7 research outputs found

    The difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of serve and return of serve between female and male players on the Australian Open 2015.

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    Tenis je aciklički polistrukturalni sport, a struktura igre je iznimno kompleksna i dinamična. Veliki je broj faktora koji utječu na konačan rezultat jednog teniskog susreta, a jedni od najvažnijih, ali i najkompleksnijih su izvođenje servisa i vraćanje servisa. U profesionalnom su tenisu česte usporedbe između načina igre u muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji, a uspješnost u meču uvelike ovisi o uspješnosti izvođenja servisa i vraćanja servisa. Iz tog razloga će se u ovom radu usporediti na koji način tenisači pobjednici i tenisačice pobjednice igraju upravo analizirajući te segmente igre. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrđivanje razlika između tenisačica i tenisača u parametrima situacijske efikasnosti servisa i vraćanja servisa na Australian openu 2015. godine. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristili su se dostupni statistički pokazatelji odigranih pojedinačnih susreta WTA i ATP rangiranih tenisačica i tenisača koji su sudjelovali u glavnom turniru Australian opena 2015. godine. Praćene su varijable servisa i vraćanja servisa kod pobjednika i pobjednica u svim susretima kod kojih je bilo moguće statističko mjerenje kroz prva tri seta. Ukupno su praćene 24 varijable, od kojih se 16 varijabli odnosi na servis, a preostalih 8 na vraćanje servisa. Iz provedenog istraživanja se može zaključiti da tenisači u odnosu na tenisačice puno bolje igraju na vlastiti servis kroz sva tri seta, dok tenisačice igraju bolje u dijelu igre koji se odnosi na vraćanje servisa, uz veće oscilacije u igri na vlastitom servisu.Tennis is an acyclic poly structural sport and its structure is extremely complex and dynamic. There are a large number of factors that affect the final result of a tennis match, ranging from psycological endurance to game fitness but within the physical attributes of the game, two of the most important and signficant factors are the serve and the return of serve. Although in proffesional tennis there are many comparations between male and female tennis game, the result of a match is often determined by the success of a player's service game and when receiving, by his or her return of serve. Considering this, this research will investigate how proffesional female and male tennis players are managing these specific parts to their game. The main aim of this research is to determine the difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of the serve and return of the serve between female and male players during the Australian open 2015. For the purpose of this research, it will be used available statistic indicators of completed single matches of WTA and ATP ranked tennis players who participated in the main draw of the Australian open tournament in 2015. Variables of serve and return of the serve were egzamined only of the winning player, and i solely used results of the first, second, and third (where applicable for women's) sets. The total of 24 variables were examined, out of which 16 variables refer to serve and the next 8 to the return of the serve. It can be concluded from the research that male tennis players had a much higher service succes rate than female players in all three analysed sets, whilst female tennis players find significantly higher succes on their return of serve then during their own service games, which was oscilating for most of the players

    The difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of serve and return of serve between female and male players on the Australian Open 2015.

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    Tenis je aciklički polistrukturalni sport, a struktura igre je iznimno kompleksna i dinamična. Veliki je broj faktora koji utječu na konačan rezultat jednog teniskog susreta, a jedni od najvažnijih, ali i najkompleksnijih su izvođenje servisa i vraćanje servisa. U profesionalnom su tenisu česte usporedbe između načina igre u muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji, a uspješnost u meču uvelike ovisi o uspješnosti izvođenja servisa i vraćanja servisa. Iz tog razloga će se u ovom radu usporediti na koji način tenisači pobjednici i tenisačice pobjednice igraju upravo analizirajući te segmente igre. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrđivanje razlika između tenisačica i tenisača u parametrima situacijske efikasnosti servisa i vraćanja servisa na Australian openu 2015. godine. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristili su se dostupni statistički pokazatelji odigranih pojedinačnih susreta WTA i ATP rangiranih tenisačica i tenisača koji su sudjelovali u glavnom turniru Australian opena 2015. godine. Praćene su varijable servisa i vraćanja servisa kod pobjednika i pobjednica u svim susretima kod kojih je bilo moguće statističko mjerenje kroz prva tri seta. Ukupno su praćene 24 varijable, od kojih se 16 varijabli odnosi na servis, a preostalih 8 na vraćanje servisa. Iz provedenog istraživanja se može zaključiti da tenisači u odnosu na tenisačice puno bolje igraju na vlastiti servis kroz sva tri seta, dok tenisačice igraju bolje u dijelu igre koji se odnosi na vraćanje servisa, uz veće oscilacije u igri na vlastitom servisu.Tennis is an acyclic poly structural sport and its structure is extremely complex and dynamic. There are a large number of factors that affect the final result of a tennis match, ranging from psycological endurance to game fitness but within the physical attributes of the game, two of the most important and signficant factors are the serve and the return of serve. Although in proffesional tennis there are many comparations between male and female tennis game, the result of a match is often determined by the success of a player's service game and when receiving, by his or her return of serve. Considering this, this research will investigate how proffesional female and male tennis players are managing these specific parts to their game. The main aim of this research is to determine the difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of the serve and return of the serve between female and male players during the Australian open 2015. For the purpose of this research, it will be used available statistic indicators of completed single matches of WTA and ATP ranked tennis players who participated in the main draw of the Australian open tournament in 2015. Variables of serve and return of the serve were egzamined only of the winning player, and i solely used results of the first, second, and third (where applicable for women's) sets. The total of 24 variables were examined, out of which 16 variables refer to serve and the next 8 to the return of the serve. It can be concluded from the research that male tennis players had a much higher service succes rate than female players in all three analysed sets, whilst female tennis players find significantly higher succes on their return of serve then during their own service games, which was oscilating for most of the players

    The difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of serve and return of serve between female and male players on the Australian Open 2015.

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    Tenis je aciklički polistrukturalni sport, a struktura igre je iznimno kompleksna i dinamična. Veliki je broj faktora koji utječu na konačan rezultat jednog teniskog susreta, a jedni od najvažnijih, ali i najkompleksnijih su izvođenje servisa i vraćanje servisa. U profesionalnom su tenisu česte usporedbe između načina igre u muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji, a uspješnost u meču uvelike ovisi o uspješnosti izvođenja servisa i vraćanja servisa. Iz tog razloga će se u ovom radu usporediti na koji način tenisači pobjednici i tenisačice pobjednice igraju upravo analizirajući te segmente igre. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrđivanje razlika između tenisačica i tenisača u parametrima situacijske efikasnosti servisa i vraćanja servisa na Australian openu 2015. godine. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristili su se dostupni statistički pokazatelji odigranih pojedinačnih susreta WTA i ATP rangiranih tenisačica i tenisača koji su sudjelovali u glavnom turniru Australian opena 2015. godine. Praćene su varijable servisa i vraćanja servisa kod pobjednika i pobjednica u svim susretima kod kojih je bilo moguće statističko mjerenje kroz prva tri seta. Ukupno su praćene 24 varijable, od kojih se 16 varijabli odnosi na servis, a preostalih 8 na vraćanje servisa. Iz provedenog istraživanja se može zaključiti da tenisači u odnosu na tenisačice puno bolje igraju na vlastiti servis kroz sva tri seta, dok tenisačice igraju bolje u dijelu igre koji se odnosi na vraćanje servisa, uz veće oscilacije u igri na vlastitom servisu.Tennis is an acyclic poly structural sport and its structure is extremely complex and dynamic. There are a large number of factors that affect the final result of a tennis match, ranging from psycological endurance to game fitness but within the physical attributes of the game, two of the most important and signficant factors are the serve and the return of serve. Although in proffesional tennis there are many comparations between male and female tennis game, the result of a match is often determined by the success of a player's service game and when receiving, by his or her return of serve. Considering this, this research will investigate how proffesional female and male tennis players are managing these specific parts to their game. The main aim of this research is to determine the difference in the parameters of situational efficiency of the serve and return of the serve between female and male players during the Australian open 2015. For the purpose of this research, it will be used available statistic indicators of completed single matches of WTA and ATP ranked tennis players who participated in the main draw of the Australian open tournament in 2015. Variables of serve and return of the serve were egzamined only of the winning player, and i solely used results of the first, second, and third (where applicable for women's) sets. The total of 24 variables were examined, out of which 16 variables refer to serve and the next 8 to the return of the serve. It can be concluded from the research that male tennis players had a much higher service succes rate than female players in all three analysed sets, whilst female tennis players find significantly higher succes on their return of serve then during their own service games, which was oscilating for most of the players

    Satisfaction of PA teachers with elective study program in skiing

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    Ovim radom pokušala se utvrditi razina zadovoljstva izabranim programom smjera iz alpskoga skijanja kod magistara kineziologije. Zadovoljstvo studijskim programom ispitanika ispitano je putem anketnog upitnika, koji se je sastojao od 29 pitanja podijeljenih u pet dijelova. Pitanja su tematski vezana uz: troškove terenske nastave, kvalitetu teorijskog dijela nastave, kvalitetu praktičnog dijela terenske nastave, stručnost i kvalitetu nastavnika i vanjskih suradnika te mogućnost rada magistra kineziologije kao učitelja i trenera alpskoga skijanja. Većina ispitanika (91%) smatra kako je financijski aspekt smjera Skijanje dobar omjer uloženog i dobivenog te da se troškovi ulaganja mogu brzo nadoknaditi radom u struci. Vezano uz kvalitetu teorijskog dijela nastave, čak 73,21% ispitanika smatra kako na nastavi dobivaju korisne informacije vezane uz organizaciju i provedbu škole alpskoga skijanja. Tijekom terenske nastave 87,5% ispitanih slaže se kako su stekli potrebna praktična znanja i iskustva vezana uz poduku skijaša početnika i usavršavanje naprednijih skijaša u školi skijanja. Također, 85,71% ispitanika smatra kako su dobili mogućnost rada kao učitelj i trener alpskoga skijanja po završetku studija. Zaključno, 96,43% ispitanih slaže se kako profesori, nastavnici i vanjski suradnici svojim stručnim obrazovanjem i iskustvom u velikoj mjeri pridonose usavršavanju skijaške tehnike i što je znatno važnije znaju prenijeti svoje znanje studentima s kojima rade. Kao nedostatak trenutnog programa ispitanici navode praktičnu nastavu u alpskome skijanju osoba s invaliditetom. S obzirom na rezultate ovog istraživanja, moguće je zaključiti kako je razina zadovoljstva magistara kineziologije s odslušanim smjerom Skijanje izrazito pozitivna kod svih pet promatranih kategorija te kako će im znanje stečeno u sklopu smjera Skijanje pomoći u njihovom radu u školama alpskoga skijanja, što je važan preduvjet za provođenje kvalitetnih programa usmjerenih na učenje skijanja, ali i prevenciju nastanka ozljeda kod rekreativnih skijaša.The aim of the present research was to investigate the satisfaction of PA teachers with Skiing as their elective study program. For the purposes of the investigation we created the questionnaire consisting of 29 questions, grouped in 5 thematic units according to the subject of investigation. Groups of questions were specifically dealing with costs of the field program, quality and professionalism of teachers and external associates, quality of the practical part of the field teaching, quality of the theoretical part of the teaching program, and finally possibilities and opportunities PA teachers gain after the program for working as ski teachers and trainers. Majority of participants (91%) think that financial aspects reflect a well-balanced ratio of invested and received, and they could easily recoup the investment costs by working in the profession. Additionally, 73.21% of participants believe they received useful information in the classroom related to the organization and implementation of the school of alpine skiing. During fieldwork, 87.5% of participants agreed they gained the necessary practical knowledge and experience related to the training of beginner skiers and training of more advanced skiers in ski school. Also, 85.71% of participants agreed they were given the opportunity to work as a teacher and ski trainer after graduation. In conclusion, 96.43% of participants agreed that professors, teachers and external associates with their professional education and experience greatly contributed to the improvement of skiing techniques and, more importantly, knew how to transfer their knowledge to students with whom they worked. As a main shortcoming of the current program, the participants recognized the lack of practical classes in alpine skiing for people with disabilities. Considering the results of this research, it is possible to conclude that PA teachers after completed Skiing feel extremely positive in all five observed categories and confident in their future work as ski teachers and instructors in schools of alpine skiing, which is extremely important for quality-based alpine ski school programs and injury prevention of recreational level skiers

    Level of physical activity and daily sitting time: factors of sedentary lifestyle in young adults

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    Tjelesna aktivnost ubraja jedna je od osnovnih ljudskih potreba za funkcioniranje i održavanje zdravlja. Najveći problem današnje djece, adolescenata i studenata je način provođenja slobodnog vremena, koje je pretežno ispunjen gledanjem televizije, korištenjem računala i mobitela. Sedentarni stil života, bilo da je shvaćen kao reducirano vrijeme provedeno u tjelesnoj aktivnosti odnosno vrijeme provedeno u sjedenju, smatra se neovisnim čimbenikom rizika za nastanak različitih kroničnih bolesti i direktno utječe na smrtnost. Ovim istraživanjem htjeli smo utvrditi i objasniti razlike u tjelesnoj aktivnosti i vremenu provedenom u sjedećem položaju između dvije grupe ispitanika, studenata kineziologije u Pekingu i u Zagrebu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 238 ispitanika, studenata kineziologije s Kineziološkog fakulteta u Zagebu (UNIZG) i Pekinškog fakulteta za sport (BSU). Sudionici su ispunili IPAQ upitnik u kratkom obliku (IPAQ SF), prisjećajući se svih aktivnosti koje su obavljali u proteklih sedam dana. Rezultati sugeriraju kako obje grupe ispitanika zadovoljavaju kriterije propisane od strane SZO vezane uz preporučenu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti, iako su uočene značajne razlike između dviju grupa (UNIZG 186,79 minuta dnevno ± SD ; BSU 109,93 minuta dnevno ± SD). Isto tako, obje grupe ispitanika provode manje vremena u sjedećem položaju u odnosu na opću populaciju. Međutim, smatramo da su rezultati provedenog vremena u sjedećoj poziciji za ovu populaciju previsoki (UNIZG 221,27 minuta ± SD ; BSU 380,30 minuta ± SD). U današnje vrijeme kada moderne tehnologije dodatno potiču sjedilački način života, izuzetno je bitno djecu i mlade ljude sustavno poticati na uključivanje u različite sportske programe kako bi razvili cjeloživotnu naviku bavljenja redovitim tjelesnim vježbanjem. U protivnom, velika je mogućnost razvoja dugoročnih zdravstvenih poremećaja nastalih pod utjecajem sedentarnog načina života.Physical activity is one of the basic human needs to maintain health and normal functioning. The biggest problem of today’s children, adolescents and students is the way they spend their leisure time, which is mostly occupied with watching television, using computers and mobile phones. A sedentary lifestyle, whether understood as a reduced time spent in physical activity or time spent sitting, is considered an independent risk factor for the development of various chronic diseases and directly affects mortality. With this research, we wanted to identify and explain the differences in physical activity and sitting time between two groups, kinesiology students in Beijing and Zagreb. The study involved 238 participants, kinesiology students from the Faculty of Kinesiology, University in Zagreb (UNIZG) and the Beijing Sport University (BSU). Participants completed the IPAQ questionnaire in short form (IPAQ SF), recalling all the activities they had performed in the past seven days. The results suggest that both groups are achieving recommended level of physical activity according to the WHO, although significant differences were found between the two groups (UNIZG 186.79 minutes per day ± SD; BSU 109.93 minutes per day ± SD). Likewise, both groups of participants spend less time in a sitting position compared to the general population. However, we believe that the results of time spent while sitting are too high for this population (UNIZG 221.27 minutes ± SD; BSU 380.30 minutes ± SD). Nowadays, when modern technologies additionally encourage a sedentary lifestyle, it is extremely important to systematically encourage children and young adults to get involved in various sports programs in order to develop a lifelong routine of regular physical exercise. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of developing longterm health disorders caused by a sedentary lifestyle