752 research outputs found

    Significance of Physical Education for School Students

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    Physical education fosters personal and community wellness by empowering students to attain healthy, lifelong attitudes and behaviors through physical activity as part of the total educational experience. It: promotes a physically active lifestyle; o is a link to good health; o is a preventive measure against disease; o is a program for muscle strength and fitness; o promotes academic learning; o builds self esteem; and o develops cooperation, teamwork and sportsmanship skill The purpose of physical education is to instill in students, at an early age, the value of self preservation and choosing a lifestyle that is good for both the mind and body. Most physical education programs are holistic. The program allows student to interact together to a common goal and that is to win and excel physically. It brings out the competitive sides of students working both body and mind but also promotes sportsmanship. This paper primarily aims to ?give an insight into the health benefits of physical education programs for students within the school system. It also provides legislative / regulatory recommendations for the purpose of improving the quality of physical education. The paper concludes that by addressing the quality, quantity and intensity of physical education across the country (the educational as well as the activity component), policymakers will maximize children‘s potential for a lifetime of:  physical activity,  health, and wellness

    Strong Urge for Racial and Gender Identity amid the Cultural Chaos in Shyam Selvaduarai’s Funny Boy

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    The Sri-Lankan author Shyam Selvadurai colours his imagination within the racial experiences, gender hierarchy and ethical society of the place to share the world unfolded social dichotomy of the place where the conflict between the Tamils and Singhalese is the key problem of the society which needs to be changed and flexible granting freedom and choice to people promoting the democratic values and the social values as well. The novel Funny Boy paints beautifully to the urge of a child for his choice and freedom on the sensitive issue of race and gender like. The violence between Buddhist Sinhala Majority people and Hindu Tamil Minority due to the issue of homosexuality is central cultural thread which affects the mindset of the youths in the country. The novel reveals the extended chaos, troubles and tensed environment involving consistent fights and clashes of the people in Sri-Lankan society happening frequently

    An Efficient MDC based Set Partitioned Embedded Block Image Coding

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    In this paper, fast, efficient, simple and widely used Set Partitioned Embedded bloCK based coding is done onMultiple Descriptions of transformed image. The maximum potential of this type of coding can be exploited with discretewavelet transform (DWT) of images. Two correlated descriptions are generated from a wavelet transformed imageto ensure meaningful transmission of the image over noise prone wireless channels. These correlated descriptions areencoded by set partitioning technique through SPECK coders and transmitted over wireless channels. Quality ofreconstructed image at the decoder side depends upon the number of descriptions received. More the number ofdescriptions received at output side, more enhance the quality of reconstructed image. However, if any of the multipledescription is lost, the receive can estimate it exploiting the correlation between the descriptions. The simulationsperformed on an image on MATLAB gives decent performance and results even after half of the descriptions islost in transmissio

    Doppler study of umbilical and fetal middle cerebral artery in severe preeclampsia and intra uterine growth restriction and correlation with perinatal outcome

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia and IUGR are two conditions resulting from defective trophoblastic invasion of spiral arteries and an increase in vascular resistance in uteroplacental circulation. Doppler offers a non-invasive tool for evaluation of fetoplacental blood flow and correlate with fetal compromise giving early warning sign of fetal distress.Methods: The study was conducted in Command Hospital, Lucknow in 100 singleton pregnancies with vertex presentation between 28-40 weeks of gestation with severe preeclampsia and/or IUGR. Doppler analysis of UA and MCA was done. Pregnancies were terminated depending on clinical condition and Doppler results.Results: Abnormal Umbilical artery S/D ratio had strong statistical correlation with poor perinatal outcome. Elevated RI had 100% sensitivity in predicting APGAR48hrs) in predicting poor perinatal outcome. PI values had highest sensitivity for predicting low APGAR values and highest specificity for predicting NICU admission. AEDF and REDF also correlated with adverse perinatal outcome. MCA S/D ratio had a high sensitivity (96.8%) in determining NICU stay>48h and specificity (70%) in determining NICU admissions. RI had highest sensitivity (71.8%) for NICU stay >48hrs and highest specificity for predicting NICU admissions (76.5%). MCA PI had a sensitivity of 66.6% in determining APGAR<7 at 5min and a specificity of 78.7% in determining NICU admissions. CPR had the highest sensitivity (100%) among all indices.Conclusions: The study showed an adverse fetal outcome in cases of severe preeclampsia and or IUGR which showed abnormal Doppler results and thereby help to determine the optimal time for delivery

    Impact of Fuzzy Logic in Object-Oriented Database Through Blockchain

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    In this article, we show that applying fuzzy reasoning to an object-arranged data set produces noticeably better results than applying it to a social data set by applying it to both social and object-situated data sets. A Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) product structure offers a practical and efficient way to locate, store, and retrieve accurate data included inside a data collection. In any case, clients typically have to make vague, ambiguous, or fanciful requests. Our work allows clients the freedom to utilise FRDB to examine the database in everyday language, enabling us to provide a range of solutions that would benefit clients in a variety of ways. Given that the degree of attributes in a fuzzy knowledge base goes from 0 to 1, the term "fuzzy" was coined. This is due to the base's fictitious formalization's reliance on fuzzy reasoning. In order to lessen the fuzziness of the fuzzy social data set as a result of the abundance of uncertainty and vulnerabilities in clinical medical services information, a fuzzy article located information base is designed here for the Health-Care space. In order to validate the presentation and sufficiency of the fuzzy logic on both data sets, certain fuzzy questions are thus posed of the fuzzy social data set and the fuzzy item-situated information base.