935 research outputs found

    Energy-aware dynamic pricing model for cloud environments

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    Energy consumption is a critical operational cost for Cloud providers. However, as commercial providers typically use fixed pricing schemes that are oblivious about the energy costs of running virtual machines, clients are not charged according to their actual energy impact. Some works have proposed energy-aware cost models that are able to capture each client’s real energy usage. However, those models cannot be naturally used for pricing Cloud services, as the energy cost is calculated after the termination of the service, and it depends on decisions taken by the provider, such as the actual placement of the client’s virtual machines. For those reasons, a client cannot estimate in advance how much it will pay. This paper presents a pricing model for virtualized Cloud providers that dynamically derives the energy costs per allocation unit and per work unit for each time period. They account for the energy costs of the provider’s static and dynamic energy consumption by sharing out them according to the virtual resource allocation and the real resource usage of running virtual machines for the corresponding time period. Newly arrived clients during that period can use these costs as a baseline to calculate their expenses in advance as a function of the number of requested allocation and work units. Our results show that providers can get comparable revenue to traditional pricing schemes, while offering to the clients more proportional prices than fixed-price models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modal Sosial Dalam Dinamika Perkembangan Sentra Industri Logam Waru Sidoarjo

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    The new institutional economics paradigm, qualitative-interpretive paradigm, case study strategy, and narrative interviewing were applied in this research in reconstructing conceptually and theoretically how the existence and roles of social capital within the context of the dynamics of SILOW (Sentra Industri Logam Waru) development since its beginning through the development of ASPILOW (Asosiasi Pengusaha Industri Logam Waru). Four distinct social capital perspectives and MBCA (Mutually Beneficial Collective Action are used as two proxies in reconstructing the existence and roles of social capital on the dynamics of SILOW development. Based on analytical reconstruction found that structurally and cognitively the existence and roles of social capital contribute significantly to the industry development of SILOW in five phases: the embryo of blacksmith center, the blacksmith center, the metal works center (SILOW), the SILOW-Synergy I, and the SILOW-Synergy II

    Peran Keberadaan Koperasi Siswa sebagai Laboratorium Belajar Ekonomi

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    This study aims to find out the roles of the school cooperation as an economic-learning laboratory for students of the Vocational Schools located at Kuripan subdistrict, West Lombok. This study was carried out within the framework of qualitative descriptive research. The methods used for data collection include observations, interviews and documantations. The findings suggest that the school cooperation at the Public Vocational School 1 Kuripan serves the following roles: to provide students with their needs at school, to help students in developing characters of honesty and responsibility, to promote students\u27 insight into economic science, to provide students with organization education. As for the school cooperation at the Public Vocational School 2 Kuripan, the two following roles are identified: to give a help with providing students\u27 needs at school and to provide a place to sell creative products by the students in particular those who are specialized in cullinary art and agriculture.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran dari keberadaan koperasi siswa sebagai laboratorium belajar ekonomi di SMK sekecamatan Kuripan Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di SMKN 1 Kuripan, peran dari keberadaan koperasi siswa sebagai laboratorium belajar ekonomi, yaitu, membantu memenuhi kebutuhan siswa di sekolah, menumbuhkan nilai-nilai kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab, meningkatkan pengetahuan ekonomi siswa, mendidik sisiwa berorganisasi. Sementara itu, koperasi siswa SMKN 2 Kuripan mempunyai peran membantu memenuhi segala kebutuhan siswa di sekolah, sebagi tempat penjualan barang-barang hasil kreasi dari siswa khusunya yang mengambil jurusan tata boga, dan pertanian

    Efisiensi Pengambilan Keputusan Sumber Daya Ekonomi Konsumsi Produksi Mahasiswa

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    Economic efficiency can be interpreted as a measure of the level of resource use in a process. More efficient / less use of resources then the process is said to be more efficient Decision-making is an encouragement both from within and from outside oneself to do activities. The study was performed by students who incidentally got learning about resource utilization, this study uses qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. The results of this study that most students have a pattern of behavior where the economy is good enough in ten respondents selected randomly discovered that three of them have economic efficiency is quite complete. Knowledge includes the value of goods and the priorities in his life; Budgeting, saving and how to manage money; taking a decision to buy goods; The basics of investment; Utilization of shopping and comparing products.Efisiensi ekonomi dapat diartikan sebagai ukuran tingkat penggunaan sumber daya dalam suatu proses. Semakin hemat/sedikit penggunaan sumber daya, maka prosesnya dikatakan semakin efisien. Pengambilan keputusan merupakan suatu dorongan dari dalam maupun dari luar diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas.Penelitian ini dilakukan mahasiswa yang notabene mendapat pembelajaran tentang pemanfaatan sumber daya, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan mahasiswa memiliki pola perilaku ekonomi yang cukup baik dimana dari sepuluh responden yang dipilih secara acak ditemukan bahwa tiga di antaranya memiliki efisiensi ekonomi yang terbilang cukup lengkap, meliputi pengetahuan nilai suatu barang dan skala prioritas dalam hidupnya; penganggaran, tabungan dan bagaimana mengelola uang; mengambil keputusan dalam membeli barang; dasar-dasar investasi; pemanfaatan dari belanja dan membandingkan produk

    Optimalisasi Sumber Belajar Ekonomi dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi di SMA

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    This research is a development that is in optimizing the learning resources inherent in the economy high school students. There are many learning resources that can be used for the students but the students and teacher in particular are not able to maximize the learning economy. This is a problem in this study. This research method using the Design Based Research (DBR), the results obtained are of validator experts, practitioners, and students also declared valid and can be developed. Results are conducted at the high school level is Public Senior High School in Tumpang, Malang. The response of students in learning also showed good results and inspire.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, yaitu dalam mengoptimalisasi sumber belajar ekonomi yang melekat pada siswa di SMA. Terdapat banyak sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan untuk siswa namun siswa dan guru dalam pembelajaran khususnya adalah pembelajaran ekonomi belum dapat memaksimalkan. Hal tersebut menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design Based Research (DBR), hasil yang didapatkan yaitu dari validator ahli, praktisi, dan siswa menyatakan valid dan dapat dikembangkan. Hasil tersebut dilakukan di tingkat SMA, yaitu SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang. Tanggapan siswa dalam pembelajaran juga menunjukkan hasil yang baik dan menginspirasi

    Proses Belajar Siswa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi SMA

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    The purpose of this study is: (1) Know the process of students in the learning economy. (2) Determine the efforts of students to improve students' critical thinking skills on economic subjects. (3) Know the teachers' efforts in motivating students to think critically on economic subjects. The research results have been obtained in the field said that the students of class XI IPS in SMAN 5 Malang and in high school Malang Panjura have critical thinking skills are diverse and differ in the learning process in schools, especially in economy class learning. The results of the interview obtained the opinion that the students' critical thinking skills are the attitudes of students in thinking reflex that responds to the subject matter of economics. for something that is not as usual, not in general, and not as routine. It means that something is not the same and the addition of new innovations to show it's creativity.Tujuan penelitan ini adalah (1) mengetahui proses belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran ekonomi; (2) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi; (3) mengetahui USAha guru dalam memberikan motivasi siswa untuk mampu berpikir kritis pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh di lapangan menyebutkan bahwa siswa kelas XI IPS di SMA Negeri 5 Malang maupun di SMA Panjura Malang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis yang berbeda dalam proses pembelajaran Ekonomi di sekolah, khususnya dalam pembelajaran kelas. Hasil wawancara diperoleh pendapat bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa adalah sikap siswa dalam berpikir secara reflek yang merespon materi pelajaran Ekonomi, untuk sesuatu yang tidak seperti biasa, tidak pada umumnya, dan tidak seperti rutinitas. Maksudnya bahwa sesuatu yang tidak sama dan adanya tambahan inovasi baru menunjukkan kreativitas

    Improving water productivity, reducing poverty and enhancing equity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: CPWF project report 68

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    Farming systems / Mixed farming / Water productivity / Feed production / Livestock / Energy consumption / Gender / Poverty / River basins / Case studies / India / Indo-Gangetic Basin / West Bengal / Haryana / Uttar Pradesh
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