3 research outputs found

    Overtime in Europe : regulation and practice

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    Aquest informe s'elabora a partir de les diferents contribucions de la Network of Eurofound Correspondents, i pel que fa a Espanya la contribució ha estat de l'ALejandro GodinoDespite the well-known adverse effects of regular long working hours on workers' health, well-being and performance, many workers in the EU continue to work beyond their normal hours. Part of this additional working time is classified as overtime. This report takes a comparative overview of how overtime is regulated in the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom, including its definition, the limits on its use and the compensation received by workers for working extra hours. The report assesses the extent of the phenomenon using national-level data, delves into the factors that explain it, and examines the potential consequences for workers and firms. Finally, the report summarises the current debate on the topic, as uncompensated working hours, structural overtime and monitoring of working hours are currently some of the most discussed work-related issues across the EU

    First Workshop on Multimodal e-Coaches

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    This preprint follows ACM policy: “Authors who publish with ACM have the freedom to post peer-reviewed pre-print versions of their papers to personal websites and institutional repositories. They can add a single-click link to their final published papers, and re-use any portion of their published work with the inclusion of a citation and DOI link. Authors can also post on any repository legally mandated by the agency funding the research on which the work is based, and on any non-commercial repository or aggregation that does not duplicate ACM tables of contents/substantially duplicate an ACM-copyrighted volume or issue” (https://authors.acm.org/author-resources/author-rights.) 2e-Coaches are promising intelligent systems that aims at supporting human everyday life, dispatching advice through different interfaces, such as apps, conversational interfaces and augmented reality interfaces. This workshop aims at exploring how e-coaches might benefit from spatially and timemultiplexed interfaces and from different communication modalities (e.g., text, visual, audio, etc.) according to the context of the interaction.The NESTORE, SAAM, CAPTAIN, HOLOBALANCE, EMPATHIC, MENHIR, vCare projects are supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programmes SC1-PM-15-2017 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018, and H2020-1.3.3, respectively through the project grants N.769643, 769661, 769830, 769574, 769872, 823907, 769807. The authors want to thank their respective Consortia. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the project partners or the European Commission

    COVID-19 and older people : impact on their lives, support and care

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    Per part del QUIT com a corresponsal d'Eurofound, la contribució a l'informe ha estat feta per l'Alejandro Godino.This report captures the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the quality of life of older citizens, including the impact on their well-being, finances, employment and social inclusion. It explores the effects on the use of care services and older people's reliance on other support. The report presents policy measures that have been implemented in EU Member States to support older people along all of the above-mentioned dimensions. These include measures to support independent living and schemes to support the labour market integration of older people or to prevent unemployment, all of which play a role in the quality of life of older citizens