110 research outputs found

    A statistical assessment of the ecological dimension of the Romanian economy

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    Starting from the available statistical information this paper proposes an analysis of the ecological dimension of the Romanian economy. Considering the crucial importance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to diminishing greenhouse effects an econometrical model has been conceived so as to study the correlation between these emissions and their main determinants. Some major difficulties in detailed environmental data collection and constructing long time series have been revealed on this occasion.

    Do private and public transfers received affect life satisfaction? Evidence from Romania

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    This paper uses Romanian survey data to investigate the determinants of individual life and financial satisfaction, with an emphasis on the role of public and private transfers received. A possible concern is that these transfers are unlikely to be exogenous to satisfaction. We use recursive simultaneous equations models to account both for this potential problem and for the fact that public transfers are themselves endogenous in the private transfer equation. We find that public transfers received have a positive influence on both life and financial satisfaction, while private transfers do not matter. People receive private transfers irrespective of their economic and demographic characteristics in Romania, which could be explained by some social norm motives.Happiness; Financial satisfaction; Private transferts: Public transferts: Romania

    The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Child Health Outcomes and Abandonment. Evidence from Romania.

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    We use household survey data and a unique census of institutionalized children to analyze the impact of abortion legalization in Romania. More exactly, we exploit the lift of the abortion ban in December 1989, when communist dictator Ceausescu and his regime were removed from power, to understand its impact on children's health at birth and during early childhood. Also, we try to understand whether the lift of the ban had an immediate impact on child abandonment. Our study suggests a positive, albeit modest, effect of abortion legalization on children's health at birth, while we do not find any significant effect on their health outcomes when measured by standard anthropometric z-scores at age 4 and 5. With respect to the permanently institutionalized (i.e., abandoned children), our findings suggest that abortion legalization had no immediate effect on child abandonment.

    Statistical investigation on the IT market in Bucharest

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    This paper represents the results of a pilot survey conducted on a set of it specialists concerning their behavior on the IT market as buyers. Demand estimation is one of the main purpose of the research. Initial hypothesis were that people in Romania are using Internet and IT systems as a tool to develop social and cultural relations, to be informed more and more compared to classic ways of access to culture and information. The research purpose was also to determine the main cross classification variables as the main influence factors on IT market in Bucharest

    Wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe uczniów/ uczennic szkół ponadpodstawowych

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    Educational and professional choices in the modern world are complex and take place at three/four stages of education (taking into account the 2017 reform of the education system). Young people from the higher grades of primary school (previously lower secondary school) are in the process of transitioning from the world of education to the world of work. It is a special time in this age group when a young person makes decisions that may have consequences for his or her career. The article is devoted to the educational and vocational choices of high school students while taking into account the research conducted. It refers primarily to the motives for choosing a secondary school, interests, as well as career plans. The main part of the article presents the results of research conducted among 236 high school students. The study also includes generalizations and conclusions from the research.Wybory edukacyjno-zawodowe, które podejmowane są we współczesnym świecie, charakteryzują się złożonością, gdyż odbywają się na trzech/czterech etapach edukacyjnych (z uwzględnieniem reformy systemu oświaty z 2017 r.). Młodzież już od wyższych klas szkoły podstawowej (wcześniej gimnazjum) bierze udział w procesie przejścia ze świata edukacji do świata pracy. Jest to szczególny czas w tej kategorii wiekowej, kiedy młody człowiek podejmuje decyzje, które mogą mieć konsekwencje dla jego kariery zawodowej. Artykuł jest poświęcony wyborom edukacyjno-zawodowym uczniów/uczennic szkół ponadpodstawowych, z jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem przeprowadzonych badań. Odniesiono się w nim przede wszystkim do motywów wyboru szkoły ponadpodstawowej, zainteresowań, jak i planów zawodowych młodzieży. W części właściwej artykułu zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród 236 uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych. W opracowaniu uwzględniono również uogólnienia i wnioski z badań

    Statistical investigation on the IT market in Bucharest

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    This paper represents the results of a pilot survey conducted on a set of it specialists concerning their behavior on the IT market as buyers. Demand estimation is one of the main purpose of the research. Initial hypothesis were that people in Romania are using Internet and IT systems as a tool to develop social and cultural relations, to be informed more and more compared to classic ways of access to culture and information. The research purpose was also to determine the main cross classification variables as the main influence factors on IT market in Bucharest.survey, questionnaire, behavior evaluation, independent variables, stochastic association, information


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    The immediate reality reveals a significant difference in terms of practical use between public and private property management. It can be noticed that the emphasis is placed to a higher extent on the private property management, which is more profit-oriented, compared to the public property management, driven by the public sector’s purpose to achieve the welfare of its citizens. However, during the last years, the interest in assets management has grown also at municipal level. The motivation for applying a strategic municipal property management comes from the necessity to mach the municipal long-term needs for their own use of properties, as well as to use their properties in order to attract investment and promote sustainable socio-economic development of their cities and regions. Referring to the Balkan area, a lack of strategy can be noticed with regard to the real asset management of municipal properties. In order to support the efforts of the municipalities in articulating real asset strategies, a project on “Municipal Property Management in South- Eastern Cities (PROMISE)†is carried on (2009-2012), supported by the ERDF within the South-East Territorial Co-operation Programme. It is expected to contribute to supporting urban environmental sustainability improvement through regeneration programmes, to promoting economic sustainability via the encouragement of innovative investments, to facilitating social sustainability through urban social infrastructure development, as well as to improving social services and social cohesion policies. This paper, derived from the above mentioned project, emphasizes the importance of using the most suitable classification criteria in order to ensure an effective municipal property management. In the beginning a comprehensive international literature review and a structured conceptual clarification are provided, referring to papers like those by Jolicoeur and Barret (2004) and Musil (2006) as having had an important contribution to this topic. Then, specific classification criteria in the case of Romania are pointed out, followed by a discussion on features of assessment extracted from the evaluation practice. The results may contribute to the identification of reliable variables that can be used as a starting point for the strategic management of municipal properties. Keywords: municipal property, classification criteria, strategic management

    Fighting corruption in education: What works and who benefits?

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    We investigate the distributional consequences of a corruption-fighting initiative in Romania targeting the endemic fraud in a high-stakes high school exit exam, which introduced CCTV monitoring of the exam and credible punishment threats for teachers and students. We find that the campaign was effective in reducing corruption and, in particular, that monitoring increased the effectiveness of the punishment threats. Estimating the heterogeneous impact for students of different poverty status we show that curbing corruption led to a worrisome score gap increase between poor and non-poor students. Consequently, the poor students have reduced chances to enter an elite university

    Colorectal Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with its two entities, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, is at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). Risk factors for CRC are represented by the duration of the disease, extent of disease, the association of primary sclerosing cholangitis, family history, and early age at onset. In inflammatory bowel disease, colonic carcinogenesis appears on an inflamed colon, being determined by different genetic alterations. The main element of the process of carcinogenesis is the dysplasia, which is a neoplastic intraepithelial transformation, limited to the basal membrane surrounding the glands around which it appears. The stages of carcinogenesis process start with dysplasia of varying degrees as follows: indefinite dysplasia, low-grade dysplasia, high-grade dysplasia, and finally invasive adenocarcinoma

    Endoscopy in Pregnancy

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