučaja u grada Prerov. Prikupljeni rezultati su pokazali kako se korištenjem ove metodologije uspostavio značajan napredak, posebice u fazama planiranja i provođenja mjera. Nadalje, dokazano je kako i minimalni sustav praćenja očuvanja energije može dovesti do značajnih ušteda. Ipak, tijekom testiranja ove metodologije, prepoznati su nedostaci, posebice u fazi uporabe, koji se u daljnjim istraživanjima moraju otkloniti.In order to decrease energy consumption of buildings it is necessary to take energy-saving measures. Main attention is paid to panel buildings, particularly to housing stock in the Czech Republic. The paper contains the Czech state-of-the-art in the field of revitalization of older housing stock and achieving the EU energy objectives, introduces suitable energy saving measures and deals with the methodology of economic evaluation of planned revitalization projects and with energy monitoring. The implementation of the above mentioned methodology is shown on the case study in the city of Přerov. The obtained results confirmed practical experience that, over the years, a considerable progress has been achieved in the planning and implementation phase. Furthermore, the case study shows that even simple energy monitoring may bring a great benefit in terms of energy savings. Nevertheless, there are still some issues in the operational phase that need to be addressed. Therefore, current level of energy monitoring should be considerably enhanced in order to achieve full energy potential of buildings