32 research outputs found

    Lineshape distortion in a nonlinear auto-oscillator near generation threshold: Application to spin-torque nano-oscillators

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    The lineshape in an auto-oscillator with a large nonlinear frequency shift in the presence of thermal noise is calculated. Near the generation threshold, this lineshape becomes strongly non-Lorentzian, broadened, and asymmetric. A Lorentzian lineshape is recovered far below and far above threshold, which suggests that lineshape distortions provide a signature of the generation threshold. The theory developed adequately describes the observed behavior of a strongly nonlinear spin-torque nano-oscillator.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Current-driven microwave oscillations in current perpendicular-to-plane spin-valve nanopillars

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    We study the current and temperature dependences of the microwave voltage emission of spin-valve nanopillars subjected to an in-plane magnetic field and a perpendicular-to-plane current. Despite the complex multilayer geometry, clear microwave emission is shown to be possible and spectral lines as narrow as 3.8 MHz (at 150 K) are observed.Comment: To appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts

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    We present experimental evidence of sub-GHz spin-transfer oscillations in metallic nano-contacts that are due to the translational motion of a magnetic vortex. The vortex is shown to execute large-amplitude orbital motion outside the contact region. Good agreement with analytical theory and micromagnetics simulations is found.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Large microwave generation from d.c. driven magnetic vortex oscillators in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Spin polarized current can excite the magnetization of a ferromagnet through the transfer of spin angular momentum to the local spin system. This pure spin-related transport phenomena leads to alluring possibilities for the achievement of a nanometer scale, CMOS compatible and tunable microwave generator operating at low bias for future wireless communications. Microwave emission generated by the persitent motion of magnetic vortices induced by spin transfer effect seems to be a unique manner to reach appropriate spectral linewidth. However, in metallic systems, where such vortex oscillations have been observed, the resulting microwave power is much too small. Here we present experimental evidences of spin-transfer induced core vortex precessions in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions with similar good spectral quality but an emitted power at least one order of magnitude stronger. More importantly, unlike to others spin transfer excitations, the thorough comparison between experimental results and models provide a clear textbook illustration of the mechanisms of vortex precessions induced by spin transfer

    Nanoscale switch for vortex polarization mediated by Bloch core formation in magnetic hybrid systems

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    Vortices are fundamental magnetic topological structures characterized by a curling magnetization around a highly stable nanometric core. The control of the polarization of this core and its gyration is key to the utilization of vortices in technological applications. So far polarization control has been achieved in single-material structures using magnetic fields, spin-polarized currents or spin waves. Here we demonstrate local control of the vortex core orientation in hybrid structures where the vortex in an in-plane Permalloy film coexists with out-of-plane maze domains in a Co/Pd multilayer. The vortex core reverses its polarization on crossing a maze domain boundary. This reversal is mediated by a pair of magnetic singularities, known as Bloch points, and leads to the transient formation of a three-dimensional magnetization structure: a Bloch core. The interaction between vortex and domain wall thus acts as a nanoscale switch for the vortex core polarization

    Vortices on the move

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