711 research outputs found


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    Ulcerative colitis is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease with a relapsing nature. It is a very challenging disease affecting a patient during the most active period of his life i.e. 20 to 40 years of age. The main features are ano-rectal bleeding with increased frequency of bowel evacuation, general debility and abnormal structural pathology in the descending colon, particularly sigmoid colon. In modern medical science, there is no permanent curative treatment for this disease. This study can be helpful for reducing the need of steroids and surgical processes in the patients of ulcerative colitis. A clinical study of 5 patients of ulcerative colitis has been conducted at the O.P.D. and I.P.D. SKAMC & RH, Bangalore. They were treated with Pichha basti for 8 days in Yoga basti schedule. Results were analyzed statistically by using the t test. In this study, it was observed that the symptoms and signs were reduced by more than 73% with a highly significant result


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    Arshas or hemorrhoid is quite a common problem observed both in men and women. It can be a recurrent and painful intrusion in life. Even young people who are in good shape can get Arshas. The incidence of Arshas is increasing day by day due to the influence of western food habits, diet which contains very less amount of soluble fibre, inappropriate diet regimen and Vegadharana (suppression of natural urge to defecate) which causes constipation. Other factors which trigger Arshas are improper toilet habits, sedentary work style or strenuous work, prolonged periods of standing or sitting, prolonged travelling on two wheelers and overweight. Its incidence increases as age advances, and at least 50% of people over the age of 50 years have some degree of hemorrhoidal symptoms. Therefore, simple lifestyle changes can effectively reduce the recurrence of this common and painful condition. There is a wide spread description of etiological factors and pathogenesis of Arshas in Ayurvedic literatures as well as surgical textbooks. The measures of prevention such as implementing various Pathyapathyas with respect to Ahara and Vihara (diet regimen and simple life style changes) have great importance in the present day scenario. By understanding the Nidana and samprapti the various preventive measures can be interpreted rightly and implemented so that it will prevent the disease Arshas. Therefore the need for the understanding of the Pathyapathya of Arshas along with certain life style changes becomes valuable for the common man as well as the physicians in the preventive and the curative aspects of the disease. There by, we can prevent occurrence and recurrence of Arshas


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    Skin is the largest organ of the body. Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness. Acharya Sushruta advised certain procedures for the management of skin abnormalities under the heading of Vaikrutapaha chikitsa. These include procedures like Pandukarma (hypopigmentation), Krishnakarma (hyperpigmentation), Romasanjanana (repilation), Lomapaharana (depilation), Pratisarana (rubbing), Utsadana (stimulating granulation) and Avasadana (depressing granulation). Inclusion of such procedures light up the fact that cosmetology was given utmost importance even in the Vedic period.  In modern day practice of Ayurveda, Vaikrutapaha chikitsa remains unnoticed in the shadow of surgical measures. These days people need faster results. So they usually opt for procedures that can result in faster relief like facial surgery, laser hair removal, hair transplants, chemical skin peels etc. These are usually costly and may be out of reach of common man. So there arises a need for a result oriented procedure which is natural, cost effective and devoid of side effects. Having said that Vaikrutapaha chikitsa comes into picture in this aspect. There is no doubt that if these procedures are properly adopted in practice, it could bring lot of positive approach among the needy. Every human desires to look beautiful. With the advancement in various ultratechnology, maintenance of beauty has been made easy. But there is equal demand for natural methods and principles in keeping skin, mind and body healthy to remain beautiful. In this circumstances Vaikrutapaha chikitsa stands unique


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    Guillain-Barré syndrome is a disorder which is caused by the body's immune system attacking its own peripheral nervous system. The syndrome afflicts about one person in 100,000. Either gender can be affected in any age group especially between ages 30 and 50, however risk increases with age. It often follows a minor infection Most of the time, signs of the original infection have disappeared before the symptoms of Guillain-Barré begin. Guillain-Barré syndrome damages parts of nerves. This nerve damage causes tingling, muscle weakness, and paralysis. Guillain-Barré syndrome most often affects the nerve's covering (myelin sheath). Such damage is called demyelination and it causes nerve signals to move more slowly. Damage to other parts of the nerve can cause the nerve to stop working altogether. It is a paralyzing syndrome which can have dire consequences if not managed by an informed medical team. This article will explain how this disorder begins, how it is managed in Ayurveda. It can be compared to Kaphavruta vyana, so approach is to treat Kapha first and then to Vata with Brihmana chikitsa


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    Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is emerging as a main cause of menstrual irregularities, mainly observed in age group of 12-45 yrs of age. Based on present data available, 5-15% of females suffer from this condition that includes symptoms like obesity, irregular menstrual cycle, hirsutism etc. In Ayurveda though exact correlation cannot be ascertained, it can be better explained under Rasa nimittaja vyadhi, where the involvement of Medo dhatu, Vata and Kapha doshas are seen. Madhutailika basti which carries numerous positive clinical results as per the classical reference based on the various pharmacological properties on Medo dhatu dustigata vyadhis, because of its ingredients. Based on the available references, Madhutailika basti along with other Shaman ausudhis are taken for a pilot observational study at Shri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Vijayanagar Bangalore. Post approval of the institution ethical committee, Madhutailika basti was administered to selected patients for a period of 8 days followed by administration of Shaman aushadis for a period of next 3 months. The overall results showed marked improvement in 70%, moderate improvement in 20% of the patients. All patients completed the study successfully without any drop outs


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    Nosocomial infection (NI), also known as hospital-acquired infections, has had increased attention due to the significant morbidity and mortality caused by NI worldwide. Transmission of NI is believed to occur predominantly via the mode of pathogen exchange to and from contaminated hands. Thus, maintaining clean and microbe free hands gains a lot of scientific and clinical scope. Accordingly, hand hygiene techniques (using hand sanitizers particularly) to eliminate disease-causing microbial bugs have been considered one of the primary-most infection blocking methods. Several scientific studies have validated the clinical efficacy of hand sanitizers against the most commonly involved microbial strains in the pathogenesis of NI. The goal of this study was to evaluate the bactericidal activity of the study material Clean Hand Gel, a specialized herbal hand sanitizer with bio-actives enriched with the goodness of Camphor, Cumin seeds, Vetiver, Citrus and Neem. The study material was evaluated for its bactericidal activity against the specified microorganisms (Bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus hirae species) by time kill assay. Data indicated that the tested product at 20% concentration when tested for 120 seconds of contact time against specified bacterial species resulted in considerable logarithmic reductions of 0.03, 0.125, 0.097 and 0.091 in the bacterial viable counts of Staphylcoccus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus hirae, respectively. It can be concluded that InnoVisions Clean Hand Gel with its tested in vitro effects against clinically important NI causing bacterial organisms S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and E. hirae, can be used as an effective herbal hand sanitizer in controlling the transmission of disease causing microorganisms (specified bacteria) from hand to hand and can have potential implications in controlling measures against the spread of associated diseases.


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    Tamaka Shwasa is one among the major disease explained in Ayurveda is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Vata dosha in Pranavaha srotas. The condition is analogous to bronchial asthma as explained in modern medical science. India has an estimated 15-20 million Asthmatics every year and the disease occurs at very young age that survey states one in every six child under the age of 16 is affected.Asthma is characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing which vary in severity and from person to person. It is a chronic condition, which frequently requires continuous medical care, comprising of different routes of administration and the important one is the inhalation route which has been developed to administer the drugs by delivering to site of action and to get immediate effects. Most of our Acharyas have explained different treatment modalities in the management of Tamaka Shwasa that consists of Shodhana, Shamana and Tarpana, but the concept of ‘Arka prayoga’ is explained in Arka Prakasha which stands unique. The book written by Ravana has explained different drugs used to prepare Arka (Extraction of active principles through the distillation process), its preparation method, qualities and application of Arka on different diseases internally as Pana along with its dosage in detail. In the study during the attack of Shwasa one group was administered Ardraka arka pana and the second group was administered Dhumapana (inhalation) with Ardraka arka by Nebulization method to conceptualize the study and parallel new perspective to rising trend in management of asthma in exacerbated condition. Statistical significance of selected criteria showed highly significant results in Dhumapana (Nebulization) by proving that natural therapies like Ayurveda can provide a better direction in improving the quality of life of Shwasa patients without any adverse effects of medications


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    Dry eye also known as keratoconjuctivitis sicca or xerophthalmia, is a multi-factorial disease that results in discomfort, visual disturbance and tear film instability with potential damage to the ocular surface on progress of the disease, if proper steps are not adopted for prevention or management from the beginning of the disease. Dry eye is accompanied by increased osmolarity of the tear film and inflammation of the ocular surface. It is a commonest ocular disorder especially among the elderly because of reduction in tear film secretion. As far as the prevailing practices available for dry eye are concerned, no specific treatment is effective addressing the symptoms visualized in dry eye. The condition dry eye can be well compared to Sushkakshipaaka (Sushka=Dry, Akshi=Eye, Paaka=inflammation) explained in Ayurveda owing to its simulating clinical features and pathogenesis. Various regulated principles of management are in place addressing the above clinical complications by reaching the target tissues and receptors for enriching the ocular surface, and thus extending milestone in recovering from dry eye symptoms. Thus patients (n=10) registered with dry eye in outpatients department of Shalakya tantra of Shri Kalabyraveshwara Ayurveda Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Bangalore, were taken up for the study and treated with Jeevantyadi ghrita tarpana five days of two sittings with an interval of ten days. There was no drops outs and treatment event was successful


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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary group of degenerative eye diseases caused by genetic mutations affecting retina that lead to severe vision loss and blindness. In Ayurveda, the conditions like Kapha vidagdha drushti, Hraswajadya and Dhoomadarshi which has night blindness as the cardinal feature can be simulated to different stages of RP. Certain authenticated therapies are explained in our ancient literature which are time tested such as Tarpana (Nourishing eye bath therapy), Putapaka (eye bath therapy), Anjana (Collyrium), Nasya (Processed liquid instillation through nostrils by drops or powders), Sirodhara (application of continuous stream of oil over the head), Vasti (Medicated enema) etc. through which considerable results are achieved. The drugs and procedures described in Ayurveda have probable mode of action in crossing the blood retinal barrier, a protective measure of cells surrounding the retina. The extent of benefit in alleviating the clinical features of RP happens possibly because of the phytonutrients present in the formulations applied through various procedures crossing the blood retinal barrier. To validate the management protocol explained in classics, a retrospective study was conducted on five patients selected from the OPD/IPD of Dept of Shalakya Tantra of Sri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital & Research centre, Vijayanagar (SKAMCH & RC). The results assessed statistically proved significant in certain parameters indicating a beneficial effect in reducing the subjective symptoms of Retinitis pigmentosa


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    Kidneys are the organs that have numerous biological roles in maintaining the homeostatic balance of body fluids by removing wastes out of the body. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has always remained a major area of concern since a long time as it leads to irreversible deterioration in renal function which classically develops over a period of years. CKD is considered when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below 30 ml/min. The conventional approach of management includes dialysis and renal transplantation, which are not easily affordable. If still can afford it, these costs have to be borne for life time and where in the complication problems after a transplant may include post-operative complication, bleeding, infection, vascular thrombosis and transplant rejection. Therefore, exploration of a safe and alternative therapy is needed, which proves to be helpful in reducing the requirement of dialysis and in postponing the renal transplantation. Ayurveda highlights the significance of Trimarma viz., Sira, Hrudaya, and Basti which are to be protected, if not may lead to many trivial diseases and may turn fatal. Though Basti Marma is identified structurally as bladder, the entire functional aspect of renal system is to be considered among which functioning of Kidneys occupies the major place. If we consider CKD as the disease affecting Basti Marma, then Basti Karma can be adopted as the treatment of choice as it is told to be best for Marma Paripalana. In this regard, a study was designed to manage the conditions of chronic kidney disease with Triphaladi Niruha Basti administered in Kala basti pattern along with Shamana Aushadis. The study revealed that there is marked improvement in reducing the clinical and laboratory manifestations of CKD
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