913 research outputs found

    Energy-aware dynamic pricing model for cloud environments

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    Energy consumption is a critical operational cost for Cloud providers. However, as commercial providers typically use fixed pricing schemes that are oblivious about the energy costs of running virtual machines, clients are not charged according to their actual energy impact. Some works have proposed energy-aware cost models that are able to capture each client’s real energy usage. However, those models cannot be naturally used for pricing Cloud services, as the energy cost is calculated after the termination of the service, and it depends on decisions taken by the provider, such as the actual placement of the client’s virtual machines. For those reasons, a client cannot estimate in advance how much it will pay. This paper presents a pricing model for virtualized Cloud providers that dynamically derives the energy costs per allocation unit and per work unit for each time period. They account for the energy costs of the provider’s static and dynamic energy consumption by sharing out them according to the virtual resource allocation and the real resource usage of running virtual machines for the corresponding time period. Newly arrived clients during that period can use these costs as a baseline to calculate their expenses in advance as a function of the number of requested allocation and work units. Our results show that providers can get comparable revenue to traditional pricing schemes, while offering to the clients more proportional prices than fixed-price models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Disrupting Innovation Driven by Governmental Regulatory Targeting, Not Slow Guided Incremental Innovation Involving Incumbents is What is Needed to Transform the Industrial State

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    Strategic Niche Management and Transition Management have been promoted as useful avenues to pursue in order to achieve both specific product or process changes and system transformation by focusing on technology development through evolutionary and co-evolutionary processes, guided by government and relevant stakeholders. However, these processes are acknowledged to require decades to achieve their intended changes, a timeframe that is too long to adequately address many of the environmental and social issues we are facing. An approach that involves incumbents and does not consider targets that look beyond reasonably foreseeable technology is likely to advance a model where incumbents evolve rather than being replaced or displaced. Sustainable development requires both disruptive technological and institutional changes, the latter including stringent regulation, integration beyond coordination of disparate goals, and changes in incentives to enable new voices to contribute to integrated systems and solutions. This paper outlines options for a strong governmental role in setting future sustainability goals and the pathways for achieving them

    Efisiensi Pengambilan Keputusan Sumber Daya Ekonomi Konsumsi Produksi Mahasiswa

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    Economic efficiency can be interpreted as a measure of the level of resource use in a process. More efficient / less use of resources then the process is said to be more efficient Decision-making is an encouragement both from within and from outside oneself to do activities. The study was performed by students who incidentally got learning about resource utilization, this study uses qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. The results of this study that most students have a pattern of behavior where the economy is good enough in ten respondents selected randomly discovered that three of them have economic efficiency is quite complete. Knowledge includes the value of goods and the priorities in his life; Budgeting, saving and how to manage money; taking a decision to buy goods; The basics of investment; Utilization of shopping and comparing products.Efisiensi ekonomi dapat diartikan sebagai ukuran tingkat penggunaan sumber daya dalam suatu proses. Semakin hemat/sedikit penggunaan sumber daya, maka prosesnya dikatakan semakin efisien. Pengambilan keputusan merupakan suatu dorongan dari dalam maupun dari luar diri seseorang untuk melakukan aktivitas.Penelitian ini dilakukan mahasiswa yang notabene mendapat pembelajaran tentang pemanfaatan sumber daya, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan mahasiswa memiliki pola perilaku ekonomi yang cukup baik dimana dari sepuluh responden yang dipilih secara acak ditemukan bahwa tiga di antaranya memiliki efisiensi ekonomi yang terbilang cukup lengkap, meliputi pengetahuan nilai suatu barang dan skala prioritas dalam hidupnya; penganggaran, tabungan dan bagaimana mengelola uang; mengambil keputusan dalam membeli barang; dasar-dasar investasi; pemanfaatan dari belanja dan membandingkan produk

    The Investigations of Nitric Oxide Influence on Lifespan of Fruit Fly D. melanogaster Transgenic Strain dNOS4

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    Introduction. Aging and longevity control are among the greatest problems in biology and medicine. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a nice model organism for longevity investigations because of its biological features. Many D. melanogaster genes have their orthologs, similar in other eukaryotes, including human. The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the D. melanogaster lifespan has been analyzed.Methods. Virgin flies of dNOS4 transgenic strain were used for the experiment. This strain contains non-functional additional copies of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene under heat shock promoter.  For promoter activation, transgenic flies on their second day of life were exposed to heat shock (37°C) for an hour. After heat shock, flies were maintained on standard medium temperatures at 25°C, with females separate from males. Two types of control were used: Oregon R wild-type strain and Oregon R strain exposed to heat shock. The average lifespan was evaluated.Results. It was revealed that the longevity of females was significantly higher than males in each series of experiments (p < 0.05). The survival rate of females and males was similar in the first month of their life, but in the second month the mortality among males was much higher than among females in all series of experiments. The average lifespan of dNOS4 imago was 31 days (34 days for females and 28 days for males), maximum lifespan was 63 days. In controls, the average lifespan of Oregon R flies was 54 days (58 days for females and 50 days for males), and the maximum lifespan was 94 days. The average lifespan of Oregon R flies exposed to heat shock was 45 days (48 days for females and 41 days for males), and the maximum lifespan was 72 days. The difference between average lifespan in all studied groups is statistically significant (p < 0.05).Conclusion. Thus, NOS-transgene activation results in formation of non-functional  dNOS4-transcripts and NO deficiency. In turn, NO deficiency decreases dNOS4 imago lifespan.

    Improving water productivity, reducing poverty and enhancing equity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: CPWF project report 68

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    Farming systems / Mixed farming / Water productivity / Feed production / Livestock / Energy consumption / Gender / Poverty / River basins / Case studies / India / Indo-Gangetic Basin / West Bengal / Haryana / Uttar Pradesh


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    Abstract There is current concern about a student-loan crisis, as student-loan debt, which now exceeds $1 trillion, has surpassed credit-card debt for the first time

    Monte Carlo Comparisons to a Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Detector with low Transition-Edge-Sensor Transition Temperature

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    We present results on phonon quasidiffusion and Transition Edge Sensor (TES) studies in a large, 3 inch diameter, 1 inch thick [100] high purity germanium crystal, cooled to 50 mK in the vacuum of a dilution refrigerator, and exposed with 59.5 keV gamma-rays from an Am-241 calibration source. We compare calibration data with results from a Monte Carlo which includes phonon quasidiffusion and the generation of phonons created by charge carriers as they are drifted across the detector by ionization readout channels. The phonon energy is then parsed into TES based phonon readout channels and input into a TES simulator
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