21 research outputs found

    Word order in Topic-Focus structures in the Balkan languages

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    The paper examines the word order patterns of Balkan languages with respect to the representation of the discourse categories of Topic and Focus in the Left Periphery of the Balkan clause. It is argued that Balkan languages share a number of syntactic properties relevant to the discourse organization of their embeddded clauses, and it is claimed that such discourse similarities must have been favored by multi-linguistic speakers in contact situations, in particular those that led to the establishment of the Balkan Srachbund

    Pelvis of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>.

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    <p>(A, B) synsacral fragment (IANCP559), (C) right acetabulum and ischium (IANCP557). Abbreviations: a, antitrochanter; cv, crista ventralis; fa, foramen acetabuli; fcc, foveae costales capituli; fi, foramen ilioischiadicum; pli, processus lateralis for articulation with ilium.</p

    A skeletal reconstruction for <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i> in a resting pose.

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    <p>The missing skeletal parts are estimated (shaded bones), with the pelvis based on proportions of <i>Leipoa ocellata</i>. The bill rhamphotheca is not reconstructed so as to not obscure the underlying skeletal morphology.</p

    Measurements of scapulae of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>: A, acromion to cranioventral side of facies articularis humeralis; B, dorsoventral depth of collum at cranial side of tuberculum m. scapulotricipitis; C, length from cranial side of acromion to preserved distal end.

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    <p>Measurements of scapulae of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>: A, acromion to cranioventral side of facies articularis humeralis; B, dorsoventral depth of collum at cranial side of tuberculum m. scapulotricipitis; C, length from cranial side of acromion to preserved distal end.</p

    Vertebrae 6–10 of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>.

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    <p>(A-E) anterior, (F-J) dorsal, (K-O) posterior, and (P-T) left lateral views. Vertebra 6, IANCP632 (A,F,K,P); vertebra 7, IANCP633 (B,G,L,Q); vertebra 8, IANCP634 (C,H,M,R); vertebra 9, IANCP672 (D,I,N,S) with fragment of a rib adhering dorsally; vertebra 10, IANCP674 (E,J,O,T). Abbreviations: ac, ansa costotransversaria; fac, facies artic. caudalis; facr, facies artic. cranialis; fazc, facies artic. zygapophysis caudalis; fazcr, facies artic. zygapophysis cranialis; fort, foramen transversarium; fv, foramen vertebrale; pc, proc. costales; pcar, proc. caroticus; ps, proc. spinosus; pt, proc. transversus; pzca, proc. zygapophysis caudalis; td, torus dorsalis. Cross-hatching is missing bone.</p

    Vertebrae 16–20 of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>.

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    <p>(A-C) Anterior, (D-F) posterior, (G-I) dorsal, and (J-L) right lateral views. Vertebra 16, IANCP692 (A,D,G,J); notarium, vertebrae 17–19, IANCP697 (B,E,H,K); vertebra 20, IANCP690 (C,F,I,L). Abbreviations: ale, area lig. elastici; ave, arcus vertebrae; fac, facies artic. caudalis; facr, facies artic. cranialis; fazc, facies artic. zygapophysis caudalis; fazcr, facies artic. zygapophysis cranialis; fcc, fovea costalis capituli; fct, fovea costalis tuberculi; fv, foramen vertebrale; ps, proc. spinosus; pt, proc. transversus; pv, proc. ventralis; pzca, proc. zygapophysis caudalis.</p

    Photographs of pectoral girdle elements of <i>Sylviornis neocaledoniae</i>.

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    <p>Left humerus IANCP1033 in cranial (A) and caudal (B) views. Right ulna IANCP1034 in internal (C) and ventral (D) views. Right radius IANCP1041 in caudal (E) and dorsal (F) views. Right carpometacarpus IANCP1038 in ventral (G), dorsal (H) and caudal (I) views. Left scapulae IANCP1036 (J, L) and IANCP1037 (K, M) in medial (J, K) and lateral (L, M) views. Left coracoid IANCP1032 in dorsal (N), medial (O), lateral (P) and ventral (Q) views. Sternum IANCP1060 in anterior view (R). Scale bars are 5 cm.</p

    The strict consensus tree from parsimony and ordered analysis with a molecular backbone constraint.

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    <p>In this analysis, relationships between taxa with molecular data (living taxa and moa) were constrained, with other (fossil) taxa free to move to their optimal positions within this backbone. Tree statistics: Length 1425, Consistency index = 0.2786, Homoplasy index = 0.7214, Retention index = 0.6295. The Bootstrap and probability values of the other analyses (Parsimony, unordered, Bayesian ordered and unordered) are shown, with a dash to indicate clade not found.</p