23 research outputs found

    Inherited Thrombophilia is Associated With Pregnancy Losses That Occur After 12th Gestational Week in Serbian Population

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    Recurrent fetal loss (RFL) is a significant clinical problem, occurring in 1% to 5% of reproductive females. Inherited or acquired thrombophilia has been diagnosed in 50% to 65% of women with history of unexplained fetal loss. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of thrombophilia in women with unexplained RFL in Serbian population and to find out whether the presence of thrombophilia is associated with pregnancy losses that occur later than 12th gestational week. We have examined 147 women with unexplained RFL or intrauterine fetal death and 128 healthy women with at least 1 uncomplicated pregnancy. The antithrombin (AT), protein C (PC), protein S (PS), activated protein C (APC) resistance, factor V (FV) G1691A, factor II (FII) G20210A, and MTHFR C677T were determined. At least 1 inherited thrombophilic defect was found in 54 (36.7%) of 147 women with repeated fetal losses and in 11 (8.59%) of 128 controls (P lt .001, OR 6.17, 95% CI 3.06-12.48). The most common thrombophilic abnormalities were homozygosity for MTHFR 677TT, FV Leiden, and FII G20210A. Deficiency of natural anticoagulants occurred in 10 patients, with protein S deficiency being the most frequent one. Thrombophilia was found in 46 of 94 women with RFL that occurred later than the 12th gestational week and in only 8 of 53 with RPL earlier than 12th week (P = .001). Our study has shown the association between the hereditary thrombophilia and RFL that occurred after the 12th gestational week in Serbian population

    A Matlab/Simulink 3D Model of Metal Rings and Discs for Ultrasonic Sandwich Transducer Design

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    Metal-endings are integral part of different ultrasonic sandwich transducers. In this paper a new Matlab/Simulink 3D model of of the finite metal rings and discs of various dimensions is realized. With this model, which describes both the thickness and the radial resonant modes, and the coupling between them, mechanical impedance of the sample can be easily computed. Resonance frequency-length curves for rings and disks with various materials and for different selected dimensions are given. Also, comparisons of the different approaches in determining of their resonant frequencies are shown. The proposed Matlab/Simulink model requires simpler implementation than other analytical models. That enabled modifying of 1D theory and simplified modelling and projecting of the ultrasonic sandwich transducers with short-endings. Finally, the computed and experimental results are compared


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    In this paper, we are using the Kepware tools as a data collection tool to collecting data for identifying the process and making the mathematical models is described in this paper. The connection to the process was made using a programmable logic controller like a real time DAQ (Data Acquisition Board and System) device, database and a client application developed for these purposes. Special attention is paid to the possibility of collecting a large amount of process data as the same moment time of data sampling


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    In the cable industry, improper regulation of the winding speed of the conductor cable, i.e. the position of the tensioner (dancer) leads to improper stretching of the conductor, which significantly affects the characteristics of the final product. Winding speed control is directly related to tensioning which is an additional problem. This paper presents a system for control a cable winding device using a linear PID controller with and without control signal limitation. The system parameters were determined using integral time-weighted absolute error (ITAE) criteria and realized using a conventional PLC controller

    Preliminarni popis invazivnih stranih biljnih vrsta (IAS) u Hrvatskoj

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    In this paper a preliminary check-list of invasive alien plant species (IAS) in Croatia is presented. It has been created on the basis of the literature and of field observations. The list consists of 64 taxa, with family, life-form and geographic origin assigned to each IAS. Analyses according to family affiliation, life-form and origin were made. Out of 27 families the majority (24 families) belong to the dicotyledons. The most numerous family is Asteraceae, and genera with the highest number of IAS are Conyza, Erigeron and Impatiens. Life-form analysis showed the predominance of therophytes but also presence of hemicryptophytes, phanaerophytes and geophytes. In the origin analysis, IAS from the Americas predominated, followed by those from Asia and Africa.U radu je predstavljen preliminarni popis invazivnih stranih biljnih vrsta (IAS) u Hrvatskoj. Izrađen je na temelju literaturnih podataka i opažanja na terenu. Popis se sastoji od 64 svojte, kojima je pridružena pripadajuća porodica, životni oblik i geografsko podrijetlo. Izvršene su analize prema pripadnosti porodicama, životnom obliku i podrijetlu. Od 27 porodica većina (24 porodice) pripada dvosupnicama. Najbrojnija porodica je porodica Asteraceae dok su rodovi Conyza, Erigeron i Impatiens zastupljeni s najvećim brojem svojti. Analiza životnih oblika pokazala je dominaciju terofita, ali i prisutnost hemikriptofita, fanerofita i geofita. Po podrijetlu dominiraju invazivne svojte iz obiju Amerika, a slijede ih one iz Azije te Afrike

    Alohtona flora Hrvatske: prijedlozi standarda u terminologiji, kriterija te baze podataka

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    As a result of the global problem of invasion, the number of studies dealing with plant invasion is increasing, thus causing increasing confusion about terminology used. As a part of the first national project about invasive Croatian flora in 2006, we prepared a proposal for a national standard terminology and criteria for the treatment of alien flora. This proposal includes regular terminology globally accepted in most botanical communities, but it is especially harmonized with European standards for alien flora treatment, particularly for invasive alien plant species (IAS). Special attention was paid to defining the criteria for status of plant species potentially invasive in Croatia, such as origin status, residence status and invasion status, for which a special module »Allochthonous plants« within Flora Croatica Database was prepared.Kako je problem invazivnih vrsta postao svjetski, porastao je broj studija o invazivnim biljnim vrstama, što je uzrokovalo porast terminološke konfuzije koja se nastoji prevladati uvođenjem općeprihvaćenih standarda. Stoga smo, kao dio prvog nacionalnog projekta o invazivnoj flori Hrvatske, provedenog 2006. godine, pripremili prijedlog nacionalnih standarda i kriterija za tretiranje alohtone flore. Taj prijedlog uključuje standardnu terminologiju, svjetski prihvaćenu od većine botaničara, ali i posebno usklađenu s europskim standardima za tretiranje alohtone flore, a naročito invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Posebna pažnja posvećena je definiranju kriterija za utvrđivanje statusa potencijalno invazivnih vrsta u Hrvatskoj, kao što su podrijetlo, datum i način unosa, te invazivni status, na temelju kojih je, za navedene svojte, unutar baze Flora Croatica priređen zaseban modul »Alohtone biljke«

    High risk population screening for Fabry disease in hemodialysis patients in Vojvodina: Pilot study

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    Uvod/Cilj Fabrijeva bolest (FB) X-vezana je lizozomna bolest skladištenja koja se razvija kao posledica mutacije gena alfa-galaktozidaze A (GLA). Postoji više od 1080 poznatih varijanti gena GLA. Neki od njih su patogeni, ali većina ih je benigna ili predstavljaju genetsku promenu koja se može klasifikovati kao genetska varijanta nepoznatog značaja ili jednostavno predstavljati genetski polimorfizam. Postoje dve glavne karakteristike FB, klasični oblik i kasnije varijante bolesti. Glavni ciljni organi kod bolesnika sa ovom bolešću su bubrezi, srce i nervni sistem. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da je FB retka bolest, najbolji način za aktivnu pretragu bolesnika je skrining populacije visokog rizika, nakon čega bi trebalo izvršiti porodični skrining za svaki slučaj probanda. Metode U ovom radu predstavljamo rezultate multicentrične pilot studije koja predstavlja nalaze skrininga bolesnika na hemodijalizi na FB u šest hemodijaliznih centara u Vojvodini. Rezultati Identifikovan je jedan bolesnik sa benignom mutacijom i 16 bolesnika sa genetskim polimorfizmom gena GLA. Utvrdili smo da genetske promene na genu GLA mogu biti česte, ali su veoma retko od kliničkog značaja i retko dovode do manifestacija FB. Zaključak Rezultati ove skrining studije će NAM omogućiti uvid u prevalenciju FB u hemodijaliznoj populaciji i usmeriti naš budući rad.Introduction/Objective Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disease that develops as a consequence of mutation in the Alpha-galactosidase A (GLA) gene. There are more than 1080 known variants in the GLA gene. Some of them are pathogenic, but most of them are benign or represent the genetic change that can be classified as a genetic variant of unknown significance or simply be a representation of genetic polymorphism. There are two main features of FD, classic form and late-onset variants of disease. The main target organs in patients with FD are the kidneys, heart, and nervous system. Bearing in mind the fact that FD is a rare disease, the best way for active searching of patients is high-risk population screening, after which family screening for every proband case should be performed. Methods In this paper, we present results of a multicentric pilot study that represents findings from the screening of hemodialysis patients for FD in six hemodialysis units in Vojvodina. Results We have found one patient with benign mutation and 16 patients with genetic polymorphisms in GLA gene. We have learned that genetic changes in GLA gene can be frequent, but very rarely are of clinical significance and lead to manifestations of FD