70 research outputs found

    Własności sensorowe pojedynczych nanodrutów SbSI

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    The main aim of the work was to build sensors based on single antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires and investigate their electrical, photoelectrical, and sensor properties. Comparison of sensors constructed from single SbSI nanowires and SbSI gel was the second purpose. The first principal thesis of the work is following: ultrasonic nanowelding is method for creating reliable and low-resistance contacts between SbSI nanowires and microelectrodes. The second thesis of work states that electrical, photoelectrical, and sensor properties of single SbSI nanowires and SbSI gel are different. SbSI nanowires were characterized by using techniques such as HRTEM, XRD, EDS, DRS, AFM, SEM, and measurements of current-voltage characteristics. Influence of various gases (nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia and water vapor) on electrical and photoelectrical properties of single SbSI nanowires was investigated. Mechanism of interaction between the gas molecules and the SbSI nanowire surface was analyzed. It was found, that the electrical conductivity of sonochemically prepared SbSI nanowires is p-type. It is in agreement with data reported in literature for bulk SbSI crystals and SbSI nanowires obtained in the same technology of material preparation. High sensitive, selective, small sized and low power SbSI nanosensors can find applications as photodetectors, as well as humidity and gas sensors


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    Pontiseum, a place where pieces of the oldest bridges ever built in Warsaw are exhibited, was open in 2014 at the Road and Bridge Research Institute. This article describes how documents pertaining to proper classification of bridge remains and determining their status and establishment of ownership rights circulate between administrative bodies. Since bridge remains have not been classified as historic monuments, parties of proceedings interpreted them in different ways. Moreover, the article also explains the rules governing inclusion of similar items considered as historic monuments under different categories. The authors emphasize that it is of utmost importance to preserve them for future generations.Pontiseum, a place where pieces of the oldest bridges ever built in Warsaw are exhibited, was open in 2014 at the Road and Bridge Research Institute. This article describes how documents pertaining to proper classification of bridge remains and determining their status and establishment of ownership rights circulate between administrative bodies. Since bridge remains have not been classified as historic monuments, parties of proceedings interpreted them in different ways. Moreover, the article also explains the rules governing inclusion of similar items considered as historic monuments under different categories. The authors emphasize that it is of utmost importance to preserve them for future generations

    Quantum effects in electrical conductivity and photoconductivity of single SbSI nanowire

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    For the first time current quantization is reported for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires. It has been registered in current responses on electric eld switching as well as on illumination on and o . Current steps determined in all experiments have been equal to each other within the experimental error. It has been explained by the quantized change of free carrier concentration in nanowire. Lateral dimensions of SbSI nanowires estimated from quantum steps are comparable with geometrical data reported for the same technology of material preparation

    Properties of Sonochemically Prepared CuInxGa1-xS2 and CuInxGa1-xSe2

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    Nanoparticles of chalcopyrites copper indium gallium sul de (CuInxGa1xS2 or CIGS) and copper indium gallium selenide (CuInxGa1xSe2 or CIGSe) were fabricated sonochemically. They were characterized by Xray di raction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron di raction, and di use re ectance spectroscopy. The electrical and photoelectrical properties of the fabricated nanomaterials were investigated

    Interfacial Polarization Phenomena in Compressed Nanowires of SbSI

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    The systematic studies of the extrinsic Maxwell–Wagner–Sillars polarization process in compressed antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires are carried out by dielectric spectroscopy. The dielectric response is studied in temperature (100 T 350) K and frequency (103 f 106) Hz ranges. Dielectric functions commonly used for the analysis of dielectric spectra related to intrinsic polarization processes were applied in the elaboration of experimental data. It was found that the respective “semi-circles” in the Cole–Cole-type plots display a characteristic pear-like shape for the ferroelectric phase. On the other hand, the data for the paraelectric phase form symmetrical arcs. This response is effectively parametrized using the experimental Cole–Davidson and Cole–Cole functions fitted to the data obtained for the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases, respectively. It is deduced that the particular shape of spectra in the ferroelectric phase is due to spontaneous polarization, which is responsible for an asymmetric broadening of relaxation functions related to the interfacial polarization

    Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Lead-Free Flexible PVDF-Barium Titanate Composite Films for Driving Low Power Electronics

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    Self‐powered sensor development is moving towards miniaturization and requires a suitable power source for its operation. The piezoelectric nanogenerator (PENG) is a potential candidate to act as a partial solution to suppress the burgeoning energy demand. The present work is focused on the development of the PENG based on flexible polymer‐ceramic composite films. The X‐ray spectra suggest that the BTO particles have tetragonal symmetry and the PVDF‐BTO composite films (CF) have a mixed phase. The dielectric constant increases with the introduction of the particles in the PVDF polymer and the loss of the CF is much less for all compositions. The BTO particles have a wide structural diversity and are lead‐free, which can be further employed to make a CF. An attempt was made to design a robust, scalable, and cost‐effective piezoelectric nanogenerator based on the PVDF‐BTO CFs. The solvent casting route was a facile approach, with respect to spin coating, electrospinning, or sonication routes. The introduction of the BTO particles into PVDF enhanced the dielectric constant and polarization of the composite film. Furthermore, the single‐layered device output could be increased by strategies such as internal polarization amplification, which was confirmed with the help of the polarization‐electric field loop of the PVDF‐ BTO composite film. The piezoelectric nanogenerator with 10 wt% BTO‐PVDF CF gives a high electrical output of voltage 7.2 V, current 38 nA, and power density of 0.8 μW/cm2 at 100 MΩ. Finally, the energy harvesting using the fabricated PENG is done by various actives like coin dropping, under air blowing, and finger tapping. Finally, low‐power electronics such as calculator is successfully powered by charging a 10 μF capacitor using the PENG device. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.1

    Fast and efficient piezo/photocatalytic removal of methyl orange using SbSI nanowires

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    Piezocatalysis is a novel method that can be applied for degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater. In this paper, ferroelectric nanowires of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) have been fabricated using a sonochemical method. Methyl orange (MO) was chosen as a typical pollutant, as it is widely used as a dye in industry. An aqueous solution of MO at a concentration of 30 mg/L containing SbSI nanowires (6 g/L) was subjected to ultrasonic vibration. High degradation e ciency of 99.5% was achieved after an extremely short period of ultrasonic irradiation (40 s). The large reaction rate constant of 0.126(8) s1 was determined for piezocatalytic MO decomposition. This rate constant is two orders of magnitude larger than values of reaction rate constants reported in the literature for the most e cient piezocatalysts. These promising experimental results have proved a great potential of SbSI nanowires for their application in environmental purification and renewable energy conversion

    Quantum Eects in Electrical Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Single SbSI Nanowire

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    For the rst time current quantization is reported for antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) nanowires. It has been registered in current responses on electric eld switching as well as on illumination on and o. Current steps determined in all experiments have been equal to each other within the experimental error. It has been explained by the quantized change of free carrier concentration in nanowire. Lateral dimensions of SbSI nanowires estimated from quantum steps are comparable with geometrical data reported for the same technology of material preparation

    The 17th century construction of floating bridges manual

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    Opisano zalecane w podręczniku metody budowy mostów łyżwowych do celów wojskowych. Pokazano zbudowane przez wojska hiszpańskie mosty przez Skaldę w Antwerpii i przez Ren w Rheindürkheim. Przedstawiono sylwetkę kapitana artylerii Diega Ufano, autora XVII-wiecznego podręcznika artylerii.Recommended methods of construction of floating bridges for military needs were described in his manual. Bridges on Scald in Antwerp and on Rhine in Rheindürkheim built by Spanish army were also presented. Diego Ufano the captain of artillery and the writer of the 17th century artillery manual was presented

    The first road map of Poland

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    Podczas potopu szwedzkiego, jak nazwano wojnę w latach 1655-1658, została opracowana pierwsza mapa Polski pokazująca sieć drogową. Pierwszy szkic w ołówku i kolejny rysunek mapy w tuszu wykonał Szwed, Eryk Jöhnson Dahlbergh, dla potrzeb wojskowych. Mapę pokazującą najważniejsze drogi w obszarze zlewni Wisły włączono do księgi o dokonaniach króla Karola X Gustawa opublikowanej w Norymberdze przez Samuela von Pufendorfa w 1696 rDuring the Swedish Flood, how the war 1655-1658 was called, the first map of Poland showing road network was worked out. The first pencil sketch and then ink drawing were done for military needs by Swedish officer Eric Jöhnson Dahlbergh. Map showing the most important roads in Vistula basin area was included to the book on achievements of king Charles X Gustav and published in 1696 by Sir Samuel Pufendorf in Nuremberg