311 research outputs found

    Taking Synchrony Seriously: A Perceptual-Level Model of Infant Synchrony Detection

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    Synchrony detection between different sensory and/or motor channels appears critically important for young infant learning and cognitive development. For example, empirical studies demonstrate that audio-visual synchrony aids in language acquisition. In this paper we compare these infant studies with a model of synchrony detection based on the Hershey and Movellan (2000) algorithm augmented with methods for quantitative synchrony estimation. Four infant-model comparisons are presented, using audio-visual stimuli of increasing complexity. While infants and the model showed learning or discrimination with each type of stimuli used, the model was most successful with stimuli comprised of one audio and one visual source, and also with two audio sources and a dynamic-face visual motion source. More difficult for the model were stimuli conditions with two motion sources, and more abstract visual dynamics—an oscilloscope instead of a face. Future research should model the developmental pathway of synchrony detection. Normal audio-visual synchrony detection in infants may be experience-dependent (e.g., Bergeson, et al., 2004)

    Measurement of Coherent Production of pi(+/-) in Neutrino and Antineutrino Beams on Carbon from E-upsilon of 1.5 to 20 GeV

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    Neutrino-induced coherent charged pion production on nuclei upsilon((-))(mu)A -- \u3e mu(+/-)pi(-/+)A is a rare, inelastic interaction in which a small squared four-momentum |t| is transferred to the recoil nucleus, leaving it intact in the reaction. In the scintillator tracker of MINERvA, we remove events with evidence of particles from nuclear breakup and reconstruct |t| from the final-state pion and muon. We select low |t| events to isolate a sample rich in coherent candidates. By selecting low |t| events, we produce a model-independent measurement of the differential cross section for coherent scattering of neutrinos and antineutrinos on carbon. We find poor agreement with the predicted kinematics in neutrino generators used by current oscillation experiments

    Direct Measurement of Nuclear Dependence of Charged Current Quasielastic-like Neutrino Interactions using MINERvA

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    Charged-current νμ\nu_{\mu} interactions on carbon, iron, and lead with a final state hadronic system of one or more protons with zero mesons are used to investigate the influence of the nuclear environment on quasielastic-like interactions. The transfered four-momentum squared to the target nucleus, Q2Q^2, is reconstructed based on the kinematics of the leading proton, and differential cross sections versus Q2Q^2 and the cross-section ratios of iron, lead and carbon to scintillator are measured for the first time in a single experiment. The measurements show a dependence on atomic number. While the quasielastic-like scattering on carbon is compatible with predictions, the trends exhibited by scattering on iron and lead favor a prediction with intranuclear rescattering of hadrons accounted for by a conventional particle cascade treatment. These measurements help discriminate between different models of both initial state nucleons and final state interactions used in the neutrino oscillation experiments

    The MINERν\nuA Data Acquisition System and Infrastructure

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    MINERν\nuA (Main INjector ExpeRiment ν\nu-A) is a new few-GeV neutrino cross section experiment that began taking data in the FNAL NuMI (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Neutrinos at the Main Injector) beam-line in March of 2010. MINERν\nuA employs a fine-grained scintillator detector capable of complete kinematic characterization of neutrino interactions. This paper describes the MINERν\nuA data acquisition system (DAQ) including the read-out electronics, software, and computing architecture.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    Measurement of Total and Differential Cross Sections of Neutrino and Antineutrino Coherent π±\pi^\pm Production on Carbon

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    Neutrino induced coherent charged pion production on nuclei, ν‾μA→μ±π∓A\overline{\nu}_\mu A\to\mu^\pm\pi^\mp A, is a rare inelastic interaction in which the four-momentum squared transfered to the nucleus is nearly zero, leaving it intact. We identify such events in the scintillator of MINERvA by reconstructing |t| from the final state pion and muon momenta and by removing events with evidence of energetic nuclear recoil or production of other final state particles. We measure the total neutrino and antineutrino cross sections as a function of neutrino energy between 2 and 20 GeV and measure flux integrated differential cross sections as a function of Q2Q^2, EπE_\pi and θπ\theta_\pi. The Q2Q^2 dependence and equality of the neutrino and anti-neutrino cross-sections at finite Q2Q^2 provide a confirmation of Adler's PCAC hypothesis

    First evidence of coherent K+K^{+} meson production in neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    Neutrino-induced charged-current coherent kaon production, νμA→μ−K+A\nu_{\mu}A\rightarrow\mu^{-}K^{+}A, is a rare, inelastic electroweak process that brings a K+K^+ on shell and leaves the target nucleus intact in its ground state. This process is significantly lower in rate than neutrino-induced charged-current coherent pion production, because of Cabibbo suppression and a kinematic suppression due to the larger kaon mass. We search for such events in the scintillator tracker of MINERvA by observing the final state K+K^+, μ−\mu^- and no other detector activity, and by using the kinematics of the final state particles to reconstruct the small momentum transfer to the nucleus, which is a model-independent characteristic of coherent scattering. We find the first experimental evidence for the process at 3σ3\sigma significance.Comment: added ancillary file with information about the six kaon candidate

    Measurement of the muon anti-neutrino double-differential cross section for quasi-elastic scattering on hydrocarbon at~Eν∼3.5E_\nu \sim 3.5 GeV

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    We present double-differential measurements of anti-neutrino quasi-elastic scattering in the MINERvA detector. This study improves on a previous single differential measurement by using updated reconstruction algorithms and interaction models, and provides a complete description of observed muon kinematics in the form of a double-differential cross section with respect to muon transverse and longitudinal momentum. We include in our signal definition zero-meson final states arising from multi-nucleon interactions and from resonant pion production followed by pion absorption in the primary nucleus. We find that model agreement is considerably improved by a model tuned to MINERvA inclusive neutrino scattering data that incorporates nuclear effects such as weak nuclear screening and two-particle, two-hole enhancements.Comment: 47 pages, 31 figure
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