9 research outputs found

    »Saum« (fringe) vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea) in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The paper deals with the saum (fringe) vegetation of the Republic of Macedonia. Anew suballiance Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolienion velenovskyi suball. nova of the Geranion sanguinei Tx. in Müller 1962 (Origanetalia Müller 1962. Trifolio-Geranietea Müller 1962) is described as well as the following associations: the Lathyro laxiflori-Trifolietum balcanici ass. nova, the Chaemaecytiso heuffelii-Trifolietum medii ass. nova and the Trifolietum velenovskyi-alpestris ass. nova. Two communities were found and classified according to the deductive method within the Vicia varia community [Geranion sanguinei] and the Vicia tenuifolia community [Geranion sanguinei]

    Notes on phytosociology of Juniperus excelsa in Macedonia (southern Balkan Peninsula)

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    Juniperus excelsa is an East Mediterranean species found also in marginal, sub-mediterranean regions of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It prefers shallow soils in the warmest habitats of the zone of thermophilous deciduous forests. In the past the rank of alliance and the name of Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae have been suggested for the vegetation dominated by Juniperus excelsa in the Balkan Peninsula. In this paper we present the valid description of the alliance in accordance with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. The validation of the Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae required description of a new association - the Querco trojanae-Juniperetum excelsae. The Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae is classified within the order of Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933 (the Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959)

    Nove lokalitete vrste Limosella aquatica L. v flori Republike Makedonije

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    Suha travišča Erysimo-Trifolietum v severovzhodnem delu Republike Makedonije

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    The study deals with the distribution and classification of the association Erysimo-Trifolietum Micevski 1977 (alliance Trifolion cherleri Micevski 1971, order Astragalo-Potentilletalia Micevski 1971, class Festuco-Brometea Br. Bl. et Tx. 1943). The association develops on siliceous bedrock of the northern and northeastern parts of the Republic of Macedonia. After the research of dry grasslands in the region of Kratovo, enough information was available to prepare a synthetic overview of the association Erysimo-Trifolietum. Within the frame of this association, two new subassoaciations are described – subass. scleranthetosum subass. nova and subass. brachypodietosum subass. nova. Analysis of geoelements showed that sub-Mediterranean species are the most numerous and analysis of life forms provided evidence of their therophyto-hemicryptophytic physiognomy. The paper also presents the localities of occurrence, their floristic composition, synecological characteristics, life forms incidence and areal types.Raziskava se ukvarja z razširjenostjo in klasifikacijo asociacije Erysimo-Trifolietum Micevski 1977 (zveza Trifolion cherleri Micevski 1971, red Astragalo-Potentilletalia Micevski 1971, razred Festuco-Brometea Br. Bl. et Tx. 1943). Asociacija se pojavlja na silikatni podlagi v severnem in severovzhodnem delu Republike Makedonije. Po zaključenih raziskavah v okolici Kratova, smo razpolagali z zadostno količino podatkov, da smo lahko pripravili sintetični pregled asociacije Erysimo-Trifolietum. V okviru asociacije smo opisali dve novi subasociaciji – subasociacijo sclerathetosum subass. nova in brachypodietosum subass. nova. Analiza horološkega spektra je pokazala, da so v združbah najbolj pogoste submediteranske vrste, analiza življenjskih oblik pa kaže na terofitsko-hemikriptofitski značaj te asociacije. Delo prikazuje lokalitete, kjer se združbe pojavljajo, floristično zgradbo, sinekološke značilnosti, spekter življenjskih oblik in horološki spekter

    Flora in vegetacija makedonske stepe = Flora and Vegetation of the Macedonian Steppe = Flora i vegetacija na makedonskata stepa

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    In the central part of Macedonia, in the triangle between Veles, Štip and Negotino, there is a vast area that is different from the rest of the country. The entire area slightly resembles an undulating sea, as its surface is interrupted by numerous ditches, which makes the region almost impassable.Delo se ukvarja s pregledom flore in vegetacije območja v trikotniku med Velesom, Štipom in Negotinom. Na podlagi analize so izločene najbolj pomembne rastlinske vrste in habitati/rastlinske združbe. Na podlagi floristične analize so bile ugotovljene endemične, halofitske, stepske in ostale redke rastlinske vrste na tem območju in vegetacijske enote. Predlagane so tudi najbolj pomembne botanične lokalitete na tem območju

    Prispevek k fitosociologiji vrste Juniperus excelsa v Makedoniji (južni del Balkanskega polotoka)

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    Juniperus excelsa is an East Mediterranean species found also in marginal, sub-mediterranean regions of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It prefers shallow soils in the warmest habitats of the zone of thermophilous deciduous forests. In the past the rank of alliance and the name of Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae have been suggested for the vegetation dominated by Juniperus excelsa in the Balkan Peninsula. In this paper we present the valid description of the alliance in accordance with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. The validation of the Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae required description of a new association – the Querco trojanae-Juniperetum excelsae. The Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae is classified within the order of Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933 (the Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959).Juniperus excelsa je vzhodnomediteranska vrsta, ki jo najdemo tudi v submediteranskih predelih južnega Balkana. Najdemo jo lahko na najtoplejših rastiščih na plitvih tleh v območju termofilnih listopadnih gozdov. V preteklosti so na Balkanskem polotoku vegetacijo, kjer dominira vrsta Juniperus excelsa, uvrščali v zvezo Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae. V prispevku je prikazan veljaven opis zveze v skladu z mednarodnim kodeksom fitocenološke nomenklature. Osnova za veljaven opis zveze je tudi veljaven opis nove asociacije – Querco trojanae- Juniperetum excelsae. Zvezo Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae smo nadalje uvrstili v red Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933 (Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959)

    Forest Vegetation of Galičica Mountain Range in Macedonia

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    Pričujoča knjiga prinaša podroben opis gozdov Galičice – enega od naravnih biserov Makedonije. V knjigi so sistematično predstavljeni vsi gozdni tipi, ki jih najdemo na pogorju Galičice, z vegetacijskimi popisi, talnimi vzorci, horološkimi in ekološkimi analizami, hkrati pa smo pripravili tudi vegetacijsko karto gozdnih združb, ki bralcu podaja informacijo o razporeditvi gozdov na terenu