2,442 research outputs found

    The path inference filter: model-based low-latency map matching of probe vehicle data

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing vehicle trajectories from sparse sequences of GPS points, for which the sampling interval is between 10 seconds and 2 minutes. We introduce a new class of algorithms, called altogether path inference filter (PIF), that maps GPS data in real time, for a variety of trade-offs and scenarios, and with a high throughput. Numerous prior approaches in map-matching can be shown to be special cases of the path inference filter presented in this article. We present an efficient procedure for automatically training the filter on new data, with or without ground truth observations. The framework is evaluated on a large San Francisco taxi dataset and is shown to improve upon the current state of the art. This filter also provides insights about driving patterns of drivers. The path inference filter has been deployed at an industrial scale inside the Mobile Millennium traffic information system, and is used to map fleets of data in San Francisco, Sacramento, Stockholm and Porto.Comment: Preprint, 23 pages and 23 figure

    Holography of Wilson-Loop Expectation Values with Local Operator Insertions

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    We study the expectation values of Wilson-loop operators with the insertionsof local operators Z^J and Zbar^J with large R-charge J from the bulk viewpoint of AdS/CFT correspondence. Classical solutions of strings attached to such deformed Wilson loops at the conformal boundary are constructed and are applied to the computation of Wilson-loop expectation values. We argue that in order to have such solutions for general insertions at finite positions in the base spacetime of the gauge theory, it is crucial to interpret the holographic correspondence in the semi-classical picture as a tunneling phenomenon, as has been previously established for holographic computations of correlators of BMN operators. This also requires to use the Euclideanized AdS background and Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, version to be published in JHEP, no change from the previous version, only extraneous figure file is remove

    Description of Pseudo-Newtonian Potential for the Relativistic Accretion Disk around Kerr Black Holes

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    We present a pseudo-Newtonian potential for accretion disk modeling around the rotating black holes. This potential can describe the general relativistic effects on accretion disk. As the inclusion of rotation in a proper way is very important at an inner edge of disk the potential is derived from the Kerr metric. This potential can reproduce all the essential properties of general relativity within 10% error even for rapidly rotating black holes.Comment: 5 Latex pages including 1 figure. Version to appear in Astrophysical Journal, V-581, N-1, December 10, 200

    Fundamental Vibrational Transitions of HCl Detected in CRL 2136

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    We would like to understand the chemistry of dense clouds and their hot cores more quantitatively by obtaining more complete knowledge of the chemical species present in them. We have obtained high-resolution infrared absorption spectroscopy at 3-4 um toward the bright infrared source CRL 2136. The fundamental vibration-rotation band of HCl has been detected within a dense cloud for the first time. The HCl is probably located in the warm compact circumstellar envelope or disk of CRL 2136. The fractional abundance of HCl is (4.9-8.7)e-8, indicating that approximately 20 % of the elemental chlorine is in gaseous HCl. The kinetic temperature of the absorbing gas is 250 K, half the value determined from infrared spectroscopy of 13CO and water. The percentage of chlorine in HCl is approximately that expected for gas at this temperature. The reason for the difference in temperatures between the various molecular species is unknown.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, A&A in pres

    Promotive effects of hyperthermia on the сytostatic activity to ehrlich ascites tumor cells by diverse delta-alkyllactones

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    To evaluate promotive effects of hyperthermia on antitumor activity of new delta-alkyllactones (DALs) of low molecular weight (184–254 Da), chemically synthesized, which are different from natural macrocyclic lactones of high molecular weight (348–439 Da), such as camptothecin and sultriecin. Methods: A suspension of Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells was mixed with a DAL in a glass tube, heated at 37 or 42 °C for 30 min in a water bath, and cultured at 37 °C for 20 or 72 h. Cell viability was measured by the mitochondrial dehydrogenase- based WST-1 assay. DALs incorporated into EAT cells was extracted and measured by gas-liquid chromatography. Results: The reduction of cell viability by DALs was markedly enhanced upon the treatment at 42 °C compared to that at 37 oC. At 37 oC, delta-hexadecalactone (DH16 : 0) and delta-tetradecalactone (DTe14 : 0) displayed cytostatic activity (at 100 µM survival level: 20.7%, 66.1%; at 50 µM — 41.2%, 82.4%, respectively). Their activity was more marked at 42 °C (at 100 µM 10.6%, 27.6%; at 50 µM 30.6, 37.5 %, ibid). The other DALs, delta-undecalactone (DU11 : 0), delta-dodecalactone (DD12 : 0), and delta-tridecanolactone (DTr13 : 0) were almost ineffective. Evaluation of survival rate in the cells treated for 30 min by DALs with the next culturing of EAT cells for 72 h resulted in the enhanced carcinostatic activity of DH16:0 and DTe14:0 even at concentrations as low as 25 µM at either 37 °C (18.5%, 78.5%, ibid) or 42 °C (5.0%, 42.0%, ibid), but the others exhibited slight activity or none. DH16 : 0 was effective at either 37 °C (36.0%) or 42 °C (23.0%) even at a lower dose of 10 µM. At the same time only the most cytostatic DH16 : 0 was incorporated into EAT cells and the rate of incorporation was more at 42 °C than at 37 °C. Conclusion: Delta-hexadecanolactone (DH16 : 0) exhibited the most cytostatic effect that was significantly enhanced by hyperthermia. It allows to consider it as a potent antitumor agent, especially in combination with hyperthermia.Цель: оценить промоторный эффект гипертермии на противоопухолевую активность новых низкомолекулярных (184–254 Да) дельта-алкиллактонов (DALs), химически синтезированных из разных макроциклических высокомолекулярных (348–439Да) лактонов естественного происхождения, таких как камптотецин и салтриецин. Методы: суспензию клеток асцитной опухоли Эрлиха (EAT) смешивали с DAL в стеклянной пробирке, нагревали до 37 °C или 42 °C в течение 30 мин на водяной бане и далее культивировали при 37 °C в течение 20 или 72 ч. Оценку жизнеспособности клеток проводили с помощью WST-1 анализа, основанного на определении митохондриальной дегидрогеназы. Инкорпорированные в EAT-клетки DALs экстрагировали, их уровень измеряли с помощью газо-жидкостной хроматографии. Результаты: DALs значительно снижали жизнеспособность клеток после предварительной обработки при 42 °C по сравнению с 37 °C. При 37 °C были эффективными дельта-гексадекалактон (DH16 : 0) и дельта-тетрадекалактон (DTe14 : 0) (при 100 μM уровень выживаемости: 20,7; 66,1%; при 50 μM — 41,2; 82,4% соответственно). Этот эффект был более выраженным при 42 °C (при 100 μM 10,6; 27,6%; при 50μM 30,6; 37,5% соответственно). Другие DALs, а именно дельта-ундекалактон (DU11 : 0), дельта-додекалактон (DD12 : 0) и дельта-тридекалактон (DTr13 : 0) были практически не эффективны. Оценка уровня выживаемости EAT-клеток, 30 мин обработанных DALs с последующим культивированием в течение 72 ч, показала повышенную канцеростатичсекую активность DH16 : 0 и DTe14 :0 даже при 25 μM концентрации, как при 37 °C (18,5; 78,5% соответсвенно), так и при 42 °C (5,0; 42,0% соответственно). Для других DALs данный эффект был незначительный либо отсутствовал. DH16 : 0 оставался эффективным как при 37 °C (36,0%), так и при 42 °C (23,0%) в 10 μM концентрации. В то же время только наиболее эффективный DAL — DH16 : 0 инкорпорировался в клетки EAT, и уровень инкорпорирования был выше при 42 °C, чем при 37 °C. Выводы: дельта-гексадеканолактон (DH16 : 0) показал наибольшую цитостатическую активность, которая значительно усиливалась в комбинации с гипертермией. Этот DAL можно рассматривать как потенциальный цитостатик, действие которого усиливается при гипертермии

    Stability of accretion disk around rotating black holes: a pseudo-general-relativistic fluid dynamical study

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    We discuss the solution of accretion disk when the black hole is chosen to be rotating. We study, how the fluid properties get affected for different rotation parameters of the black hole. We know that no cosmic object is static in Universe. Here the effect of the rotation of the black hole to the space-time is considered following an earlier work of the author, where the pseudo-Newtonian potential was prescribed for the Kerr geometry. We show that, with the inclusion of rotation of the black hole, the valid disk parameter region dramatically changes and disk becomes unstable. Also we discuss about the possibility of shock in accretion disk around rotating black holes. When the black hole is chosen to be rotating, the sonic locations of the accretion disk get shifted or disappear, making the disk unstable. To bring it in the stable situation, the angular momentum of the accreting matter has to be reduced/enhanced (for co/counter-rotating disk) by means of some physical process.Comment: 24 Latex pages including 7 figures; Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    A remark on the Hankel determinant formula for solutions of the Toda equation

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    We consider the Hankel determinant formula of the τ\tau functions of the Toda equation. We present a relationship between the determinant formula and the auxiliary linear problem, which is characterized by a compact formula for the τ\tau functions in the framework of the KP theory. Similar phenomena that have been observed for the Painlev\'e II and IV equations are recovered. The case of finite lattice is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, IOP styl

    Finite temperature density matrix and two-point correlations in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain

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    We derive finite temperature versions of integral formulae for the two-point correlation functions in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain. The derivation is based on the summation of density matrix elements characterizing a finite chain segment of length mm. On this occasion we also supply a proof of the basic integral formula for the density matrix presented in an earlier publication.Comment: 35 page

    On pattern structures of the N-soliton solution of the discrete KP equation over a finite field

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    The existence and properties of coherent pattern in the multisoliton solutions of the dKP equation over a finite field is investigated. To that end, starting with an algebro-geometric construction over a finite field, we derive a "travelling wave" formula for NN-soliton solutions in a finite field. However, despite it having a form similar to its analogue in the complex field case, the finite field solutions produce patterns essentially different from those of classical interacting solitons.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetric Linear Backlund Transformation for Discrete BKP and DKP equation

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    Proper lattices for the discrete BKP and the discrete DKP equaitons are determined. Linear B\"acklund transformation equations for the discrete BKP and the DKP equations are constructed, which possesses the lattice symmetries and generate auto-B\"acklund transformationsComment: 18 pages,3 figure