322 research outputs found

    Computed Perimetry. Clinical Interpretation Of Perimetric Finding For The Benefit Of Topical Diagnosis (Part II)

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    Computer perimetry. Indications and interpretation (Part I)

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    Vision is an intergrative function of central and peripheral vision. Central vision is involved in precise detailed vision, while peripheral vision concerns orientation. It is important to weigh their role in different pathological conditions. In clinical aspect, computer perimetry is important for verification and follow-up of the disease. The review covers contemporary terminology, technical specifications, choosing strategies, interpretation and clinical indications for perimetry

    Combined Treatment Modalities In DME

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    Purpose: To compare the standard of care for DME and different combined treatment modalities in the context of its com- plex pathogenesis. To introduce novel therapeutic alternatives and to defy treatment algorithms in persistent and recurrent cases. Methods: A prospective study. Two groups of patients with combined treatment modalities were analyzed: 1st group treated with AntiVEGF and 2RT; 2nd group treated with Anti VEGF and Triamcinolon subtenonially. PRALC was added as needed. We used Nano- second laser 2RT (Ellex). For the purpose of the study we analyzed the structural (OCT) and functional (Angio-OCT-flow density (FD), BCVA) findings. OptoVue Avanti was used for AngioOCT and Snellen chart for BCVA. Results: There was no statistically significant im- provement in BCVA and CRT on the 1st, 3rd and 6th month in the 1st group after the treatment but a statistically significant improve- ment in FD on the 6th month was observed and elongation of treatment-free intervals: 78% of the patients were stable for more than 4 moths; only 22% needed a new injection in a less than 3 months. In the 2nd group there was statistically significant improvement in BCVA (0,44 to 0,62) and reduction in CRT (241 mcr ± 101 mcr). Conclusions: Combined treatment with AntiVEGF+Triamcinolon gives better functional and structural results compared to monthly anti-VEGF in resistant and recurrened case. The adjuvant treat- ment with 2RT has further stimulating effect on the retina and has the potential to slow the neuro-vascular and degenerative effects of diabetic retinopathy. The combined treatment has the potential to diminish the burden of monthly injections and improve compli- ance. The complex pathogenesis of DME needs combined approach

    Clearing space for extreme psychologism about reasons

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    Abstract: Are reasons for action facts or psychological states? There are two answers in the literature on the ontology of reasons. According to the Standard Story, normative reasons are facts, while motivating reasons are psychological states. According to the factualist, both normative and motivating reasons are facts. In this paper I argue that neither of these views is satisfactory. The Standard Story errs in thinking that the two kinds of reasons are different ontological entities. The factualist gets this right, but incurs some distasteful ontological commitments by thinking of motivating reasons as facts. We should, thus, give a proper hearing to the only serious logically possible alternative to the two existing views: both motivating and normative reasons are psychological states

    Silver with Red

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    Анализ на ефекта от калиево торене върху добива и износа на общ N, K2O и P2O5 от доматени растения

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    The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a crop that is characterized by considerable nutrient export because of its intensive growth, development, fruiting, and high biomass production. The purpose of this study is to determine how single-dose and split potassium fertilization impact the overall amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus exported from soils during crop harvest. A field experiment was carried out on Fluvosol (FAO, ISRIC World Soils) with K2O content of 20.3 mg/100g, P2O5 content of 5.8 mg/100g, and mineral N of 19.6 mg/kg. It was found that the biological yield and N, P2О5 and K2O nutrient export are significantly influenced by planting time and potassium fertilization treatments. Higher tomato fruit and biomass yields (61878.9 and 27184.9 kg/ha), along with higher nutrient export rates were observed in mid-early tomato plants. The highest yield and total N, K2O and P2O5 export from the soil was measured at split potassium (К80+80+80) fertilization treatment. A positive linear correlation between yield quantity and nutrient export was observed. The biological yield and nutrient export were shown to be significantly impacted by potassium fertilization (P<0.05).Доматът (Solanum lycopersicum) е култура, която се характеризира със значителен износ на хранителни вещества, заради интензивния си растеж, развитие, плододаване и високо производство на биомаса. Целта на настоящата работа е да се определи влиянието на калиево торене – еднократно и дробно върху износа на общ азот, калий и фосфор от почвите с прибиране на реколтата. Изведен е полски експеримент върху алувиалноливадна почва – Fluvosol (FAO, ISRIC World Soils), със съдържание на K2O - 20.3 mg/100g, на P2O5 – 5.8 mg/100g и на минерален N - 19.6 mg/kg. Установено е, че биологичният добив и износът на хранителни вещества са значително повлияни от времето на засаждане и начина на внасяне на калиевата норма. По-висок добив на доматени плодове и биомаса (61878.9 и 27184.9 kg/ha), заедно с по-високи нива на износ на хранителни елементи се наблюдават при средно-ранните домати. Износът на хранителни вещества следва положителна линейна връзка с увеличаването на добива. Найвисок добив и съответно най-висок общ N, K2O и P2O5 са изнесени при трикратно калиево торене (К80+80+80). Установена е значителна корелационна зависимост между начина на внасяне на калиевата норма и износа на хранителни вещества с биологичния добив (P<0.05)

    Victimización intrafamiliar, indirecta y sexual en menores de 12 a 18 años

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    La victimización es la forma en la que un individuo es víctima, es decir, mediante las formas o medios por los cuales se llegan a sufrir las consecuencias tanto físicas como psíquicas de los actos delictivos producidos por una tercera persona. El presente trabajo es un estudio exploratorio de la realidad en la sociedad de Málaga sobre la victimización intrafamiliar, indirecta y sexual. Se trata de un estudio que abarca una muestra de 2.469 menores de entre 12 y 18 o más años, que pretende mostrar las experiencias de la victimización en los menores alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria, bachillerato, ciclos formativos y grados medios en la ciudad de Málaga. Se han tenido en cuenta variables como la edad, sexo y país de nacimiento del menor y, además, la zona socioeconómica a la que pertenece el instituto al que acude el menor y si es público, concertado o privado

    Re-imagining the Meta-goals: In-conference Worskhop

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    The ITAA Curricular Development and Review Committee hosted a workshop on November 8, 2018 at ITAA’s 2018 annual conference in Cleveland Ohio. The purpose of the session was to gather ideas and opinions from ITAA members regarding the ITAA Meta-goals in preparation for a comprehensive review and revision of the document. The workshop focused on two questions: 1), In what ways can the Meta-goals be revised/updated to more closely reflect the skills, knowledge and competencies that graduates of four-year university textile and apparel programs need to be successful? What is missing? What is not needed? 2) In what ways can the Meta-goals be improved to make them more user-friendly? Products of the workshop will be content analyzed to identify major issues and action items to inform the revision process


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    In recent years, organic farming, or the production of organic food of plant or animal origin, has been increasingly discussed in our country. A few growers decided to reorient production on their farms. The aim of the study was to evaluate the yields of potatoes and tomatoes under organic, mineral and organic-mineral fertilisation within the framework of a multi-year vegetable crop rotation.The experiments were carried out on alluvial-meadow soil (Mollicfluvisol) in the village Tsalapitsa (42.191734 N, 24.580252 E), Plovdiv region, like every subsequent year, regardless of the crop experienced, the variants were placed on the same area. The results for the yields and the quality of production showed that there was a lack of a clear, unequivocal answer for the choice and recommendation of organic or mineral fertilisation. The highest yield of potatoes was obtained (3242 kg/da) in the variant with mixed fertilisation. The highest tomato yield was recorded in the variant with mixed fertilisation (4307.4 kg/da), and the lowest in the control (without fertilisation) – 1670.1 kg/da.The fertilisation system as a complex, dynamic mechanism is influenced by several factors. The integrated fertilisation system, i.e., the combination of mineral and organic fertilisation increases the overall efficiency, reflected in the productivity and some of the quality indicators of experimental crops, regardless of the increase in the degree of damage by insect herbivores and fungal pathogens