51 research outputs found

    Variability of in vitro culture response in wheat genotypes, genotype and environmental effects

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    The tissue culture response (TCR) of immature embryos, evaluated according to callus formation, percentage of regenerative green-spotted calli and the number of plants per embryo, was investigated in 96 wheat genotypes of worldwide origins. Immature embryos were collected 12-15 DAP from field-grown plants during three successive years 2003, 2004 and 2005. Year 2003 was with high air temperatures and tropical days during a period of vegetation, while the environmental conditions were more favorable for plant growth in the next two years, 2004 and 2005. Embryos were cultured on standard MS medium containing 2 mg l-1 2, 4-D. In all genotypes calli were efficiently induced, ranging from 36.7 to 100% (2003), 68.4 to 100% (2004), and 94.3 to 100% (2005). The calli occasionally formed green spots, but frequencies markedly differed among genotypes that varied from 0 to 72.5% (2003), 0 to 97.9% (2004), and 0 to 94.0% (2005). Coefficient of variation was highest in term of percent of regenerative calli (66.7%) following by a number of plants per embryo (35.6%) and callus formation (5.1%). Components of phenotypic variance showed that factor year (71.4%) had the highest impact on expression of callus formation, genetic factor (47,1%) on percentage of regenerative green-spotted calli and interaction year/genotype (30.3%) on number of plants per embryo. The results indicated factor genotype as the most important for determining regeneration potential in wheat

    Značaj histeroskopije u vantelesnom oplođenju

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    Introduction: Pathological states of the uterus cavity, such as endometrial polyp, submucous myoma, intrauterine synechiae or septum, are considered to be negative influence on IVF success. Hysteroscopy is able to diagnose the possible IVF causes of failure and surgically remove them in the same act. Due to frequent cavum pathology, the idea of applying hysteroscopy, even prior to the first IVF, has been seriously considered. Different studies have also stated that the endometrium proinflammatory response after a local endometrial injury can increase the possibility of successful implantation after an embryo transfer in the IVF cycle. Objective: The aim of the project is to determine the frequency of the cavum pathology with patients in IVF process and to examine the impact of hysteroscopy on IVF outcome in cases of post surgical treatment of pathological states of the uterus, with no pathological substratum and after a local endometrial injury. Method: A study group consisted of 114 patients with hysteroscopy performed 30 to 50 days before the IVF cycle. The control group consisted of 151 patients. The local endometrial injury was done in a way not described in any literature available. Results: Having analyzed the obtained results, almost identical pathology frequency was confirmed prior to the first IVF cycle, as with the next, in nearly a third of the cases. Statistically viewed, significantly higher rates of implantation and pregnancies were obtained after hysteroscopy, in comparison to the control group. Probability of a positive IVF outcome rises 2,1 time after a local endometrial injury, when compared to the control group. Conclusion: Hysteroscopy is minimally invasive, safe and simple method providing higher possibility of conceiving after IVF. This research suggests the protocol for IVF preparing couples to be accompanied by obligatory hysteroscopy even prior to the first IVF cycle

    Opening the ore body 'Čoka Marin-1' below K+535 m

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    The need to open the lower parts of the ore body was caused by a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the high price of precious and non-ferrous metals on the stock market, which is far higher than the one used in calculation the technical-economic assessment in the project study on mineral reserves from 2004. Another reason for opening the lower parts of the ore body would be the remaining part of the balance reserves verified by the project study on ore reserves, not included in the main mining design on mining the ore body 'Čoka Marin - 1'

    Technology of hardfacing applied to the tramwayswitch-hearts channels

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    Reparatura oštećenih delova šina i skretničkih srca postupkom navarivanja je standardna metoda održavanja šina u svetu. Beograd je jedini grad u Srbiji u kome postoji tramvajski saobraćaj. Zbog konfiguracije terena po kome su postavljene tramvajske šine i zbog točkova tramvaja nove generacije od austenitnog materijala, sa povišenom tvrdoćom, pojavio se problem habanja skretničkih srca. Na zahtev Vossloh-a iz Niša urađena je tehnologiju navarivanja kanala šina na tramvajskim srcima u Nemanjinoj ulici u Beogradu, a firma Vossloh izvršila navarivanje. U radu je dat pregled tehnologije navarivanja, kao i rezultati ispitivanja tvrdoće, makro i mikro ispitivanja na probnom uzorku, na osnovu koga bi bilo moguće praćenje eksplotacionog veka ovako navarenih kanala skretničkih srca.Reparation of damaged tramway tracks and tramway switch-hearts by hardfacing method is standard procedure of tramway tracks maintenance in the world. Belgrade is single one city in Serbia with tram traffic. Regarding on terrene configuration, where tramway tracks are laid on, and regarding on new-generation-tram-wheels, made of austenite hardened steel, problem of tramwayswitch-hearts wearing has appeared. Requested by Vossloh, hardfacing technology has been applied on tramwayswitch-hearts in Nemanjina Street, Belgrade, by Vossloh. This paper gives overview on hardfacing technology and result of hardness testing, micro and macroprobe testing, which enable exploiting work rate investigation for tramwayswitch-hearts

    Technology of hardfacing applied to the tramwayswitch-hearts channels

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    Reparatura oštećenih delova šina i skretničkih srca postupkom navarivanja je standardna metoda održavanja šina u svetu. Beograd je jedini grad u Srbiji u kome postoji tramvajski saobraćaj. Zbog konfiguracije terena po kome su postavljene tramvajske šine i zbog točkova tramvaja nove generacije od austenitnog materijala, sa povišenom tvrdoćom, pojavio se problem habanja skretničkih srca. Na zahtev Vossloh-a iz Niša urađena je tehnologiju navarivanja kanala šina na tramvajskim srcima u Nemanjinoj ulici u Beogradu, a firma Vossloh izvršila navarivanje. U radu je dat pregled tehnologije navarivanja, kao i rezultati ispitivanja tvrdoće, makro i mikro ispitivanja na probnom uzorku, na osnovu koga bi bilo moguće praćenje eksplotacionog veka ovako navarenih kanala skretničkih srca.Reparation of damaged tramway tracks and tramway switch-hearts by hardfacing method is standard procedure of tramway tracks maintenance in the world. Belgrade is single one city in Serbia with tram traffic. Regarding on terrene configuration, where tramway tracks are laid on, and regarding on new-generation-tram-wheels, made of austenite hardened steel, problem of tramwayswitch-hearts wearing has appeared. Requested by Vossloh, hardfacing technology has been applied on tramwayswitch-hearts in Nemanjina Street, Belgrade, by Vossloh. This paper gives overview on hardfacing technology and result of hardness testing, micro and macroprobe testing, which enable exploiting work rate investigation for tramwayswitch-hearts

    Bezbednosna zaštita objekata od posebnog značaja za odbranu

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    Determination of defence capability requirements

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    A capability-based planning approach provides defence system with adequate response in facing uncertainty, economic constraints and risks. Determination of required defence capabilities is the most important and complex phase in capability-based planning process. The result of this phase is the list of required capabilities of the defence system. The paper presents method of determination of defence capability requirements and describes practical tools for the identification and the description of required defence capabilities. The capability requirements are identified by perceiving relationships among operational objectives, effects tasks. The capability requirement description contains standards and conditions that clarify necessary capability

    Geomechanical testing on the landslide at the Čukaru Peki flotation tailing dump

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    During formation of the flotation tailing dump Čukaru Peki, a landslide was activated above the mentioned location, which led to a standstill and endangerment of works. In order to obtain the geotechnical bases for designing the measures for its rehabilitation, the landslide tests were performed. Geomechanical works included the field research and testing, laboratory geomechanical testing and cabinet wor

    Environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste disposal sites of municipal waste in the city area of Bor

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    The problem of unregulated waste disposal sites is present not only in Serbia but in the other parts of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, it is necessary to locate these waste dumpsites, investigate their negative impact on the environment, make environmental risk assessment and start solving this problem. This presentation shows a methodology of the environmental risk assessment for the unregulated waste disposal sites in the city area of Bor. The idea, presented through this methodology, suggests how to understand the risk, how to make the risk assessment so that the owner is informed about possible consequences. In this way, a possibility can be avoided that in fear of unknown and incapable of understanding, the owner might take the precautionary measures at random. With regulated categorization a remediation of waste disposal sites can be done


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    In the last decade, success after in vitro fertilization process (IVF) has remained at a similar rate despite all the improvements implemented in the stimulation protocols and laboratory techniques. Hysteroscopy is a method becoming more widely used with patients after a failed IVF cycle, considering a large incidence of uterus cavum pathological states which have a negative impact on the favorable outcome. Numerous studies have provided different results on the IVF outcome with hysteroscopy performed prior to this treatment in cases with no uterus cavum pathology. The aim of the research was to examine the effect of both diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy on the outcome of IVF.  Hysteroscopy was performed with 74 patients 30 to 50 days prior to IVF and in 33 of them (group I) some pathological state was noticed, which was treated during the same procedure. The control group (group III) included 151 patients who had IVF performed with no prior hysteroscopy. There is no statistically significant difference in the rate of post hysteroscopy implantation between I and II group when compared to the control group (20.62% vs 23.28% vs 17.31%), nor in the rate of clinical pregnancies (45.45% vs 46.34% vs 34.44%). Following the correctional treatment of uterus cavum pathological states, implantation and pregnancy rates remain at a level comparable to hysteroscopically normal medical findings. Statistically significant higher pregnancy rate is present in group I after the first IVF cycle, compared to the next IVF in the same group and in comparison to the next IVF cycle in the control group (60.00% vs 27.91%, p<0.05). Hysteroscopy is a simple and safe method allowing nearly identical rate of clinical pregnancies after a surgical treatment of uterus cavum pathological states when compared to the control group, but statistically much higher pregnancy rate if the order of IVF procedure is being compared. In cases of normal ultrasound findings and negative hysteroscopical findings, performing hysteroscopy prior to IVF does not provide significantly better results. Therefore, its routine execution is not recommended