322 research outputs found

    L’universalisme de l’esthétique chez Okakura Kakuzō (dit Tenshin) et Ernest Fenollosa : critique et actualité

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    Les thèses esthétiques développées à la fin du xixe siècle par Okakura Tenshin et Ernest Fenollosa sont étudiées ici comme un exemple d’une théorie universaliste des arts : à travers elles est posée la question de l’élaboration d’un universalisme esthétique qui tienne compte d’une pluralité des paradigmes artistiques. Fenollosa et Okakura cherchent à produire un tel modèle par le biais de la notion de « synthèse », mais l’étude du traitement de la calligraphie par Fenollosa montre ses limites. L’hypothèse est alors proposée qu’Okakura ait cherché, par plusieurs pistes, à dépasser de telles limites ; tentatives dont on cherche à reconstituer la logique.この論文では、芸術に関する岡倉覚三とアーネスト・F・フェノロサの理論を、美術史や美術の政治的歴史の観点ではなく、現代美学の観点から検討する。明治期におけるこの二人の理論が、普遍的美学という方法において、普遍性と多様性を両立させる問題をどのように解決したのかを考察する。1903年に出版されたIdeals of the East(『東洋の理想』)に至るまで展開された岡倉とフェノロサの美学理論は、その問題を解決するための独創的な方法を示しながら、一方で固有の問題も孕んでいた。そこでは、フェノロサの文章におけるcalligraphyの曖昧な位置が明らかにする通り、日本芸術ならではの特別なジャンルの扱いが相対的に手薄だったのである。このことは、「美学」という方法それ自体の問題なのか、あるいはフェノロサと岡倉のつくった第一の美学理論において特別な問題だったのか。いずれにしても、岡倉が生涯最後の十年間でこの困難を克服しようとしたことが推測されるのである。In this paper I study Okakura Tenshin’s and Ernest F. Fenollosa’s aesthetic writings as an example of a universalistic theory of art. They endeavoured to construct a universalist aesthetics that would take into account the variety of aesthetic paradigms arising from different cultures. Fenollosa and Okakura tried to solve this problem by developing the concept of “synthesis”; however, an examination of Fenollosa’s work on calligraphy reveals the limits of this solution. My hypothesis, then, is that Okakura tried in several ways to move past such shortcomings; it is the logic behind these attempts that I shall endeavour to outline

    Introduction. Création et valeurs dans le Japon moderne : problématiques et cas d’étude

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    Dans les domaines de l’art et de la littérature, la question de la valeur des œuvres se pose constamment, tant pour les historiens que pour les créateurs et les critiques. Ces derniers sont en effet tenus de distinguer certaines œuvres parmi d’autres. Dans le cadre du groupe de travail à l’origine des présents articles, qui s’est réuni à partir de 2009 à la Maison franco-japonaise de Tokyo, nous avons voulu porter notre réflexion sur ce que suppose et ce qu’implique l’action d’évaluer et de v..

    Detection of Thermal Events by Semi-Supervised Learning for Tokamak First Wall Safety

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    This paper explores a semi-supervised object detection approach to detect hot spots on the internal wall of Tokamaks. A huge amount of data is produced during an experimental campaign by the infrared (IR) viewing systems used to monitor the inner thermal shields during machine operation. The amount of data to be processed and analysed is such that protecting the first wall is an overwhelming job. Automatizing this job with artificial intelligence (AI) is an attractive solution, but AI requires large labelled databases which are not readily available for Tokamak walls. Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a possible solution to being able to train deep learning models with a small amount of labelled data and a large amount of unlabelled data. SSL is explored as a possible tool to rapidly adapt a model trained on an experimental campaign A of Tokamak WEST to a new experimental campaign B by using labelled data from campaign A, a little labelled data from campaign B and a lot of unlabelled data from campaign B. Model performances are evaluated on two labelled datasets and two methods including semi-supervised learning. Semi-supervised learning increased the mAP metric by over six percentage points on the first smaller scale database and over four percentage points on the second larger scale dataset depending on the employed method

    Real-Time Detection of Overloads on the Plasma-Facing Components of Wendelstein 7-X

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    Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is the leading experiment on the path of demonstrating that stellarators are a feasible concept for a future power plant. One of its major goals is to prove quasi-steady-state operation in a reactor-relevant parameter regime. The surveillance and protection of the water-cooled plasma-facing components (PFCs) against overheating is fundamental to guarantee a safe steady-state high-heat-flux operation. The system has to detect thermal events in real-time and timely interrupt operation if it detects a critical event. The fast reaction times required to prevent damage to the device make it imperative to automate fully the image analysis algorithms. During the past operational phases, W7-X was equipped with inertially cooled test divertor units and the system still required manual supervision. With the experience gained, we have designed a new real-time PFC protection system based on image processing techniques. It uses a precise registration of the entire field of view against the CAD model to determine the temperature limits and thermal properties of the different PFCs. Instead of reacting when the temperature limits are breached in certain regions of interest, the system predicts when an overload will occur based on a heat flux estimation, triggering the interlock system in advance to compensate for the system delay. To conclude, we present our research roadmap towards a feedback control system of thermal loads to prevent unnecessary plasma interruptions in long high-performance plasmas