41 research outputs found

    The association of anthropometric measures and osteoarthritis knee in non‐obese subjects: a cross sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: Body mass index (BMI) and knee osteoarthritis have a strong association, but other anthropometric measures lack such associations. To date, no study has evaluated non-obese knee osteoarthritis to negate the systemic and metabolic effects of obesity. This study examines the validity of the contention that BMI and other anthropometric measures have a significant relationship with knee osteoarthritis. METHODS: In total, 180 subjects with a diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis were recruited and classified according to Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grades. Body mass index, mid-upper arm circumference, waist-hip ratio and triceps-skinfold thickness were recorded by standard procedures. Osteoarthritis outcome scores (WOMAC) were evaluated. RESULTS: (1) In both genders, the BMI was significantly higher for KL grade 4 than for grade 2; triceps-skinfold thickness was positively correlated with the joint space width of the tibial medial compartment. (2) In males, triceps-skinfold thickness significantly increased as the KL grades moved from 2 to 4; the significantly higher BMI found in varus aligned knees was positively correlated with WOMAC scores. (3) In females, the waist-hip ratio was significantly higher for KL grade 4 than for grade 2; a significant correlation was found between BMI and WOMAC scores. The waist-hip ratio was significantly associated with varus aligned knees and it positively correlated with WOMAC scores and with the joint space width of the tibial medial compartment. The mid-upper arm circumference demonstrated no correlation with knee osteoarthritis. CONCLUS'ON: This study validates the contention that BMI and other anthropometric measures have a significant association with knee osteoarthritis. Contrary to common belief, the triceps-skinfold thickness (peripheral fat) in males and the waist-hip ratio (central fat) in females were more strongly associated with knee osteoarthritis than BMI

    Evaluating sustainable intensification and diversification options for agriculture-based livelihoods within an aquatic biodiversity conservation context in Buxa, West Bengal, India

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    Potential impacts of sustainable intensification and diversification options for agriculture-based livelihoods in Buxa, West Bengal, India were evaluated using bioeconomic modelling. The baseline scenario involved multiple cropping seasons and a combination of crops on 0.9 ha landholdings, livestock husbandry, and exploitation of common property resources. With capital costs of Rs. 128,180 (US2293)andannualoperatingcostsofRs.37,290(US 2293) and annual operating costs of Rs. 37,290 (US 667), the net benefit generated (excluding depreciation) was Rs. 70,250 (US1257)annually.Thepay−backperiodwas1.8years,andtheInternalRateofReturn(IRR)was53.7 1257) annually. The pay-back period was 1.8 years, and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was 53.7% over 10 years. Allocation of 20 days annually to fishing increased the net benefit to Rs. 75,030 (US 1,342) and IRR to 56.5% with minimal added costs and risks. Adopting the system of rice intensification (SRI) for paddy cultivation on 0.35 ha increased the IRR to 61.1%, while reducing agrochemical and inorganic fertiliser use. Including small-scale fish culture in a 0.1 ha pond integrated in the irrigation scheme for SRI cultivation resulted in an IRR of 77.3% and reduced the pay-back period to 1.3 years. Some risks to biodiversity are apparent with each scenario; however, with appropriate safeguards, sustainable agricultural intensification and livelihoods diversification could bolster agrobiodiversity and social-ecological resilience of highland communities, while alleviating pressure on biodiversity

    Expression of Genes and Their Polymorphism Influences the Risk of Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Introduction. Genetic factors including the level of expression of the fingerprint of genes involved in the development of bones and cartilage such as GDF-5 or ESR-α or CALM-1 are known to be strong determinants of the osteoarthritis (OA) in Caucasian and Oriental populations. Because of high prevalence of OA in Indian population and availability of limited genetic data, we determined whether similar genetic factors are involved in Indians as well. Methods. A case control study was carried out involving 500 patients of knee OA and equal number of healthy controls. Genotyping analyses in whole blood, mRNA, and protein expressions in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were performed using established protocols. Results. Our results showed a significantly decreased level of mRNA and protein expressions for GDF-5, ESR-α, and CALM-1 genes in PBLs of OA cases when compared to healthy controls. The frequency of variant genotypes of these genes was also increased significantly in cases of OA compared to controls. Conclusion. Our results demonstrated that the decrease in expression of GDF-5, ESR-α, and CALM-1 in PBLs and association of polymorphism in these genes may be important in predicting the severity and thereby the progression of OA in Indian population