5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of salivary parameters and dental status in adult hemodialysis patients in an indian population

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    Renal failure is a process that expresses a loss of functional capacity of the nephrons, independently of its etiology. The most widely used technique to combat renal failure is hemodialysis. Renal failure causes various systemic alterations including oral complications such as variations in the flow and composition of the saliva. Caries is a multifactorial disease and impaired stimulated salivary flow rate and buffering capacity are the best-known risk factors. The present study aims to evaluate the salivary pH, buffering capacity and the flow rate of saliva to the DMFT status in adult hemodialysis patients among the Indian population. Twenty healthy individuals and sixty patients undergoing hemodialysis were divided into four groups based on the following criteria: Group 1: Control group; healthy individuals,Group 2: Patients before undergoing dialysis or undergoing dialysis2 years. Dental examinations were performed according to the modified WHO oral health survey 2013 criteria and DMFT index. Saliva was collected after pre-stimulation to measuring the flow rate, buffering capacity and pH. The results exhibited a decrease in the salivary flow rate and buffering capacity with the increase in the time interval of hemodialysis, but salivary pH was found to be increasing with time. A direct relationship was seen between the DMFT scores with the increasing time interval. There was a significant correlation between DMFT index, stimulated salivary flow rate, and buffering capacity in the patients. Oral health impairment can beacon to grave problems in infection-prone hemodialysis patients. Hence, the patients on hemodialysis should have regular dental examinations and treatment. Regular dental examination and instruction in patients awaiting a renal transplantation is of vital importance to ensure optimal oral health