255 research outputs found

    ESAR: Energy Saving Ad Hoc Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks support multi hop routing where the deployment of central base station is neither economic nor easy. Efficient routing of the packets is a major challenge in the ad hoc networks. There exist several proactive (like DSDV etc.) and reactive (Like AODV etc.) routing algorithms for the dynamic networks.The ESAR algorithm selects the path with minimum cost value indicating that the path has the shortest distance to the destination and has the maximum of the minimum available battery power of the node among the different paths. This selected path is chosen as the best path for packet transmission till any node in the path exhausts battery power beyond a threshold value. At this point of time, a backup path having the next lower cost is selected as an alternate path for packet transmission. The process is repeated till all the paths from the same source to destination are exhausted with their battery power. When this situation occurs, the cost of the paths is re-calculated and the process continues. The simulation result of the proposed algorithm ESAR enhances the network life time over the AODV and EEAODR algorithm

    Modern lifestyle, Non Veg Food and Its Impact on Environmental Aspects

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    Background Human s life style has changed dramatically over the time The consumption of meat and meat production has increased radically through out the world Global demand for food is expected to increase by 70 by 2050 FAO 2009 This excessive growth in meat production consumption brings several impacts on environmental resources The paper discusses change in people s lifestyle and consumption pattern of non veg food all over the world The consequences of meat production live stock farming on water land use rain forest and climate change are discussed Materials and methods Data from U S Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Service 2010 is used for meat consumption analysis Global data of 1965-2005 obtained from the U N Food and Agricultural Organization FAOSTAT livestock database is used for projectio

    A Comparative Analysis of Gender Related Development Index and Gender Empowerment Measures of Nepal

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    Human development paradigm is one of the emerging development models which is widely accepted all over the world This paper tries to shed light on the methodology applied by Nepal for calculating GDI and GEM and it also focuses on the trend and pattern of GDI and GEM in Nepal The primary objective of this study is to examine the change in pattern of GDI and GEM of Nepal over the last 10 years from 1996 to 2006 This study is based on the secondary source of information collected from the Nepal Human Development Reports NHDR 1998 to 2009A D The study indicates that desegregation of GDI and GEM at sub national levels has enormous differences in terms of human development especially from gender perspective The level of both GDI and GEM has increased over the time the value of GDI has improved from 0 267 in 1996 to 0 499 in 2006 Likewise the value of GEM has also increased form 0 191 in 1996 to 0 496 in 2006 but still it has not reached in satisfactory level particularly while comparing the status of these two indicators in development regions there is wide gap This study can be effective for policy intervention and further planning for women empowermen

    Behavioural Fault tolerant control of an Omni directional Mobile Robot with Four mecanum Wheels

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    This paper analyses the four-mecanum wheeled drive mobile robot wheels configurations that will give near desired performance with one fault and two faults for both set-point control and trajectory-tracking (circular profile) using kinematic motion control scheme within the tolerance limit. For one fault the system remains in its full actuation capabilities and gives the desired performance with the same control scheme. In case of two-fault wheels all combinations of faulty wheels have been considered using the same control scheme. Some configurations give desired performance within the tolerance limit defined while some does not even use pseudo inverse since using the system becomes under-actuated and their wheel alignment and configurations greatly influenced the performance

    Evaluating the performance of indian banking sector using DEA during post-reform and global financial crisis

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the performance of Indian banking sector in terms of efficiency, returns to scale, and total factor productivity change. The technique of data envelopment analysis is applied due to its flexibility to incorporate multiple inputs and multiple outputs without any underlying assumption on the functional form. There is growing tendency of public sector banks operating under increasing returns to scale, implying that substantial gains could be obtained from altering scale via either internal growth or consolidation in the sector. In terms of productivity, the results show a positive change in both the sectors due to technological change, possibly as a result of adoption of latest technology and new business practices in post reform period. However, there is an evidence of shrink in the market and negative growth in productivity in both the sectors during the period of global financial crisis. The main contribution of the paper is to empirically provide the evidences to resolve the debate if the global financial crisis had any impact on the performance of banking sector in India

    Information Seeking Behavior in Digital Environment: A study of Post Graduate and PhD Students of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar

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    Information seeking behavior (ISB) is defined as a human habit that entails a conscious search for information in order to fill a gap. In a University, a user visits the university library first when he/she needs information. The information seeking behavior varies for different user categories. Examining the information demands and behaviors of agriculture students, particularly those at OUAT, is the main goal of this study. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data for this research. A total of 245 fully completed surveys, representing an 87.5 percent response rate, were returned from 380 surveys distributed to graduate (PG) and doctoral (PhD) students from various colleges and departments. The results indicate that most resources and services are useful, and that the use of ICT in libraries has had a significant impact on the information seeking behavior of PG and PhD students at the Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology in Bhubaneswar

    Role of microbes as cleaning degrading industrial wastes for environmental sustainability- A Reveiw.

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    Public Concern about environment is a very important component necessary for the existence of both man and other biotic organisms. The degree of sustainability of the physical environment is an index of the survival and well-being of the entire components in it. Additionally, it is not sufficient to try disposing toxic/deleterious substances with any known method. The best method of sustaining the environment is such that returns back all the components (wastes) in a recyclable way so that the waste becomes useful and helps the biotic and a biotic relationship to maintain an aesthetic and healthy equilibrium that characterizes an ideal environment. In this review paper we discuss biological method of environmental sustainability which seeks to investigate the various biotechnological tools (biotools) in current use and those undergoing investigations for future use. &nbsp


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the disease prevalence and drug utilization pattern in the department of cardiology in a tertiary care hospital in northeastern India.Methods: Indoor case papers 112 of patients fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in this study. The study was performed in between December 2014 to February 2015. Case papers analyzed and documented for demographic variables, indication, disease prevalence, co-morbidities and prescribing pattern of the physician.Results: A total of 112 cases were evaluated. Patients of age group between 61-90 y were diagnosed 48.21% of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Male patients (67%) were diagnosed CVDs more than female patients (33%). Our findings indicated that hyperlipidemia (84.82%), hypertension (80.35%) and ischemic heart disease (66.96%) were most frequently diagnosed disease and most of the diseases were treated by the combination of two or three drugs. The use of statins, beta blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE) inhibitors was very common. Diabetes, anemia and asthma were the comorbidities associated with CVDs.Conclusion: Hyperlipidemia, hypertension and ischemic heart disease were the prevalent diseases among CVDs. Statins and antihypertensive were most prescribed drugs. Combinations of drugs were prescribed to the patients for effective therapy. The present study will help the healthcare professionals to optimize the efficient and safe use of cardiovascular drugs.Keywords: Ischemic heart diseases, Hypertension, Rational, Health professional

    Effect of Nucart VG (Boswellia serrata in combination with veg glucosamine sulphate) in comparison with glucosamine sulphate to improve quality of life of knee osteoarthritis patients: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Boswellia serrata has been proved to be an effective and safe herb for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). This study aims at assessing the synergistic effect of this herb with vegetarian glucosamine sulphate, a nutritional supplement, on knee osteoarthritis using quality of life indicators.Methods: This was an open label, parallel group randomized trial of 12-week duration. Sixty-six subjects were equally randomized to two treatment arms: Boswellia serrata extract (600 mg) and glucosamine (750 mg) [Nucart VG]; and glucosamine sulphate (market comparator) 750 mg. Patients were administered 1 tablet twice-a-day post-meal for three months. Efficacy of treatment was measured on primary end-points like EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) (health status indicator), visual analogue scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) scale (pain indicators), while safety was measured in terms of vital parameters. Both intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol (PP) analyses were performed for comparing scores between the two groups.Results: The baseline characteristics of patients between two groups were insignificantly different (p>0.05). In ITT analysis, the health status (EQ-5D score) of patients in Nucart VG group improved significantly than the comparator group at follow up 2 (p=0.037) and showed further improvement at follow up 3 (p=0.012). The pain indicators i.e. VAS and WOMAC scores were significantly lower in Nucart VG group right from follow up 1 till follow up 3 (p<0.05). Similar were the observations during PP analysis.Conclusions: Nucart VG is beneficial for the treatment of mild to moderate knee OA, as inferred from the functional and health status assessment