300 research outputs found

    シュウガクテキ チリョウ ガ ソウコウ シタ シンコウ チョウカンマク アクセイ リンパシュ ノ 1レイ

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    Mesenteric malignant lymphoma is comparative rare and has a poor prognosis in anadvanced case.Here, we report a patient with intestinal obstruction due to mesenteric malignantlymphoma treated successfully by gastrointestinal bypass operation, chemo-and radiotherapy.A 67-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain andnausea. An abdominal CT scan revealed a huge tumorous lesion with a soft tissue density,which involved descending colon. Since the symptoms was persisted after conservativetreatment, gastrointestinal bypass procedures were surgically formed. During the laparotomy,an open incisional biopsy was performed. Histological examination showed non-Hodgkinlymphoma with diffuse, large-sized and B-cell type. This case was classified into high-risk groupacccording to International Prognostic Index (IPI). After the operation, 5 courses of combinedchemotherapy (THP-COP) and 30 Gy radiation were performed. These multidisciplinarytreatment is considered to be very effective. Since then complete response and goodpatient’s QOL has been attained for these 3.5 years

    Development of a Wireless Acceleration Measurement System

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    The newly developed low-cost micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS)-based acceleration sensors exhibit sufficient accuracy and stability to monitor the shaking of structures caused by an earthquake. We have developed a practical shaking-monitoring system using MEMS-based acceleration sensors and a 920 MHz multi-hop radio communication method that offers reliable radio wave communication, even within buildings. In this system, the base clock of each sensor unit must be closely synchronized to the master clock to minimize acceleration-induced phase synchronization error. In the proposed system, this error can be limited to three milliseconds in a system of multiple sensor units

    A Study on the Curriculum of Junior High Schools in Okayama City; Analysis and Classification of the Educational Objectives

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    岡山市立中学校全38 校の学校教育課程,特にそれを構成する要素の一つである学校教育目標に着目し,その特徴を明らかにするとともに類型化を行った。学校教育目標に使われている言葉の分析からは,「心の教育 豊かな心」「自ら学ぶ力 自己学習力」「健康体力」といった学習指導要領のキーワードが多く使われていること,そして岡山市立中学校の特徴としては岡山市の教育が目指す「自立する子どもの育成」を踏まえた「自主 自立 主体性」という言葉や「努力 向上心 がんばる」「人権尊重」という言葉が多く使われていることが明らかとなった。また,クラスター分析による学校教育目標の類型化からは,「市施策対応型(10 校)」「岡山伝統型(13 校)」「指導要領準拠型(10 校)」「全面強調型(5校)」の4類型に分けられることが明らかにされた

    A Study on the Curriculum of Elementary Schools in Okayama City; Analysis and Classification of the Educational Objectives

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     岡山市立小学校全93 校(分校・分教室等を含む。)の教育課程,特にそれを構成する要素の一つである学校教育目標に着目し,その特徴を明らかにするとともに類型化を行なった。学校教育目標に使われている言葉の分析からは,体育・徳育・知育の順に重視されていること,岡山市の教育が目指す「自立する子どもの育成」を踏まえた「自主 自立 主体性」や「地域郷土」「国際 国際社会」というESDとの関連を鮮明に示す言葉はあまり使われていないこと,また,クラスター分析による学校教育目標の類型化からは,「指導要領準拠型(23校)」「徳育体育重視型(23 校)」「地域協働型(4校)」「特色ある目標型(29 校)」「努力自立重視型(14 校)」の5類型に分けられることが明らかになった。最後に,岡山市立小学校における学校教育目標の改善・充実に向けた方策を5点提起した

    Association between advance care planning and depressive symptoms among community-dwelling people with dementia: An observational cross-sectional study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan

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    ObjectivesAdvance care planning (ACP) is an increasing priority for people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study evaluated the association between ACP initiation and depressive symptoms among home-dwelling people living with dementia.MethodsAn internet-based questionnaire survey was conducted with Japanese family caregivers of home-dwelling persons with dementia in June 2021. Family caregivers evaluated the level of depressive symptoms in persons with dementia using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Caregivers also rated the quality of life of persons with dementia using the EQ-5D-5L.ResultsA total of 379 family caregivers participated in the survey. Depressive symptoms were reported in 143 persons with dementia (37.7%). A total of 155 persons with dementia (40.9%) had initiated ACP, of which 88 (56.8%) had care professionals involved in ACP conversation. After adjusting for the characteristics of persons with dementia and caregivers, persons with professional involvement showed significantly more severe depressive symptoms compared to those who did not initiate ACP. There was no significant difference in the quality of life of persons with dementia according to ACP initiation.ConclusionsMany home-dwelling persons with dementia experienced depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in cases where care professionals were involved in ACP conversations. Optimal and proactive ACP approaches need to be developed to prevent depressive symptoms in newly diagnosed persons

    PGL-III, a Rare Intermediate of <i>Mycobacterium leprae</i> Phenolic Glycolipid Biosynthesis, Is a Potent Mincle Ligand

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    Although leprosy (Hansen's disease) is one of the oldest known diseases, the pathogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) remains enigmatic. Indeed, the cell wall components responsible for the immune response against M. leprae are as yet largely unidentified. We reveal here phenolic glycolipid-III (PGL-III) as an M. leprae-specific ligand for the immune receptor Mincle. PGL-III is a scarcely present trisaccharide intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway to PGL-I, an abundant and characteristic M. leprae glycolipid. Using activity-based purification, we identified PGL-III as a Mincle ligand that is more potent than the well-known M. tuberculosis trehalose dimycolate. The cocrystal structure of Mincle and a synthetic PGL-III analogue revealed a unique recognition mode, implying that it can engage multiple Mincle molecules. In Mincle-deficient mice infected with M. leprae, increased bacterial burden with gross pathologies were observed. These results show that PGL-III is a noncanonical ligand recognized by Mincle, triggering protective immunity. </p

    Fucose-Containing Sulfated Polysaccharides from Brown Seaweeds Inhibit Proliferation of Melanoma Cells and Induce Apoptosis by Activation of Caspase-3 in Vitro

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    Fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides (FCSPs) extracted from seaweeds, especially brown macro-algae, are known to possess essential bioactive properties, notably growth inhibitory effects on tumor cells. In this work, we conducted a series of in vitro studies to examine the influence of FCSPs products from Sargassum henslowianum C. Agardh (FSAR) and Fucus vesiculosus (FVES), respectively, on proliferation of melanoma B16 cells and to investigate the underlying apoptosis promoting mechanisms. Cell viability analysis showed that both FCSPs products, i.e., FSAR and FVES, decreased the proliferation of the melanoma cells in a dose-response fashion, with FSAR being more potent at lower dosages, and FVES being relatively more anti-proliferative than FSAR at higher dosages. Flow cytometric analysis by Annexin V staining of the melanoma cells exposed to the FCSPs products confirmed that both FSAR and FVES induced apoptosis. The FCSPs-induced apoptosis was evidenced by loss of plasma membrane asymmetry and translocation of the cell membrane phospholipids and was accompanied by the activation of caspase-3. The FCSPs bioactivity is proposed to be attributable to distinct structural features of the FCSPs, particularly the presence of sulfated galactofucans (notably in S. henslowianum) and sulfated fucans (notably in F. vesiculosus). This study thus indicates that unfractionated FCSPs may exert bioactive effects on skin cancer cells via induction of apoptosis through cascades of reactions that involve activation of caspase-3