41 research outputs found

    Epidemiology and serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage among influenza-like illness cases in metropolitan Vientiane, Lao PDR: a community-based cohort study

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    BackgroundData on the epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae among influenza-like illness (ILI) cases, particularly in low- and middle-income countries are scarce. This study assessed the prevalence, risk factors and serotype distribution of S. pneumoniae carriage among ILI cases in metropolitan Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was introduced among infants in October 2013.MethodsActive ILI surveillance was conducted through weekly phone calls in an open community-based cohort study (April 2015–February 2019), involving 5,690 participants from 1,142 randomly selected households. Participants reporting ILI symptoms provided a nasopharyngeal swab and answered a questionnaire. S. pneumoniae and serotype pneumococcal-positive samples were screened by Multiplex PCR assays. Chi-squared tests and generalized linear mixed models were used to test for variables associated with pneumococcal positivity.ResultsAmong 1,621 ILI episodes, 269 (16.6%) tested positive for nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage, with the highest prevalence (55.4%) in children under 5 years. Pneumococcal carriage was significantly associated with concurrent detection of Hemophilus influenzae (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 6.93; 95% CI: 2.10–22.9) and exposure to household cigarette smoke (aOR: 1.65; 95% CI: 1.07–2.54). PCV13 serotypes accounted for 37.8% of all pneumococcal isolates. Detection of PCV13 serotypes among ILI cases aged under 5 years declined significantly between 2015/16 and 2018/19.ConclusionsCommunity-based surveillance of S. pneumoniae among ILI cases complement surveillance at healthcare facilities to provide a more complete picture of pneumococcal carriage. Our findings contribute also to the growing body of evidence on the effects of PCV13 introduction on circulating serotypes and their potential replacement

    Measuring the effectiveness of integrated vector management with targeted outdoor residual spraying and autodissemination devices on the incidence of dengue in urban Malaysia in the iDEM trial (intervention for Dengue Epidemiology in Malaysia): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    In common with many South East Asian countries, Malaysia is endemic for dengue. Dengue control in Malaysia is currently based on reactive vector management within 24 h of a dengue case being reported. Preventive rather than reactive vector control approaches, with combined interventions, are expected to improve the cost-effectiveness of dengue control programs. The principal objective of this cluster randomized controlled trial is to quantify the effectiveness of a preventive integrated vector management (IVM) strategy on the incidence of dengue as compared to routine vector control efforts

    Perception of epidemic's related anxiety in the General French Population: a cross-sectional study in the Rhône-Alpes region

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    International audienceBackgroundTo efficiently plan appropriate public health interventions during possible epidemics, governments must take into consideration the following factors about the general population: their knowledge of epidemics, their fears of and psychological responses to them, their level of compliance with government measures and their communities' trusted sources of information. However, such surveys among the French general population are rare.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in 2006 in a representative sample of 600 subjects living in the Rhône-Alpes region (south-east France) to investigate self-reported knowledge about infectious diseases and anxiety generated by epidemic risk with particular reference to avian influenza. Data on reactions to potentially new epidemics and the confidence level in various sources of information were also collected.ResultsRespondents were most knowledgeable about AIDS, followed by avian influenza. Overall, 75% of respondents had adequate knowledge of avian influenza. The percentage was even higher (88%) among inhabitants of the Ain district, where an avian influenza epidemic had previously been reported. However, 39% expressed anxiety about this disease. In total, 20% of respondents with knowledge about avian influenza stated that they had changed their behaviours during the epizooty. Epidemics were perceived as a real threat by 27% of respondents. In the event of a highly contagious outbreak, the majority of respondents said they would follow the advice given by authorities. The study population expressed a high level of confidence in physicians and scientists, but had strong reservations about politicians, deputies and the media.ConclusionsAlthough the survey was conducted only four months after the avian influenza outbreak, epidemics were not perceived as a major threat by the study population. The results showed that in the event of a highly infectious disease, the population would comply with advice given by public authorities

    "Epidemiology and aetiology of influenza-like illness among households in metropolitan Vientiane, Lao PDR": A prospective, community-based cohort study.

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    Respiratory diseases are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in many tropical countries, including Lao PDR. However, little has been published regarding viral or bacterial pathogens that can contribute to influenza-like illness (ILI) in a community setting. We report on the results of a community-based surveillance that prospectively monitored the incidence of ILI and its causative pathogens in Vientiane capital in Lao PDR. A cohort of 995 households, including 4885 study participants, were followed-up between May 2015 and May 2016. Nasopharyngeal swabs, throat swabs, and sputum specimens were collected from ILI cases identified through active case-finding. Real-Time PCR was used to test nasopharyngeal swabs for 21 respiratory pathogens, while throat and sputum samples were subjected to bacterial culture. Generalized linear mixed models were used to assess potential risk factors for associations with ILI. In total, 548 episodes of ILI were reported among 476 (9.7%) of the study participants and 330 (33.2%) of the study households. The adjusted estimated incidence of ILI within the study area was 10.7 (95%CI: 9.4-11.9) episodes per 100 person-years. ILI was significantly associated with age group (p<0.001), sex (p<0.001), and number of bedrooms (p = 0.04) in multivariate analysis. In 548 nasopharyngeal swabs, the most commonly detected potential pathogens were Streptococcus pneumoniae (17.0%), Staphylococcus aureus (11.3%), influenza A (11.1%; mostly subtype H3N2), rhinovirus (7.5%), and influenza B (8.0%). Streptococci were isolated from 42 (8.6%) of 536 throat swabs, most (27) of which were Lancefield Group G. Co-infections were observed in 132 (24.1%) of the 548 ILI episodes. Our study generated valuable data on respiratory disease burden and patterns of etiologies associated with community-acquired acute respiratory illness Laos. Establishment of a surveillance strategy in Laos to monitor trends in the epidemiology and burden of acute respiratory infections is required to minimize their impact on human health

    Targeted outdoor residual spraying, autodissemination devices and their combination against Aedes mosquitoes: field implementation in a Malaysian urban setting

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    Currently, dengue control relies largely on reactive vector control programmes. Proactive vector-control using a rational, well-balanced integrated vector management approach may prove more successful for dengue control. As part of the development of a cluster randomized controlled epidemiological trial, a study was conducted in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The study included one control site (three buildings) and three intervention sites which were treated as follows: targeted outdoor residual spraying only (TORS site, two buildings); deployment of autodissemination devices only (ADD site, four buildings); and the previous two treatments combined (TORS + ADD site, three buildings). The primary entomological measurement was per cent of positive ovitraps—ovitrap index (OI). The effect of each intervention on OI was analyzed by a modified ordinary least squares regression model. Relative to the control site, the TORS and ADD sites showed a reduction in the Aedes OI (−6.5%, P = 0.04 and −8.3%, P = 0.10, respectively). Analysis by species showed that, relative to control, the Ae. aegypti OI was lower in ADD (−8.9%, P = 0.03) and in TORS (−10.4%, P = 0.02). No such effect was evident in the TORS + ADD site. The present study provides insights into the methods to be used for the main trial. The combination of multiple insecticides with different modes of action in one package is innovative, although we could not demonstrate the additive effect of TORS + ADD. Further work is required to strengthen our understanding of how these interventions impact dengue vector populations and dengue transmission

    Etude des relations entre le profil en acides gras des phospholipides sanguins, consommation alimentaire et risque de cancer du sein

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    Les concentrations plasmatiques de 22 acides gras dans 16 régions de neuf pays européens ont été analysées par la chromatographie en phase gazeuse et l'influence de différents paramètres liés au sujet, à la méthode d'analyse et à la région géographique a été décrite. De même, les corrélations entre les niveaux plasmatiques des acides gras et quelques groupes d'aliments ont été examinés. Enfin, le risque relatif de cancer du sein en fonction des taux des acides gras des phospholipides sériques ou des membranes des érythrocytes a été estimé pour des femmes participantes à deux études prospectives de cohorte, l'une basée aux Etats-Unis et l'autre en Italie. La région géographique était le facteur prédictif majeur des concentrations plasmatiques des acides gras à travers l'Europe. L'acide pentadécanoïque et l'acide heptadécanoïque reflétaient la consommation estimée des produits laitiers tandis que la consommation du poisson a été corrélée avec les acides gras polyinsaturés w-3 à très longue chaîne. Des taux élevés des acides gras saturés ont été associés avec une augmentation du risque de cancer du sein à New York alors qu'en Italie le risque de cancer du sein a été directement associé avec les acides gras monoinsaturés.LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Influenza vaccination coverage among patients and healthcare workers in a university hospital during the 2006-2007 influenza season

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    Despite years of public health effort to increase vaccine uptake among populations recommended for influenza vaccination, immunization rates remain low among patients and healthcare workers (HCWs). The objective of this study was to report on influenza vaccination coverage of patients and HCWs for the same time period in 4 wards of a university hospital. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted among patients and HCWs between December 11, 2006 and April 15, 2007 and individual factors associated with being vaccinated against influenza were assessed. Results indicated that older patients were significantly more vaccinated than younger patients. Physicians and residents were more likely to be vaccinated that the rest of staff, with possible differences between wards. Immunization of HCWs is a major issue in infection control in hospitals and long-term care facilities. However, the impact of influenza vaccination among HCWs in reducing hospital-acquired influenza and patient morbidity needs to be explored further