200 research outputs found

    Comparative hierophany at three object scales

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    There was once a village, and close by it there was a waterfall. Villagers believed that under the waterfall there lived a stone golem. This golem was thought to be largely good-natured, as it wouldn\u27t mind people bathing in the pool downstream. Old people remembered that once the golem saved a drowning child by putting a rock under its feet. Many years passed, and the Bureau of Tourism and Recreation briefly considered using this story in its advertising materials for the region. Senior management rejected the idea, as it was thought to contain folklore elements that may be confusing to a global audience

    Dwie twarze islamu. Bułgarscy muzułmanie i wydarzenia z powstania kwietniowego w Cenie złota Ganczo Stoewa i Kałuni-Kali Georgiego Bożinowa

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    IWELINA MITEWA, MILEN MITEW, bułgarscy filolodzy i komparatyści związani z Wielkotyrnowskim Uniwersytetem Świętych Cyryla i Metodego; Milan Mitew – bułgarski tłumacz z Wielkiego Tyrnowa (jęz. polski, rosyjski, litewski i bułgarski), uczestnik programu „Erasmus” na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Autor artykułu: (wraz z E. Kubicką, K. Grec i W. Leszczak) Wykorzystanie słowników w interpretacji prawniczej – implikacje praktyczne (2015).Wielkotyrnowski Uniwersytet im. Świętych Cyryla i Metodego, BułgariaВасилев С., Разсъбличането на метафорите. Личности, творби и сюжети в българската литература на ХХ век, В.Т., 2007.Василев С., Цената на златото и на историята, В.Т., 2008.Енев Д., „Калуня-каля“ – забравеният роман шедьовър за Априлското въстание, http://liternet.bg/publish13/d_enev/georgi-bozhinov.htm.Енев Д., Още за Георги Божинов и „Калуня-каля“, http://liternet.bg/publish13/d_enev/kalunia-kalia-2.htm.Кирова М., Завръщането на един свръхгерой, „Култура” 2015, бр. 5, http://www.kultura.bg/bg/article/view/23039.Косев К., Жечев Н., Дойнов Д., История на Априлското въстание 1876, С., 1976.Ничев Д., Стоев Г., Литературни анкети, С., 1983.Българската литературна класика. Литературни портрети и анализи, Пл., 2009, под ред. на Ив. Сарандев, и колектив.Станков Ив., Глад за Голямо, „Литературен вестник” 2015, бр. 4.Трендафилов Вл., Калуня – каля: шедьовърът от кривите улички, „Либерален преглед” z 22.07.2015, http://www.librev.com/index.php/arts-books-publisher/2759-2015-07-22-11- 40-41.Христоматия по история на България. Българско възраждане – втора и трета четвърт на ХІХ век, С., 1996.Шурбанов Ал., Завръщането на Калуньо, „Либерален преглед” z 22.07. 2015.http://www.librev.com/index.php/arts-books-publisher/2759-2015-07-22-11-40-41.43744

    Makerspaces and the remaking of higher education

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    Design of deep excavations according to Eurocode 7

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    The paper presents the procedure of introducing Eurocode 7 into the design practice in Poland. Within the paper, currently used design methods have been compared to new ones, which will be soon used together with the introduction of Eurocodes. In order to make the comparison, numerical analysis has been performed on two simple example cases presented by the committee ERTC-10 „Evaluation of Eurocode 7”. That gave authors an opportunity to assess and compare properly different design approaches – up-to-date and new, now being introduced. Final conclusions and issues open for further discussion have been presented in the end of the paper

    High-efficiency pharmacogenetic ablation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in the adult mouse CNS

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    Approaches to investigate adult oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) by targeted cell ablation in the rodent CNS have limitations in the extent and duration of OPC depletion. We have developed a pharmacogenetic approach for conditional OPC ablation, eliminating >98% of OPCs throughout the brain. By combining recombinase-based transgenic and viral strategies for targeting OPCs and ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ)-derived neural precursor cells (NPCs), we found that new PDGFRA-expressing cells born in the V-SVZ repopulated the OPC-deficient brain starting 12 days after OPC ablation. Our data reveal that OPC depletion induces V-SVZ-derived NPCs to generate vast numbers of PDGFRA+NG2+ cells with the capacity to proliferate and migrate extensively throughout the dorsal anterior forebrain. Further application of this approach to ablate OPCs will advance knowledge of the function of both OPCs and oligodendrogenic NPCs in health and disease

    Theoretical computation background for transformation of foundations using pile drains

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    In the design of foundations for buildings and structures of various purposes, including improved risk, weak water-saturated clay soils with low mechanical characteristics are often found on a construction site. One of the possible ways of using them as a foundation is to seal them in various ways, including using pile drains of sand or rock stone material that are capable of both absorbing the load at the base and accelerating the process of filtration consolidation. This paper describes an analytical solution to the problem of interaction between the pile and the mattress with the surrounding soil of the foundation, taking into account the possibility of expanding the pile shaft. Solutions are obtained for determining the stresses in the shaft of the pile drain and in the soil under the mattress. The solution takes into account the influence of the pre-stressed state of the foundation after compaction on the formation of a stress-strain state during the erection and operation of structures. The solutions are relevant for consolidating pile drains made of rubble or for jet grouting piles, the rigidity of which is comparable to the rigidity of the surrounding soil. The paper describes the technique for determining the characteristics of the strength and deformability of the converted foundation and the results of large-scale tests at the experimental site for the construction of a large energy facility in Russia

    Age, but not amyloidosis, induced changes in global levels of histone modifications in susceptible and disease-resistant neurons in Alzheimer's disease model mice

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    There is increasing interest in the role of epigenetic alterations in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The epigenome of every cell type is distinct, yet data regarding epigenetic change in specific cell types in aging and AD is limited. We investigated histone tail modifications in neuronal subtypes in wild-type and APP/PS1 mice at 3 (pre-pathology), 6 (pathology-onset) and 12 (pathology-rich) months of age. In neurofilament (NF)-positive pyramidal neurons (vulnerable to AD pathology), and in calretinin-labeled interneurons (resistant to AD pathology) there were no global alterations in histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3), histone 3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac) or histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) in APP/PS1 compared to wild-type mice at any age. Interestingly, age-related changes in the presence of H3K27ac and H3K27me3 were detected in NF-labeled pyramidal neurons and calretinin-positive interneurons, respectively. These data suggest that the global levels of histone modifications change with age, whilst amyloid plaque deposition and its sequelae do not result in global alterations of H3K4me3, H3K27ac and H3K27me3 in NF-positive pyramidal neurons or calretinin-labeled interneurons