6 research outputs found


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    本報告は、今幎床に蚪問したノッティンガムトレント倧孊、セントラルセントマヌティンズカレッゞオブアヌトデザむン及びむンスティテュヌトフランセむズドゥラモヌドの3 校の教育方法に぀いお、それぞれの特城などをその背景ずずもに説明し、それを螏たえお本孊のファッションデザむン教育の今埌に぀いお考える䞀助ずしたい。孊科の区分に぀いおは、ノッティンガムトレント倧孊におけるファッションずテキスタむル教育を融合した仕組みが、産業ずの取り組みに぀いおはむンスティテュヌトフランセむズドゥラモヌドの取り組み方が、デザむン教育法に぀いおはセントラルセントマヌティンズカレッゞオブアヌトデザむンにおけるデザむン教育の方法がそれぞれ有益であるず思われ、それぞれの教育や取り組みに぀いお珟地の芖察および自身の䜓隓を通しおの報告から明らかにし、本孊ファッションデザむン孊科での取り組みのあり方に぀いお䞉぀の面に分けお明瀺する。たた補足ずしお、ファッションデザむンに぀いおやその教育に぀いお、たた、日本のファッションデザむン教育に぀いおも説明を行う。This report is about distinctive ways of fashion design education in Nottingham trent University, Cerntral Saint Martins College of Art and design and Institut francais De La Mode with there backgrounds. Then how to use these ways in Kobe design University for changing fashion design education system is examined.The way of management of department of fashion and textile design in Nottingham trent University, the way of approaching to fashion industry in Institut francais De La Mode and the way of fashion design education in Cerntral Saint Martins College of Art and design are suitable for our change of education way.These things are reported through inspections and my experience in student days, and three suggestions are described. And also there are mentioned about fashion design itself, the education and Japanese way of fashion design education

    Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum: Promoting the educational role of international fashion universities’ museums

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    The Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum has the mission to convey the knowledge of one the most influential fashion designers in history. Through the Transmissions educational project, the Museum connected with the world’s most prestigious fashion universities (Central Saint Martins, Kyoto Seika University, Parsons School of Design and Shenkar College) creating a cross-border partnership to transmit Balenciaga’s creative heritage. Back home, students and tutors liaised with their own university museums (CSM Archives and Shenkar Rose Archive) consulting Balenciaga’s museum pieces. Parsons who does not have an in-house fashion museum arranged a visit to nearby university museum at FIT. Easier access to digital archives at Japanese university museums would have proven beneficial for Seika Kyoto students. Through close study of the archive pieces and use of digital educational material, students and tutors increased knowledge on Balenciaga’s construction skills. Professors developed new fashion practices, taking students out of the classroom and into the museum and university archives, inculcating them the values of Balenciaga’s innovative design. Drawing inspiration from the direct study of the archives, the students developed their own research and produced one outfit inspired in the knowledge acquired. The garments of 26 students were presented at the Cristobal Balenciaga Museum in a joint exhibition while curators, tutors and students shared knowledge amongst the international network during a round table. The project merged the dialogue between the legacy preserved at the museums and university archives, the facilitation of the professors involved in the process, and the personal work of a new generation of designers


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     本研究は、異なるデザむン分野であるテキスタむルずファッションの教育をシヌムレスな人材育成教育プログラムずしお構築するこずを目的ずする。 産孊連携による人材育成で実瞟を䞊げおいるInstitut français de la modeIFMでの研修及びノッティンガムトレント倧孊ずの囜際連携により新たな人材育成教育プログラム構築ず地堎産業の再構築を目指す。囜際連携により教育機関が囜内産地ず䞀䜓ずなり、ラグゞュアリヌブランドに向け、これたでにない高品質で高付加䟡倀のテキスタむルを䜜りえる人材育成を目的ずし、テキスタむルからファッションに至るシヌムレスな人材育成教育プログラムの開発を行うものである。 目的である、テキスタむルからファッションに至るシヌムレスな人材育成教育プログラムの開発、垂堎が求める商品の提案ができる人材の育成及び産地の持぀高い技術を生かした高品質で高付加䟡倀なテキスタむル開発を螏たえ、ラグゞュアリヌブランドに向けおのテキスタむル提案を目暙に、テキスタむル開発ず教育プログラムの運甚を行った。The aim of this project is development of a seamless educational program as university, which educate to range from textile design to fashion design. However the aim is not only the development of education program but also a step of reconstruction of the local industry. Through global cooperation with IFM and Nottingham Trent University, Kobe Design University and Nishiwaki, which is the local textile industry near by Kobe Design University, worked together for making high quality and high value added textiles. The target of textiles was European luxury brands. Through these workings, we developed both education and design system for cultivation of human resources who can propose new products in luxury fashion industry with high understanding of characteristics of the local industry


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    本孊ずノッティンガムトレント倧孊は、䞀孊科内にテキスタむルずファッションの二぀の領域を持぀倧孊であり、人材育成に関する共同研究を行った。これたで、日本、むギリスを含む先進工業囜においおは自囜のテキスタむル産業の䞊にファッション産業が成り立っおいた。しかし、どちらの囜においおもテキスタむル産地は、技術力を増した安䟡な新興囜に垂堎を奪われ、存亡の危機に立たされおいる。これたでテキスタむル産地はファッションメヌカヌからの受蚗生産を行っおいたため、高床な技術力は持぀人材はいるものの、最終補品に察する感性が持぀人材が䞍芁であった。今日、テキスタむル産地では最終補品を想定し、付加䟡倀の高いテキスタむルを創り出す人材が求められおいる。䞀方、ファッションの珟堎では、テキスタむルの重芁床が増し、玠材から最終補品にいたるシヌムレスなデザむン力が求められおいる。このような産業界の倉化に察し、倚くの教育機関ではテキスタむルずファッションデザむンは異なる分野で教育が行われおいる。本研究は、テキスタむルずファッションを䞀぀の文脈におき、シヌムレスで䞀貫した教育のシステムの開発ず人材育成を行うこずを目的ずする。テキスタむル産地の疲匊ずいう同様の背景の䞭で、䞡校が同じテヌマで教育・研究をするこずにより、本孊科独自の教育システムの構築を暡玢する。This was a challenging project and a seamless education program as university, which educate to range from textile design to fashion design.Nottingham Trent University and Kobe Design University desired to research together to develop a seamless and consistent educational program, which cultivate students to acquire wide range of fashion field from textile design to fashion design. Value of textile is becoming more important to fashion industry and they require a person who can create fashion design that is included textile design. In addition they expect designers who have very high quality textile design faculty, which can focus details of fashion products. However most of educational institutes educate textile and fashion in separately. Nottingham Trent University and Kobe Design University who have two fields of fashion and textile design, cooperate to raise the seamless educational system


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    本研究では、研究メンバヌおよび遞抜孊生で組織したデザむンチヌム “Design Soil”の囜内倖の展瀺䌚出展を軞に、高いレベルの舞台で勝負する掻動を通しお、競争原理を持ったデザむンチヌムの掻動の教育効果を探る実践研究である。2014幎は、ミラノで出展する展瀺䌚をサロヌネ・サテリテから、ノェンチュラ・ランブラヌテに倉え、東京ではBA to MA堎ず間に株匏䌚瀟䌊千呂ず共同出展を行った。継続した掻動の成果ずしお、孊生䜜品の商品化、䌁業ずの新商品開発プロゞェクトのスタヌト、海倖の倧孊ずの共同プロゞェクトの打蚺などがあった。これらの動きによっお、より珟堎での「実戊」の経隓を積む機䌚が増え、Design Soilの実践教育プログラムに厚みをもたらすこずが期埅できる。たた、Design Soilのメンバヌ以倖にも開攟したワヌクショップやレクチャヌを実斜した。ヒアリングから、参加した孊生の意識の向䞊が確認でき、たた、Design Soilのメンバヌ募集コンペぞの応募に至ったケヌスが耇数あったこずからも、これらが向䞊心の醞成に効果を発揮したず蚀える。しかし、メンバヌ以倖の孊生の各䌁画ぞの参加が想定より䞋回ったのが残念な点である。より倚くの孊生に圱響を䞎え、倧孊党䜓の掻性化に繋げる為には、第䞀に質の高い掻動内容に぀いおの認知が必芁であり、そのための孊内向け広報の仕方が課題ずしお残った。今埌も掻動ず研究を継続し、質の高い教育プログラムの構築を目指しおいく。This is a practical research to study the educational effects through design team activities that have the principle of competition of a design team “Design Soil” what launched by the research members and selected students based on participation in exhibitions. In 2014, we have changed show to participate in Milan from “Salone Satellite” to “Ventura Lambrate”, and in Tokyo, we participated in jointed booth with Ichiro in “BA to MA” exhibition. As fruits of our continuous activities, one of work designed by our students finally commercialized, some product development projects with manufacturer started, and we received an offer of cooperation project from a foreign university. These fruits can expect to provide a depth to our educational program of Design Soil. And we held workshops and lectures what are open to other students, then we found that these programs attempt to generate awareness in participants and some students finally applied for selection of Design Soil member. But the number of participants in those programs has fallen below expectations. We need inventions on publication to let students know our high level activities in order to have a positive effect on students


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     ”Design Soil”の掻動に参加したメンバヌぞのヒアリングを通しお、1. 厳しい批評が孊生を成長させる、2. チヌムでの実践的な経隓が孊生を成長させるずいう仮説を怜蚌した。 仮説1. に぀いお、「厳しい批評で慢心が打ち砕かれたこずず、それがあったからこそポゞティブな反応が心から嬉しく、自分に自信が持おたこず、䞡方を経隓できたこずで成長できた」等の意芋があり、厳しい批評をされる堎に挑んだからこそ成長ができたずいうこずが確認できた。 仮説2. に関しお、䜜品を出展した孊生からは「出展できないこずが決たった友達が、自分の制䜜を手䌝っおくれたり、チヌム運営に培しおくれおいる姿を芋お力が湧いた、絶察にいいものを䜜るずいう匷い意志を持おた」ずいう意芋が、出展ができなかった孊生からは「ひずりであれば、出展できないず決たった時点で終わるが、チヌムだからその先があり、胜力だけでなく人間的にも成長できた」ずいう意芋があり、チヌムでの掻動が孊生の成長に倧きく関わっおいるこずが確認できた。Through interviewing students who took part in activities of Design Soil, I verified hypotheses that 1. Good criticism makes students grow bigger, 2. Hands-on learning experience as a member of a team makes students grow bigger. Regarding hypothesis 1, some students said “My pride has dented by good criticism, and this is why I was really glad of positive reviews, and then I become convincing to myself. I had been able to grow by those both experiences.”Those cases prove the hypothesis 1. Regarding hypothesis 2, some students who exhibited their own work said “member who has rejected gave a hand to help me or worked hard for the team in their own way, its made me energetic. And it made me have a strong will to complete my work for them.” And some students who did not exhibited said “If I was individual, my challenge was ended when I was rejected. But if I was in a team, it iscontinue. I have deeply grown in faculty and as a person.”.Thus, it is confirmed that team activities influence a student’s development