817 research outputs found

    Modelling the recent historical impacts of atmospheric CO2 and climate change on Mediterranean vegetation

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    During the past century, annual mean temperature has increased by 0.75 degrees C and precipitation has shown marked variation throughout the Mediterranean basin. These historical climate changes may have had significant, but presently undefined, impacts on the productivity and structure of sclerophyllous shrubland, an important vegetation type in the region. We used a vegetation model for this functional type to examine climate change impacts, and their interaction with the concurrent historical rise in atmospheric CO2. Using only climate and soil texture as data inputs, model. predictions showed good agreement with observations of seasonal and regional variation in leaf and canopy physiology, net primary productivity (NPP), leaf area index (LAI) and soil water. Model simulations for shrubland sites indicated that potential NPP has risen by 25% and LAI by 7% during the past century, although the absolute increase in LAI was small. Sensitivity analysis suggested that the increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1900 was the primary cause of these changes, and that simulated climate change alone had negative impacts on both NPP and LAI. Effects of rising CO2 were mediated by significant increases in the efficiency of water-use in NPP throughout the region, as a consequence of the direct effect of CO2 on leaf gas exchange. This increase in efficiency compensated for limitation of NPP by drought, except in areas where drought was most severe. However, while water was used more efficiently, total canopy water loss rose slightly or remained unaffected in model simulations, because increases in LAI with CO2 counteracted the effects of reduced stomatal conductance on transpiration. Model simulations for the Mediterranean region indicate that the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 may already have had significant impacts on productivity, structure and water relations of sclerophyllous shrub vegetation, which tended to offset the detrimental effects of climate change in the region

    Of Gold and Paper Money

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    We consider the role of money as a means of payment, store of value and medium of exchange. I outline a number of quantitative and qualitative experiences of monetary management. Successful regimes have sprung up in a variety of surprising places, and been sustained with state (centralised) interventions. Although the link between state and money, and its standard of identity and account may be clear, particularly in earlier stages of economic development, the extent to which the state is widely felt to hold responsibility for 'sound money' is less clear in modern democracies, where there are many other public responsibilities implying ongoing trade-offs

    Serum hepatocyte growth factor is associated with small vessel disease in Alzheimer's dementia

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    Background: While hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to exert cell growth, migration and morphogenic effects in various organs, recent studies suggest that HGF may also play a role in synaptic maintenance and cerebrovascular integrity. Although increased levels of HGF have been reported in brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), it is unclear whether peripheral HGF may be associated with cerebrovascular disease (CeVD) and dementia. In this study, we examined the association of baseline serum HGF with neuroimaging markers of CeVD in a cohort of pre-dementia (cognitive impaired no dementia, CIND) and AD patients. Methods: Serum samples from aged, Non-cognitively impaired (NCI) controls, CIND and AD subjects were measured for HGF levels. CeVD (cortical infarcts, microinfarcts, lacunes, white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and microbleeds) were assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: After controlling for covariates, higher levels of HGF were associated with both CIND and AD. Among the different CeVD MRI markers in CIND and AD, only small vessel disease, but not large vessel disease markers were associated with higher HGF levels. Conclusion: Serum HGF may be a useful peripheral biomarker for small vessel disease in subjects with cognitive impairment and AD

    The Structure of Nanoscale Polaron Correlations in La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7

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    A system of strongly-interacting electron-lattice polarons can exhibit charge and orbital order at sufficiently high polaron concentrations. In this study, the structure of short-range polaron correlations in the layered colossal magnetoresistive perovskite manganite, La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7, has been determined by a crystallographic analysis of broad satellite maxima observed in diffuse X-ray and neutron scattering data. The resulting q=(0.3,0,1) modulation is a longitudinal octahedral-stretch mode, consistent with an incommensurate Jahn-Teller-coupled charge-density-wave fluctuations, that implies an unusual orbital-stripe pattern parallel to the directions.Comment: Reformatted with RevTe

    Review: Artisanal Gold Mining in Africa—Environmental Pollution and Human Health Implications

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    About nine million Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) workers in Africa and people living near ASGM activities are highly exposed to geogenic and anthropogenic potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Despite the hazards and risks posed by ASGM being well characterized, coordinated multidisciplinary environmental characterization with combined public health studies are limited, with often piecemeal and snapshot studies reported, as highlighted by this review. Furthermore, studies are often not connected with efforts to minimize hazards holistically. Given this, we systematically reviewed the scientific literature on human health hazards associated with ASGM in Africa through Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Pubmed databases. One hundred and seventy-three peer-reviewed papers published between 1996 and June 2023 from 30 African countries were identified. Toxicological environmental hazards were reported in 102 peer-reviewed papers, notably As, Cd, CN, Cr, Hg, Pb, respirable SiO2-laden dust, and radionuclides. Exposure to PTEs in human biomonitoring matrices and associated health impacts were documented in 71 papers. Hg was the most reported hazard. Gaps in research robustness, regulation and policy framework, technology, risk detection, surveillance, and management were found. Despite international and in-country mitigation efforts, ASGM-related hazards in Africa are worsening. This review paper highlights the need for coordinated action and multidisciplinary collaborative research to connect dispersed isolated studies to better characterize the associated disease burden associated with ASGM in Africa and sustainably maximize the wider benefits of ASGM whilst protecting public health and the environment

    Serum IL-8 is a marker of white-matter hyperintensities in patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction Neuroinflammation and cerebrovascular disease (CeVD) have been implicated in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The present study aimed to examine serum inflammatory markers in preclinical stages of dementia and in AD, as well as to investigate their associations with concomitant CeVD. Methods We performed a cross-sectional case–control study including 96 AD, 140 cognitively impaired no dementia (CIND), and 79 noncognitively impaired participants. All subjects underwent neuropsychological and neuroimaging assessments, as well as collection of blood samples for measurements of serum samples interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor α levels. Subjects were classified as CIND or dementia based on clinical criteria. Significant CeVD, including white-matter hyperintensities (WMHs), lacunes, and cortical infarcts, was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Results After controlling for covariates, higher concentrations of IL-8, but not the other measured cytokines, were associated with both CIND and AD only in the presence of significant CeVD (CIND with CeVD: odds ratios [ORs] 4.53; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5–13.4 and AD with CeVD: OR 7.26; 95% CI 1.2–43.3). Subsequent multivariate analyses showed that among the types of CeVD assessed, only WMH was associated with higher IL-8 levels in CIND and AD (WMH: OR 2.81; 95% CI 1.4–5.6). Discussion Serum IL-8 may have clinical utility as a biomarker for WMH in AD. Longitudinal follow-up studies would help validate these findings

    Altered NCAM expression associated with the cholinergic system in Alzheimer's disease

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    Neurotransmitter system dysfunction and synapse loss have been recognized as hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our hypothesis is that specific neurochemical populations of neurons might be more vulnerable to degeneration in AD due to particular deficits in synaptic plasticity. We have studied, in postmortem brain tissue, the relationship between levels of synaptic markers (NCAM and BDNF), neurochemical measurements (cholinacetyltransferase activity, serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and glutamate levels), and clinical data (cognitive status measured as MMSE score). NCAM levels in frontal and temporal cortex from AD patients were significantly lower than control patients. Interestingly, these reductions in NCAM levels were associated to an ApoE4 genotype. Levels of BDNF were also significantly reduced in both frontal and temporal regions in AD patients. The ratio between plasticity markers and neurochemical measurements was used to study which of the neurochemical populations was particularly associated to plasticity changes. In both the frontal and temporal cortex, there was a significant reduction in the ChAT/NCAM ratio in AD samples compared to controls. None of the ratios to BDNF were different between control and AD samples. Furthermore, Pearson's product moment showed a significant positive correlation between MMSE score and the ChAT/NCAM ratio in frontal cortex (n=19; r=0.526*; p=0.037) as well as in temporal cortex (n=19; r=0.601*; p=0.018) in AD patients. Altogether, these data suggest a potential involvement of NCAM expressing neurons in the cognitive deficits in AD

    Finite Temperature Systems of Brane-Antibrane on a Torus

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    In order to study the thermodynamic properties of brane-antibrane systems in the toroidal background, we compute the finite temperature effective potential of tachyon T in this system on the basis of boundary string field theory. We first consider the case that all the radii of the target space torus are about the string scale. If the Dp-antiDp pair is extended in all the non-compact directions, the sign of the coefficient of |T|^2 term of the potential changes slightly below the Hagedorn temperature. This means that a phase transition occurs near the Hagedorn temperature. On the other hand, if the Dp-antiDp pair is not extended in all the non-compact directions, the coefficient is kept negative, and thus a phase transition does not occur. Secondly, we consider the case that some of the radii of the target space torus are much larger than the string scale and investigate the behavior of the potential for each value of the radii and the total energy. If the Dp-antiDp pair is extended in all the non-compact directions, a phase transition occurs for large enough total energy.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, minor errors corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Involvement of an altered 5-HT -{6} receptor function in behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

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    We studied the hypothesis that disturbances in 5-HT_{6} receptor function in the temporal cortex may contribute to clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). 5-HT_{6} density and 5-HT levels were significantly decreased in a cohort of AD patients prospectively assessed for cognitive/behavioral symptoms. cAMP formation after stimulation with the selective 5-HT_{6} receptor agonist E-6801 was significantly lower (p<0.01) in AD (170.02 +/- 27.53 pmol/mg prot.) compared to controls (823.33 +/-196.67). In addition, the ratio cAMP formation after stimulation with E-6801/5-HT_{6} receptor density was significantly lower (p< 0.01) in AD (6.67 +/- 0.83) compared to controls (16.67 +/- 3.33). Splitting these results by sex, 5-HT_{6} receptor activation was significantly lower (p< 0.01) in AD females compared to males (121.67 +/- 30.02 vs. 231.67 +/- 34.17 pmol/mg prot). 5-HT_{6} density and 5-HT levels were significantly correlated (p < or = 0.01) in both controls and AD patients, although in AD, this correlation was lost in females. Psychosis factor was the best predictor of reduced 5-HT levels or adenylate cyclase activity after E-6801 stimulation, the former result being due to females. It may be suggested that psychotic symptoms may be related to a dysregulation of 5-HT_{6} activation by 5-HT in the temporal cortex. These results are discussed in terms of purported influence of sex and therapeutical approaches to psychosis in AD

    Average Lattice Symmetry and Nanoscale Structural Correlations in Magnetoresistive Manganites

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    We report x-ray scattering studies of nanoscale structural correlations in the paramagnetic phases of the perovskite manganites La0.75_{0.75}(Ca0.45_{0.45}Sr0.55_{0.55})0.25_{0.25}MnO3_3, La0.625_{0.625}Sr0.375_{0.375}MnO3_3, and Nd0.45_{0.45}Sr0.55_{0.55}MnO3_3. We find that these correlations are present in the orthorhombic OO phase in La0.75_{0.75}(Ca0.45_{0.45}Sr0.55_{0.55})0.25_{0.25}MnO3_3, but they disappear abruptly at the orthorhombic-to-rhombohedral transition in this compound. The orthorhombic phase exhibits increased electrical resistivity and reduced ferromagnetic coupling, in agreement with the association of the nanoscale correlations with insulating regions. In contrast, the correlations were not detected in the two other compounds, which exhibit rhombohedral and tetragonal phases. Based on these results, as well as on previously published work, we propose that the local structure of the paramagnetic phase correlates strongly with the average lattice symmetry, and that the nanoscale correlations are an important factor distinguishing the insulating and the metallic phases in these compounds.Comment: a note on recent experimental work, and a new reference adde