356 research outputs found

    Hot-spot traffic pattern on hierarchical 3D mesh network

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    A Hierarchical 3D-Mesh (H3DM) Network s a 2D-mesh network of multiple basic modules (BMs), in which the basic modules are 3D-torus networks that are hierarchically interconnected for higher-level networks. In this paper, we evaluate the dynamic communication performance of a H3DM network under hot-spot traffic pattern using a deadlock-free dimension order routing algorithm with minimum number of virtual channels. We have also evaluated the dynamic communication performance of the mesh and torus networks. It is shown that under most imbalance hot-spot traffic pattern H3DM network yields high throughput and low average transfer time than that of mesh and torus networks, providing better dynamic communication performance compared to those networks

    Simulation Study of Ballooning Modes in the Large Helical Device

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    The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code MHD Infrastructure for Plasma Simulation (MIPS) was benchmarked on ballooning instability in the Large Helical Device (LHD) plasma. The results were compared to the results of linear analysis by using the CAS3D code. Both the linear growth rates and the spatial profiles were found to be in good agreement. An extended MHD model with finite ion Larmor radius effects was implemented into the MIPS code. Ballooning instabilities were investigated using the extended MHD model, and the results were compared with those using the MHD model. Ion diamagnetic drift was found to reduce the growth rate of the short-wavelength modes; hence, modes with a diamagnetic drift frequency comparable to the ideal MHD growth rate are the most unstable. The most unstable toroidal mode number of ballooning instability in the LHD is reduced to |n| ? 5 for hydrogen plasma with ion number density ni ? 1019 m?3

    Nutritional Status of Disabled Athletes - Dietary and Supplemental lntakes -

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    近年,サプリメントと呼ばれる栄養補助食品が,日常生活でもスポーツの世界でも非常に流行し,サプリメントについて正しく認識していくことはスポーツ選手にとって重要である。また,近年障害者スポーツの人気が高まり,岡山でも全国障害者スポーツ大会を目指し,医科学サポートを展開している。そこで本研究では,岡山県の身体障害者スポーツ選手を対象に,栄養摂取状況・食生活・サプリメントに関する調査を行った。その結莱,スポーツ選手 として適切な食事・食生活が送れているとは言えず,サプリメントに関しては積極的に使用していという現状が明らかになった。今後は単なる食事や栄養指導だけでなく,スポーツ選手の食生活やサプリメントに関する指導も含めた栄養サポートが必要である

    イガイガタ ネンマクカ シュヨウゾウ オ テイシタ アクセイ フクマク チュウヒシュ ノ 1レイ

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    Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare tumor. Its early detection and preoperativediagnosis is poor. We recently encountered a case of this tumor manifesting features similarto extragastric submucosal tumor. We describe this case, with a review of the literature.The patient was a 70-year-old woman. She was referred to our hospital because anelevated lesion in the stomach detected at another clinic during treatment of gastric ulcers.A mass, the size of a child’s head, was palpable, and extended from the left hypochondrialarea to the subumbilical area. Upper gastroenteric fluoroscopy, gastric endoscopy,ultrasonography, CT and abdominal angiography allowed a diagnosis of an extragastricsubmucosal tumor which had developed from the greater curvature of the stomach.Laparotomy was then performed. Jelly-like aggregates of ascites and a number of peritonealdisseminations were visible. The tumor was therefore removed by wedge resection ofthe stomach. Mitomycin C_ (10 mg) was sprinkled into the peritoneal cavity. Histopathologicalexamination of the removed tissue allowed a diagnosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.It is known that malignant peritoneal mesothelioma may arise in various regions of theperitoneal cayity, however it is quite rare that this tumor is visible in the submucosal area ofthe stomach. This case therefore deserves to be reported

    Multileaf-collimator daily quality assurance of Vero4DRT system: our one-year experience

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    Purpose: We assessed the daily quality assurance (QA) of multi-leaf collimator (MLC) using the Vero4DRT system. Methods: As part of daily MLC QA, the irradiation field was set to 100 × 150 mm2 with a gantry angle of 0 º. Only the leaf positioning error values only were displayed. We developed an in-house program to easily acquire these values using an open source optical character recognition engine. This test was implemented between 24 August 2015 and 23 August 2016. Results: The maximum leaf positioning error was 0.40 mm in both banks. In addition, the maximum deviation was 0.10 mm in both banks. The average and standard deviation for left and right banks were 0.19 mm ± 0.11 mm and 0.15 mm ± 0.09 mm, respectively. In our one-year measurement, the leaf positioning error was less than 0.50 mm. Therefore, if the leaf position error for daily MLC QA exceeded 0.50 mm, then an external intervention is required.Conclusion: The daily MLC QA of our one-year evaluation of the Vero4DRT system demonstrates an excellent leaf accuracy and reproducibility, thereby giving confidence in the quality of the treatment

    Stability assessment of radiation isocenter with the gimbaled linac system

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    Purpose: We report the results of our year-long radiation isocenter accuracy verification for daily quality assurance (QA) implementation on a Vero4DRT system. Methods: The radiation isocenter was calculated using a cube phantom with a steel ball of diameter 10 mm fixed to the center of the phantom. A single photon beam was set with a field size of 100 × 100 mm2. Coincidence of the centroid of the steel ball at kiloVolt X-ray imaging isocenter and megaVolt beam radiation isocenter at each gantry and ring angle was tested. This procedure was performed for gantry angles of 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, and ring angles of 0°, 20°, and 340°. The centroid of the steel ball and the center of the radiation field were calculated to analyze the radiation isocenter error. This analysis was automatically calculated using the Daily Check tool in the Vero4DRT system. This QA was implemented between 24 August 2015 and 23 August 2016.Results: The average and standard deviation for pan and tilt directions were 0.12 ± 0.10 mm and -0.20 ± 0.13 mm, respectively. The maximum radiation isocenter accuracy error was 0.50 mm in both directions. Conclusion: The radiation isocenter alignment for the one year duration of the experiment was performed with high accuracy

    Human intestinal spirochetosis accompanied by human immunodeficiency virus infection:a case report

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    We present a middle-aged, heterosexual Japanese man with mixed infections including human intestinal spirochetosis, which led us to the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The patient had syphilis without related physical or neurological findings. An examination for the serum antibody for HIV performed 9 years previously was negative. In a complete medical checkup at the present time, human intestinal spirochetosis and unspecified entamebic cysts were suggested by histological examination of colonic biopsy material and parasitic examination of the intestinal fluid, respectively. Moreover, a serological test for the antibody for HIV was positive. In specimens obtained by colonoscopy, Brachyspira aalborgi was diagnosed by ultrastructural study and the polymerase chain reaction method for bacterial 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid. Although HIV infection remains at low prevalence in Japan, we recommend examination for HIV infection in patients with human intestinal spirochetosis, especially when other co-infections are apparent.</p